Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Tell Her or You Will Regret it

Natalia was at home when I arrived. I wasn’t in the best of moods. Well lately I had only been in a good mood when I was with Peyton, and even then she put me in a bad mood when she asked about Natalia.
“Babe you are home.” Natalia smiled and kissed me, I reluctantly kissed back.
“Yeah, how was your day with your boy?” I asked trying to sound interested, but in fact my mind was running around in circles trying to think of what to do about Peyton.
“Pretty good for my last day with him, I guess he understands, I hope he understands. What about your girl, does she even know what is going on yet?” she asked pulling me from my thoughts.
“My day with her was amazing. We had a photo shoot and she was included in that and then a privet one with just me and her. We came out with some really cool photos. About her knowing what is going on… well I can’t find it in myself to tell her. I get so scared that if I tell her she is going to hate me.” I rambled as I dropped myself on the couch.
“The longer you keep it from her Jack the more she is going to hate you in the long run.” Natalia spoke wisely. “She has work tonight doesn’t she?” I nodded blankly. “Well go in and tell her you big goof! There is three weeks until we get married and honestly, if you turn up one day married and she didn’t know she is going to kill you.” Natalia scolded me.
“Okay okay, b-but you know we are going to get into a massive argument. She isn’t going to like it one bit.” I explained.
“I know, none of us do, and this isn’t a world where every day someone has an arranged marriage. Not in our day anyway. God I’m sure both of us wish we were different people.” She rambled, her hands on her hips. “Besides, Barakat you have bigger things to worry about then some girl. You have a band and fans to uphold.” She frowned.
“Well I guess. Peyton starts work in an hour, well at least I think she does.” I sighed and stretched. “Natalia, what do we plan on doing?” I asked and crossed my legs on the couch. May walked past and smiled at us. I glared back and looked up at Natalia.
“I honestly don’t want to get married. Not to you anyway, no offense. But I don’t love you. The best thing for me to do is get married to you and then divorce you.” She sighed and sat next to me. “And you love Peyton. I’m getting that. Just tell her tonight. And if you don’t try again tomorrow.” She smiled. “Your mother wants me to go wedding dress shopping now so I’ll see you tonight.” With that she left the room and I decided to go see Alex, he’d know exactly what to say.

When I talked to Alex about what I should do he told me exactly what Nat told me. ‘Tell her you idiot’. He decided he wanted to come see Peyton again. So we left together.
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okay it is short i know. buuuuutttt that's okay because i will update again soon. well after i get back from PT (Parent Teacher) *shudders* Wish me luck.
