Memories That Fade Like Photographs


I hammered the nail into my lounge room wall and hung the canvas on the wall. When I was happy with where it sat I looked at it. I sighed and ran my hand across Jack’s jaw line. I sighed and noticed I was still wearing the white dress. I shrugged and quickly got changed, I rushed out the door and down to work.
“Afternoon Ronnie.” I smiled. “Katie in?” I asked even if I hated her.
“Yeah she’s out back getting changed, you look pretty today.” He smiled.
“As opposed to every other day.” I laughed and walked behind the bar.
“I didn’t mean it like that Pey. You cut your hair and you have makeup on. It’s nice.” He tried to regain himself.
“Ronnie, I knew what you meant I was playing. Go in your office and do paper work, Lil should be in soon.” I smiled and watched the customers pile in. I served drinks and swayed my hips to the pop music being played. It was The Cab – I AM who I AM, I smiled and danced a little. Customers liked it when I was perky. It just gave off a better mood.

The night went on, it was a band theme tonight and A Rocket To The Moon were playing. I laughed and bounced around the bar. I laughed at some of the lyrics and decided instead of my normal break I’d go dance. Tiger Lilly took over and I went to dance. I was having fun, lots of fun.
“Hello lovely.” Jack smiled. I blushed and looked up at him.
“Hey, what’s up?” I swayed a little.
“Well I came to talk to you.” I rolled my eyes and took his hand. I pulled him into a booth and looked at him. “So how were the photos?” he asked just to get on topic.
“Great thank you. I put the canvas up in the lounge.” A smile tugged at my lips and I thought of my new piece of art.
“Wont people speculate?” Jack asked cocking his eyebrow.
“People can speculate all they want, why do you care if they speculate?” I asked
“No I don’t care I just… never mind.” He sighed.
“Jack what did you need to talk about?” I asked after a moment of silence between us.
“Well what you’ve been asking about… but I can’t, you’ll hate me.” He sighed. I fumed. I was sick of his games.
“You know what Jack. If you love me like you say you do, you’ll tell me. But until you gave the god damn guts to come up to me and be honest about everything that is going on, don’t bother talking to me. I don’t want to get angry at you anymore. I love you.” I sighed and walked back behind the bar. I resisted from tearing up. I put on a smile and went on for the rest of the night. Tonight I was going to spend another night with Alex. Who was coincidentally dancing over to the bar.

I giggled at Alex and poured him his drink.
“He tell you?” Alex asked drinking the shot.
“Nope, I forbid him from talking to me unless his going to tell me what is going on.” I smiled triumphantly. Alex laughed and shook his head.
“You are going to kill him Peyton.” Alex admitted drinking another shot.
“Well if it make him talk so be it.” I frowned serving another customer. “So I’m coming home with you tonight.” I smiled back at him.
“Sounds good.” He smiled. I walked around and cleaned a few of the booths. I helped Lil behind the bar and did my best to ignore the booth that was littered in empty glasses. It was Jack’s table and he was pretty screwed up.
“Pey, I can’t serve your friend anymore drinks; he might be a fun drunk but his to upset for me to give him more alcohol.” Lil said as she turned to see Katie chatting to Jack. I rolled my eyes. “Look even if you’re angry with him, can you at least get him home safe, and I’ll cover the end of your shift.” She gave me a sympathetic look. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him and pushed Katie out of the way.
“Come on Jack. Let’s get you home.” I sighed and helped him out.
“I thought I’m not allowed to talk to you?” he asked ending with a hic-up. His words were a little hard to understand but I got there.
“I never said I couldn’t talk to you. Now come on you big lug, go home.” I took him out sides and pushed him into a taxi. I gave the driver the address to send him to and told him not to send him anywhere else but there. I closed the door and waved goodbye.

“Ready to go back to the apartment?” Alex asked holding his head.
“Sure.” I smiled and walked back to Alex’s apartment. By the time we got back my feet were dead. I’d done way to much walking for the night. I collapsed on the bed and closed my eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep.
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okay so there is literally three chapters left and the story is finished. though there is room for a sequel if you guys want one.
you just have to tell me and I'll make it happen...

Love Cass