Memories That Fade Like Photographs

I Already Knew

It had been two weeks since Jack had spoken normally to me, and the only time he would actually acknowledge me was when he was at Alex’s with me. And even then the stupid cow who was marrying him was always there. He couldn’t even come into the bar without her. But today was different, today she was no-where in sight. It was just me and Jack in my apartment. He had come over unannounced. I was very surprised but I had to let him in, even if I was angry at him for not telling me about the mystery girl. Wait he didn’t even know I knew.
The look on Jack’s face was one that I’ve only seen once before; it was the day I found her standing outside his house. It was a look of guilt and remorse.
“Peyton Jessica Elizabeth York.” Jack started grabbing my hands and sitting me down on the couch with him. “I haven’t been completely upfront with you about Natalia and seriously I’m a fucking jerk for it. But I want you to know I love you, and I always will. Now I’d like to explain that-” I cut him off with a sigh and started talking.
“Jack, I know who she is and I know why she is here, I’ve known for a full three weeks. I know you are getting married on your birthday and you have no reason to be sorry. I accept that you won’t ever be mine... just please, please don’t forget I love you too.” I let the tears roll down my cheeks. Jack’s mouth was gaped. He just stared at me. I sighed and kissed his lips lightly, pulled away and walked into my room. Sat on my bed and cried. When I say cried I mean I was heaving, sobbing, loudly. The door slowly creaked open and Jack slid in and lovingly wrapped his arms around my shoulders before lowering himself to eye level.

“Peyton, who told you?” he spoke softly and kissed my nose.
“Alex” I sniffed “But don’t get angry I demanded to know what was going on and why this chick was here.” I wiped away my tears and looked at him. His expression was sympathetic.
“I should have told you.” He frowned, more at himself than anything else. “And I mean before you even saw her. I love you too much to hurt you. And that's exactly what I’ve done. I’ve hurt you, brought you to tears. I never wanted any of this.” The look in his eyes told me his words were genuine.
“Look, I love you too, but whatever goes on with her… I don’t want to know. I’m going to run away from it all. All of it. I don’t want it. I don’t need it. I need to leave, a fresh start. I don’t know what I’m going to go without you guys, but I promise I’ll buy every CD and I’ll go to every concert. Just to see your face.” I looked up at him tears forming again. “I want to go away so you don’t have to worry about if your upsetting me. I don’t want you to agonize.”
Jack looked at me. He opened his mouth, shushed me and began to talk. “Peyton, don’t you dear leave, not before the wedding, we plan on getting divorced. She doesn’t love me and I don’t love her. We both know that. Don’t go away. I want you here with me. If the world was ending I would run with you, but it’s not Peyton York. It’s just begging and I want it to end knowing that I have what I want” he cupped my face and made me concentrate on every word he said.
“fine I’ll come to the god damn wedding. But only for you.” I huffed and kissed his nose.
“Thank you.” He smiled “Do you remember the dress you wore in this photo?” he asked picking up the picture of me and him looking at each other. I had printed it out the day after I put it on my laptop. I looked over it admiring the photography.
“Yes, I have it is hanging in my wardrobe, I never took it off.” I sighed running my hand lightly over the photo.
“I want you to wear that.” He smiled “The wedding is only a week away.”
“But Jack it’s sworn that no other female is allowed to wear white on that day but the bride!” I argued looking at him wide eyed.
“it won’t be fully white, you have the black belt. Besides. I don’t want to remember what Natalia wears. I want to remember what you wore.” He whispered looking over the photo once again.

I laughed at him and gave him a hug,
“For someone who made me angry, you are pretty good at making me happy.” I giggled and started at him. He frowned
“Peyton that makes no sense at all, I haven’t done anything but sit here and talk.” I shrugged at him and told him he was forgiven for keeping secrets but he was never to do it again. He laughed back and hugged me tightly to his chest.
Everything felt right once more.
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OKAY 2 chapters left, who wants a sequel? who thinks this sucks? who loves it? i'd love to know.
anyway thank you to The Freak Show, i love you. seriously :)
