Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Man ***

My shift ended and Alex had surprised me. He hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol all night. He drove everyone home apart from me. He took me back to his apartment. I gave him a weird look as he opened my door for me.
“Being a gentleman are you?” I laughed.
“What don’t you believe I can be a gentleman?” he asked looking hurt again. I giggled and kissed his cheek.
“Of course I know that.” I called back as I skipped into the apartment building.
Alex opened the apartment door and I bounced in and jumped on his bed almost passing out. I was so tired.
“How can you be so hyper yet so tired?” he asked as he came and sat next to me on the bed.
“Comes from years of dealing with you guys.” I laughed and poked his side. He knew I was only playing with him. I crawled up to the head of the bead and laid my head on the pillow. “You know, I really don’t like seeing Jack like that.” I sighed.

Alex looked like he didn’t know what to say, he also looked somewhat cute.
“Pey, what do you see in him?” he asked with a serious face. I couldn’t help but giggle, I have never seen Alex with a serious face like the one he had on now. He glared at me “I’m serious, answer the question will you.” He glowered. I was silent for a few seconds. The silence felt like forever.
“I-I I don’t know” I stuttered. I thought hard about it, and I really wasn’t sure why I felt something for him.
“There has to be a reason.” Alex spoke lightly. It was almost a whisper. But before I could answer an extremely familiar voice burst through the door.
“Alex are you home!?” came a distressed voice. It was Jack’s. My eyes widened and I went to get up. But Alex sat me back down and pulled the covers over my shaking body before putting his fingers to his lips and imitated me going to sleep. I rolled my eyes and laid my head on the pillow.
“Yeah Jack I’m here.” Alex called leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Jack seemed so upset when he spoke. I wanted to do out there and hug him, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to get in trouble. So I curled up outside the door and listened.
“Alex, she hates me.” Jack screeched.
“Jack you’re being over dramatic” Alex groaned.
“No, she does.” he sobbed, I didn’t get any more of their conversation I fell asleep. I was too drained from the day’s work.

“Morning sunshine” Jack said as I walked into Alex’s lounge room. “Wait a second when did you get here?” he asked frowning at me. I yawned and collapsed next to him laying my head in his lap.
“I slept here, what are you on about.” I yawned closing my eyes. He picked up a strand of my hair and twirled it around his fingers. I heard a door open and footsteps.
“Well you two look cozy.” Alex chuckled.
“Shut up Alex!” Jack threw back at him.
“Peyton, you never answered the question I asked you last night.” Alex said poking me.
“And you’re not getting it either.” I told him opening my eyes to look at him. “Not now anyway” I sighed and closed my eyes. Alex poked my side again. I giggled and opened my eyes again. He pouted at me and begged me to answer his question. Jack stayed quiet and wore a questioning face. “Nope, you’ll have to wait.” I smiled and sat up. “ALEX, I’m hungry what’s for breaky?”
Alex winced and said “Whatever you want go cook it.” Before standing up and disappearing into his room. More then likely to go have a shower.

I got up and walked into the kitchen.
“Jacky? Do you want anything to eat?” I smiled at my pet name. I knew Jack hated it and that's why I called him it.
“UGH what have I told you about calling me Jacky? And yes I would I’ll have three eggs, five pieces of bacon and three slices of bread” his voice kept getting closer and closer as he ordered his breakfast. And before I knew it his arms wrapped around my waist embracing me in a baggy hug. I turned in his arms and laughed.
“Sounds like you’re eating for you and me. So how about we share?” I asked hoping he’d say yes.
“Peyton… of course, we can share.” His brown eyes looked into mine, shining like the sun in my own. But something about the pause made my curious as to what he was actually going to say. I ignored it and commenced cooking with Jack watching me float around the kitchen with ease.

“You look like you’ve cooked here a million times” Jack commented leaning on the bench next to me. I smiled and let out a slight laugh.
“Maybe because I have, you underestimate the amount of time I spend here Barakat.” I declared as I took my eyes off the food to look at him. I went back to cooking for the two of us.
“So what’s the go between you and Alex if you’re spending so much time here?” he inquired but I didn’t answer I just kept cooking. “And especially if you’re constantly sleeping in his bed Pey, you know that kids a man whore.” He frowned. I lost control of my composure and went into a fit of giggles. Jack dished up while I laughed. "Peyton York! What is so funny?” Jack took both sides of my face in his palms and made me look at him.
“You’re calling Alex a man whore? Have you seen yourself lately Jack? You’ve had billions of girls surround you every blooming night you’re getting dunk more often and you more than likely take a girl home every night. Alex isn’t a man whore compared to you lately Barakat.” I rambled and couldn’t believe I’d let all my anger for him out.

Jack’s hands fell to his sides and he stared at me blankly. His eyes looked watery and he couldn’t remove his eyes from the look on my face, the look of disappointment. But it wasn’t just for him. It was disappointment in myself for even letting him know that I hated his behavior.
I decided to try and get him to forgive me for my words, I didn’t mean to upset him I never could “Jack, I’m sorry, I word vomited I’m so sorry.” I wrapped my arms around him in a desperate attempt for him to forgive me.
“Look I’m going to go and eat breakfast. If something is happening with you and Alex go for your life. I don’t care.” He pulled out of my arms and walked away with the plate of food. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak I just watched him walk out of the room. His black hair stuck in all directions and his lanky legs carrying him effortlessly, and with that he was out of sight. And I was left regretting every word I spoke.
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okay so second chapter thank you to JayA7X for her comment, I'm extremely grateful..
more soon.
Cass xox