Memories That Fade Like Photographs


I heard the door slam, I still hadn’t moved from my spot. I decided I should go see what mess I had to clean. To my surprise a slice of bread an egg and two pieces of bacon had been left on the plate for me to eat, but there was no Jack. I guess he was pretty angry with me. I sat on the arm of the couch and slowly ate the leftover breakfast. About a minute after I was finished eating Alex emerged out of his room looking clean and spunky.
“Where is Jack?” Alex frowned looking around the room.
“He left, I upset him Alex.” I couldn’t help it, I cried and ran and pulled him into a tight hug.
“What did you say to him Pey?” Alex kissed the top of my head assuring me to talk to him about it.
I took my time explaining what he asked and said and what I replied with. Alex’s response was “Wow Pey you really told him, but he will get over it. You can chase him if you want, but don’t expect to find him in his apartment. I’d check your work first.” Alex gave me a warming smile. I nodded and kissed his cheek before rushing down the apartment stairs and onto the street where I took a taxi to work.

When I arrived I was greeted by Ronnie.
“Peyton you aren’t due for work for another three hours what in the world are you doing here?” he frowned as I scanned the bar looking for either a boy sitting alone at the bar or a boy flooded with girls.
“Jack” I sighed as I spotted him sitting in a booth at the far side of the club his table held three glasses all but one of them contained alcohol but he was just finishing off the last one.
“Oh your friend? Yes he came in looking pretty upset. Did something happen between you two?” Ronnie looked concerned.
I nodded “But don’t worry about it, it’s nothing major.” I told my manager before making my way over to the slim boy.

I slid into the booth and sat so I was pushed up against Jack. I had startled him.
“Peyton York go away.” Jack told me picking up a fresh drink and taking a sip of it.
“Jack Barakat stop being stupid, I’m not going anywhere. Look I’m sorry for what I said, I truly am but you need to take a look at yourself. I hate seeing you get drunk and have your tongue down a different girl’s throat every hour.” I sighed and took his drink so I could have some.
“Why do you care?” he groaned and took his drink back.
“Because, well.” I couldn’t say it. My heart was racing and I started to shake at the thought of telling the lanky boy in front of me that I loved him.
“What is it Pey, you love me? You can’t bear to see me wasting my life? You can’t bear to see another girl have me?” Jack didn’t look angry, or frustrated. He looked hopeful.
“Jack, I... well, yes.” My heart felt like it was going to break though my ribs and fall onto the table in front of me.
“To what one of those things Pey?” his voice was no longer angry it was calm and collected.
“Jack Bassam Barakat, if you can’t tell that the yes was to all three of those things you doesn’t deserve me.” I smiled and laughed a little. His eyes widened and looked down at me intently.
“You love me? Like love, love me?” I felt like slapping him. He was making my palms sweat and my heart race and if I knew Jack he was doing it on purpose.
“Jack, I LOVE YOU. Are you happy? Now please, will you forgive me?” I yelled and took in a deep breath but before I could exhale soft lips I’d only felt once before in a game of truth or dare hit my own chapped ones. I kissed back and he pulled away. I let out the breath I was holding and looked at him.

I coxed Jack out of my work and down the street. He was a little tipsy so he was also very excitable.
“So, you love me?” he smiled cheekily at him and I punched his arm in annoyance.
“Jack quit it. I had enough trouble yelling out I loved you to a whole club let alone a whole street.” I told him as I linked my fingers with his bony ones. They were defiantly guitarist hands; well they had to be seeing as it’s what he did for a living. He squeezed tight and said:
“It’s only Baltimore. No-one will care.” The cheeky grin returned to his lips and I laughed,
“Jack I love you now quit asking.”
After a while I felt his hand slip out of my own and I watched him slide his hands in his pocket and his head fell to the ground. I frowned and tried to look at him. But he kept looking away from me.
“Jack, what is it?” I shook a little at the hot summer breeze and looked around the street. It was empty apart from a girl sitting on a picket fence, from what I could see it was Jack’s house. I frowned and looked over the figure. “Jack who is that?” my voice shook a little I didn’t know what was going on but I knew it couldn’t have been good if Jack wouldn’t answer me.
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okay i know it's going along at quite a fast pace but i promise it will slow down in the next couple of chapters.
thank you again to JayA7X for her comment, i love knowing what you guys like and don't like. and usually it gives me the motavation to sit down and write so much more.
