Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Finding Out

The closer to the girl I got the more I could see her features. She had dark brown hair with pink tips and was wearing a tight fitting element top that showed off all her curves. Her jeans were light gray and looked like they had been sprayed on her.
“Barakat answer me.” I didn’t know what to say to him all I need to know is who is the girl sitting on my best friend’s fence and why the hell is she there?
“Pey, you need to go. She is a distant memory, a very distant one. One none of us can handle, I promise I will tell you as soon as I can.”
“But Jack I want to come with you.” I pleaded for him to let me in, for him not to keep secrets from me.
“Boo, you are not going to like what she is here for, I can’t have you so upset so soon.” He looked down at me his eyes pleading me to stay away.

I felt eyes on us. When I looked out of the corner of my eyes I could see her watching. “I’m so sorry, I’ll call you later.” with those words he cupped my face in his hands, brought my face to his and left a light kiss on my lips. Even though it was light and compassionate it felt urgent, like it was the last time my lips would ever touch his. I didn’t like that feeling. “Now please go either home or back to Alex’s and only call me if you have to, I could be a while.” He sighed and nudged me in the direction of Alex’s apartment. But I could figure it out, why in the world would a twenty-one year old Jack Barakat be so worried about. It was only a girl. Unless there was something more to this girl.

I decided Alex might know some information on the situation so I went back to the apartment. As soon as I walked in Zack and Alex attacked me in hugs. I laughed and asked Zack if he enjoyed his trip to New York City. He smiled and told me all about it.
“Hey Alex would you know anything about some of the girls from Jack’s past?” I asked when I thought of it.
“I know about a few of them what one in particular? Oh and I take it you two are okay now?” he smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist and crossed one leg over the other.
“Um I don’t know her name but she looked about twenty, dark brown hair, very slender. From a distance she looked almost Lebanese? And yes we were okay for a while. Now his just weird, I blame this mysterious girl.” I frowned as my thoughts turned to her.
“You know Jack is of Lebanese decent yes?” Zack asked. I gave him a look that said ‘NAH of course I knew that!’ Zack threw his hands in the air “I was just asking jeez” I laughed at him.
“Zack we’ve known each other since high school, I know most of everything about you guys!”
Out of nowhere Alex piped up and made a worried face. “FUCK! That's not good Pey, did you ask Jack-o who she was?” his looked mortified.
“He said that she was a distant memory. One no-one could handle… it confused the eff out of me. He wouldn’t give me a name.” I cocked an eyebrow at Alex. “Why do you ask, is something wrong?”

Alex cupped my face and made me look in his eyes.
“When you find out what’s going on please don’t cry, don’t try stopping it, and just let it happen. Don’t involve yourself in it. Promise me you well keep out of Jack’s business from now on?” the worried tone in Alex’s voice made me worried.
“I promise, but why what’s going on! Does it have something to do with the Lebanese Culture? What is going on Alex?” I pleaded hoping it would be enough for him to reveal the secret Jack has kept from me for the past eight years.
“Yes it’s to do with the culture and you can’t stop it once it’s planned. Jack would have done so if he could have.” Alex was avoiding telling me straight out.
“LEX I am a big girl I can take the truth just bloody tell me.” I frowned his hands were still on either side of my face.

“Pey, when Jack was five it was arranged that he were to marry a Lebanese girl. They picked a rather pretty girl named Natalia, she too is half American, and it was arranged that the day Jack turned twenty-two they are to be wed. He was hoping that we had a tour then but sadly for Jack we haven’t got one. The wedding is in a month from today.” Alex looked at me with apologetic eyes. My heart shattered into a million pieces, the boy I’ve loved for most of my life is being taken away from me when I only just got him.
“A-A month, are you serious? On June 18Th and how do they plan on arranging a wedding in a fucking month!” I cried out tears threatening to show their ugly heads.
“Peyton, they have been arranging this since the start of the year. They want it to be perfect! We are sorry we didn’t tell you Pey but we promised not to. Jack feels strongly for you and it would be hard for him to tell you this.” Alex ran his hand down my face and Zack hugged me tightly.

My best friend and my love have all been taken away from me, by a girl I didn’t even know, that Jack didn’t even know.
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okay so this basically sets my story line :)
Thank you to JayA7X for her comment and The Freak Show for her comment :)
P.S I hope to hear from you guys soon