Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Waking Up Alone

When I woke up I was cold, my bed felt empty and I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. Alex’s touch started something. Something that landed me laying in an empty bed naked with no sheets covering me. I was angry, rephrase that, I was furious!
I quickly ran to my wardrobe and took out clothes.
I rushed into the bathroom and started to run the shower. The door moved open I dropped all my clothes and stared at the door, slowly a familiar hand wrapped it’s bony fingers around the edge.
“Is it okay if I come in?” Jack’s voice filled my ears. I gasped and fumbled to grab a towel but he poked his head though before I could grab anything. “Hmm I like that” he smirked at me and I hit his arm.
“Close the door behind you, is Alex still here?” I asked speaking his name with venom dripping off it.
“He is, but what does it matter?” he inquired moving close enough to wrap his arms around me.

In an instant, all troubles were forgotten. Jack lent down and pushed his lips to mine.
“God I have wanted to do this for years.” Jack mumbled and kissed me again. I smiled into the kiss and deepened it. For as long as I can remember I’ve dreamed of having Jack like I had him now.
“Jack, I need a shower, unless you’re coming in with me can you get out?” I questioned resisting just dragging him into the shower.
“I’ll go wait for you in the lounge; do you want me to say anything to Alex?”
“Um can you tell him to wait on my bed for me?” I asked getting into the warm shower.
“Sure, see you in a minute Pey” I heard the door shut and I closed my eyes as I washed the smell of Alex off of me.

After the shower I walked out in one of Jack’s tops and a pair of black skinny jeans.
“You wanted me?” Alex smirked at me looking me over “It’s one of Jack’s tops, what are you doing with that?”
I slapped his arm and gave him an angry look. “You could have mentioned you were still here, I thought you left me! And he left it here once. Nothing much” I took a deep breath and sat down next to him.
Alex bit his lip and looked at me “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to wake you, you were so tired and I just… I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, just next time wake me up so I don’t freak out.” I slowly slid off the bed and walked into the lounge room to find Jack sitting on the couch patting my newly bought kitten.
“I can NOT believe you named this cat Hello Kitty. You’re nuts” he laughed scratching behind it’s ears making it purr loudly.
“Well what do you suggest I name her?” I retorted plopping down onto the couch next to me.
“Barakat” he smiled widely. I laughed at the suggestion, “Jack as if I’m going to name my cat after you. It would be weird.”
Jack looked offended. I hit his arm and sighed, “Fine Barakat, you have a new name.” I scoffed and ran my hand down the kitten’s spine.
“YAY” Jack cheered, “Barakat you better make me proud.” He told the cat. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
“It’s a kitten, not a child.” I emphasized my point.
“It could be our child. I can take it on tour and then you can have her when I’m home.” He seemed to like his idea.
“But I’d miss my baby, you can’t take that from me!” I smirked and picked up the kitten.
“Hm well you’d just have to come on tour wouldn’t you?” Jack’s face inches closer to mine with every word spoken. By the time he was finished his face was very close to my own. “I really want you.” With that he connected his lips with my own. I sat frozen. “Is there something wrong?” he asked pulling away.

I shook my head. And came out of my daze, “Nope, nothing at all.” I grinned and jumped into his lap forcefully connecting our lips. This was going to be one of the last times I felt Jack Barakat’s lips move against my own. I was going to use that to my advantage.
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wow Peyton seems like a big slut here XD oh well.
so i'm loveing my commenter's JayA7X and The Freak Show, they brighten up my day and make me giggle.
updates soon