Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

1 The Crimson

Ash’s POV

“ASH! Open this door right now!”

“Piss off! I told you I don’t feel well.”

“Oh please. A broken heart? Get over it all ready. He was an ass anyways.”

I opened my front door and looked at my best friend. I was going to start yelling at her but stopped myself. I looked into her blue eyes and I rolled my own. I moved to the side and I let her in. I watched her blonde curls bounce on her little waltz in.

I closed my door and I leaned my head against the door, “What do you want?”

“Are those the same clothes you had on last week?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know.”

She came over to me, “Damn girl. When’s the last time you had a shower?”

“Oh fuck you!”

“Hun,” I felt her cold hands on my shoulder, “Go take a bath and I’ll make you something to eat. I know you love my food.”


I shoved her hands off of me and I went to my bathroom. Maybe she was right. I was taking this break up too hard. He did cheat on me after all. Oh god is that what I smell like? Oh eww. I walked into my bathroom and closed the door. A shower couldn’t hurt.

I went over and started my water. Nice and hot. I pulled off my old clothes and jumped into the shower. I sighed as the warm stream hit my head and down my body. I ran my hands through my hair. It was oily. I quickly decided to wash my hair. The brunette locks were in need of being clean.

I continued to wash everywhere and even shaved. After I was content I turned off the water and reached for the towel on the rack. I grabbed it and I dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around me and I went to my bedroom. Ok, clothes.

After getting dressed and made it back into my kitchen. Oh the smell of real food makes me happy. This is why I have Italian friends. I love the food! Danielle, my best friend, had made some noodle dish.

She gave me a plate, “Eat up.”

I took a bite, “I will! This is amazing! I need some of these recipes.”

She smiled and made a plate for herself. We migrated to my couch and we sat and ate. I must have looked like a starved animal. I was shoving this food down my throat but it was so good.


Danielle giggled and smiled, “There is more in the pot.”

I went and got myself more, “Did I tell you I loved you?”

“No, but thank you. So are you back on Earth now?”

I came back, “What?”

“Are you done being sad?”

I smiled, “Yea.”

“Good, so then you can come clubbing with me tonight?”

I groaned, “Please no.”

She looked like she was begging, “Oh come on! Please?”

I shook my head, “No…”

“There is a new punk club that opened.”


She pointed to one of my walls, “Down the street.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Seriously?”

“We should go.”


Syn’s POV

“Will you still hold me when you see what I have done? Will you still kiss me the same when you taste my victim's blood? So crimson and red, I feel it flowing from your lips. My heart is dead and so are you.”

“This place fucking sucks!”

I looked over to Zacky and I smiled, “You won’t hate it for long.”

I heard Matt’s voice travel to my ears, “My, what do we have here?”

Matt was leaning over the balcony and watching something. I stood up and walked over to him. I leaned over the edge and Matt pointed. A blonde chick was dragging another girl in to the club with her. The one being dragged looked as thrilled as Zacky.

“She’d make a good snack.”

Rev moved to the other side of Matt, “Which one.”

“The blonde.”

I smirked, “I’ll take the other one.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright. First chapter.
This was a request and I hope it goes well.
Anyways please comment and subscribe!
It would mean the world to me if you did. :)
Thanks for all the support on my other stories!
Live fast -Alpha