Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

10 New Opinions Equals New Actions

Syn’s POV

“I’m going to kill him!”

“No. No! No, Synyster let’s think about this.” Vengeance was holding onto me and was desperately trying to talk me out of my murder rage that I had as I was heading to Matt’s room, “Come on Syn. You go against Matt and he’ll kill you.”

I look at him, “Do I look like I care?”

I almost laughed at the sight of him. He was on his stomach holding onto one of my legs. I literally was dragging him with me. I tried to pry him off of me but the little bitch has a strong grip.

“Let go Zack.”

“No. Not until you let it go.”

“Damn it Zack get the fuck off of me!” He glared at me and let go, “Thank you.”

I stormed past him and into Matt’s room. He was on top of a girl with his fangs buried into her neck. She let out a final scream before all of her life was gone. He tore his fangs away from her neck and backed off of her. He got off the bed and turned to me. He wiped his lips off with his sleeve and smiled to me.

My fists were balled. I was ready to beat him a new one. I knew if I tried I would get one hell of a beating myself because I knew Matt could kick my ass any day. He seemed to sense my anger. Of course in reply he just smiled and started to walk towards me.

As he started to pass me I grabbed his wrist and he stopped. He looked over to me and could see I meant business. His other hand grabbed my arm and clenched. He removed my arm from his and threw my arm at me.

“I think you should go on a walk Gates.”

“I think we need to talk.”

He smirked, “I don’t think you’re in any shape to talk like a civil person.”

I snapped, “Damn it Shadows! You know she’s mine!”

He rolled his eyes, “Stop getting your panties in a bunch, she’s just a human.”

I growled, “She’s my human!”

Matt seemed to calm down, “Hasn’t bothered you before. Or maybe I’m not looking at this right?”

I looked at him confused, “What are you talking about?”

He smirked and walked past me, “Fine Gates, I’m done with her anyways. I got bored. Go for her. Though do it sooner then later. I’m sure the cops have told her now that Brian Haner Jr is no longer among the living.”

He left and I cursed to myself. I realized that if she told them she was with me they would look into me. Then they would see that I had been deceased for a while. I would need to see her as soon as possible or….

They should have never let my ideas happen.
Ash’s POV

By the time I got home I didn’t care for Matt Shadows. For all I cared for was my bed. But I was never greeted by my bed. I had just placed my keys down there was a knock on me door. There was Officer Morgan looking upset.

I leaned against my door, “What’s wrong?”

He held up a piece of paper in front of me, “Is this the guy you were with?”

I looked at the photo and sure enough there was Syn. I looked closer and it was an article on him being missing and possibly dead. Well, he looked far from dead to me. I looked at the picture and back up to Morgan.

I nodded, “Yes. That is him.”

“Stay away from him. He’s no good.”

I shook my head, “He seemed like an alright guy.”

Morgan’s voice got vile, “He’s best buds with Matt Shadows!”

I was taken back, “What?”

“We have records of him with Shadows.”

I shook my head, “That’s not possible.”

“It is. Listen to me, stay away from him until we can figure out what he wants alright?”

I nodded, “Sure.”

I wasn’t too sure. He left and I closed the door and locked it. What the hell has just happened? It was still a mess in my head. Syn was friends with Matt? How? Why? He didn’t seem like it at the club. Syn didn’t seem to be anything like Matt. It couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t be.

I walked away from my door and walked over to my Cd player. I needed music. I was going to need to think for a while and music always seemed to help. I just turned it on and let it play what it wanted. I think it was on random anyways.

“Lipstick has a way of leaving more then just a mark on my sheets. Coloring my senses cherry red at least for this week. Kisses under starry nights skies.”

I smiled as Gaskarth’s voice greeted my ears and I lay across my couch. I was so confused and frustrated. Not to mention tired as hell. I pulled out my phone and called Mom. I needed some time off.

I got his machine and left a message saying I wasn’t in good shape. I told him I probably shouldn’t go tot work but if he really needed me to call me and let me know. I hung up and laughed a little. It would be funny if I had tomorrow off anyways.

I let my phone fall to the floor and I looked over to my TV that was off. I didn’t want to turn it on. Why bother? All I would hear about is Danny and violence. Hell, maybe a drug bust today. I huffed and rolled onto my side away from the TV. I looked at the pattern of my couch and sighed. It was getting a little old.

I rolled over back to my previous position and reached for my remote. I turned my tv on and flipped through channels. I saw the familiar face of Ian Somerhalder and I placed my remote down.

His voice greeted me as he stared at his co actor, “You’re afraid of me.”

I continued to watch the on going discussion and smiled. Ian Somerhalder always seemed to make my day. I thought of all this things I could do to him and smirked. I hated my perverted side. But come on, everybody has one.

I watched the rest of the episode and eventually passed out on my couch. I needed the sleep. I think my body knew it too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woot the big 10 mark. Though I have a feeling this will be a long one.
I haven’t even really gotten into the story yet.

Yes Taylor you will be in the story I just have to work you in. So be ready :)

Thanks to all my readers and people who leave me comments. It means sooo much to me.

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