Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

11 Let It Out

Ash’s POV

When I heard the knock on my door I didn’t want to get up an answer it. I kind of fell off my couch and forced myself to stand up. I stumbled over to my door and unlocked all the locks. When I pulled it open I was greeted by Syn’s face. I was planning on slamming the door shut but he stopped me. He forced it open and I stumbled backwards.

I stumbled around trying to get distance between us, “Stay away from me! I’m warning you!”

He held his hands up, “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“You fucking know Matt Shadows! They guy that has been harassing me with death threats and you acting like you knew nothing! Don’t tell me you’re not here to hurt me!”

His face lost all emotion and he closed the door. He locked it and I took the chance to run. I ran to the back rooms and into my bathroom. I closed the door and locked it. I looked at my mirror and pulled it away to open the mini cupboard behind it. I found one of my razors and I grabbed it. At least it was something I could use against him.

I pulled the plastic protection piece off and walked towards the door. I couldn’t hear anything but I didn’t want to risk it.

“Ashley, listen to me. What ever the cops told you are lies!”

“Are you kidding? Get the hell out of my house before I kill you.”

A new voice entered the room, “Ashley!”

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my apartment on my couch. Was that really a dream? I looked over at the door and there was my sister Taylor. I looked at her confused, “Taylor? What are you doing here?”

She was my younger sister. She was staying with my older sister for awhile. She and my sister Amy looked alike. I was the odd ball of the bunch. They both had shoulder length dirty blonde hair. I say that because of the different dyes in their hair created different colors when they faded out.

I saw my dog Charles at her feet. He came over and spun in a circle to show he was happy. He jumped on the couch, on top of my feet, and Taylor came over. She waited till I moved my feet and she sat down.

“How’s Amy?”

Taylor smiled, “She’s good. Worried about you though. We both are.”

“I’m fine. Really.”

“I know you are but we both knew how close you were with Danny.”

I was debating on telling her about the recent news of everything that was going on but I didn’t want to scare her. I mean I was scared enough as it was. She continued to tell me the recent day’s events and how she met a new guy.

Jimmy Sullivan was his name. It seemed like a harmless name. She said she was ‘really into him’. I smiled and continued to probe answers about him. She told me that there were planning on going on another date soon and I was excited for her.

She apologized for waking me up and got up off my couch, “I had the spare key so I just came in. I hope you didn’t mind.”

I ran a hand through my hair, “No, it’s fine.”

She gave me hug, “Get some sleep. You look like crap.”

I glared, “Thanks.”

I led her out and closed my door. I locked it and slid down the door. Charles came over and placed his nose down on my leg and sighed. I sighed as well and leaned my head against the door. I was afraid of Synyster now. Who knows what he is actually capable of?

I closed my eyes and I yawned. I was so tired all of a sudden. I got up and Charles followed me to my room. I went over to my bureau and I opened the drawer. I pulled out an over sized tee shirt and closed the drawer. I pulled off my shirt and took off my pants. I placed them in the hamper and pulled on the tee.

I walked over to my bed and Charles jumped up. Even he looked tired. I slipped under the covers and I snuggled next to one of my stuffed animals. Charles placed his head on my pillow next to mine and I pet him a few times. I would be so sad if I ever lost him.

I rolled onto my back and started to think of Synyster. I didn’t know what to do with him. I mean, he seemed innocent though my dream was right. I didn’t know what he was up to or why he knew Shadows. It just seemed like a jumbled mess.

I heard a knock at my door and I didn’t move. I didn’t want to answer because of my dream. It just wasn’t safe. I heard the knock again and felt like I was a little kid hiding from the monster in the closet or something. It was kind of cheesy but I was scared.

Charles jumped off the bed and wandered off out of the room. All I could hear was his tags hitting each other. I sat up in bed and removed the blankets from me. I swung my legs towards the edge of the bed and let my feet connect with the floor. I didn’t remember the floor being so cold. I stood up and walked towards the bedroom door. I could hear the knock continue.

Charles smelled the floor and he seemed intent on his mission. He looked at me and spun in a circle showing enjoyment. I doubt it was someone I wanted to see anyways. He started smelling the floor again and I backed off. I didn’t care. Well, I shouldn’t say that. I wasn’t going to take my dream lightly even if it was a dream.

Syn’s POV

I knocked on Ashley’s door again. I could hear something banging into each other. It reminded me of metal dog tags or something. I could smell a dog but I didn’t recall Ashley having a dog. I could barely smell her but she was in there.

She wasn’t moving either.

I knocked again hoping maybe she’d open the door. I was praying I wasn’t too late. I mean I was planning on taking her anyways but this was too soon. I silently cursed out Matt under my breath and continued to knock. I was losing my patients. I was about to knock again before I looked to the right of me. There stood Zacky.

He spoke through a monotone and yet it held some fear, “You need to get her now or Shadows says he’ll kill her.”

I didn’t need this. Not now at least. Though, time was never on my side. Honestly, it just seemed to make my life hell. I leaned against the door and I could smell Ashley moving towards the door. Zacky was picking up on it too. I sighed and knocked again. She stopped and I swear I could hear something against the door.


There wasn’t a response but Zacky was trying to get me to hurry and then we finally heard our break through, “I don’t know who the hell you think you are for coming here Brian but you better fucking leave before I call the cops.”

Zacky bite his lip so he wouldn’t speak. He looked like he was going to explode. I sighed and turned away from the door. I could wait. I could make Shadows back off for a while. I nodded towards the exit and Zacky followed.

When we hit the elevator he turned to me, “So?”

“We’ll wait.”

“I don’t think Shadows will.”

I smiled, “I know. That will help me.”

Zacky gave me a suspicious look and smirked. He had figured it out. If I could prove that I was a good guy Ashley would trust me. It was the only way I could get her to trust me. In a sense, it would be to screw Shadows over anyways. So, it’s a win win situation.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha! I told you I'd write you in Taylor. It will be a bigger role I promise.

Thanks to my lovely people who comment and make my day <3

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Also, I moved an older story over to Mibba. Read it please? Or at least check it out?
It's called Keep On Preaching, Cause You're Not Teaching. It's a Gerard Way vampire story. It's really short and fast going. I mean it's only 12 chapters. Its not as good as these stories but you might like it. Click here for the link