Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

12 Lacking Their Own

Ash’s POV

I woke up with the fear of Syn in my house. I was so afraid to get out of my bed. He could even be outside my door. Though, I trusted Charles’s judgment. He seemed calmed and almost bored.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I finally looked at my clock. It said it was six thirty. Then I realized is said six thirty pm. I had sleep the night and the day. I must have been tired.

I found my phone and Charles was ready for his walk. I grabbed his leash and headed out. He was so well behaved I honestly didn’t need the leash but I didn’t want to break any rules. We got to the elevator and once we were in I placed the leash on him. He just seemed to wait and stare at me.

I hope he didn’t mind that I forgot his tennis ball again.

Once out we made our way out of the building and down the street. There was a dog park about a block away. It was nice because it was fenced in and dogs could run free. I knew Charles liked that part. He loved to run.

I opened the fence and closed it. Not one was here. So now I got the idea that people didn’t like going out when the sun set earlier then normal. So I bent down and unhooked the leash. Charles didn’t even wait for me to move away. He was off. He just started running for all he was worth. I smiled and slowly started to walk towards the way he was running.

I watched him stop and start sniffing. He went to the fake fire hydrant and picked something up. He came running back and I could see something in his mouth. He stopped at my feet and dropped it. He wanted to play fetch with it.

I bent down to retrieve it and noticed it was a small bag. I opened it up and there was a paper inside. I pull the little paper out and opened it. There was some handwriting on it. Which the handwriting I had become to know so well.

I’m watching you. You look tired. Did you have nightmares last night?
-M. Shadows

I crumpled it up and Charles was spinning in a circle trying to get me to throw the bag. And I did. He went after it and came back. I started walking with him back to the gate to leave when my phone started to ring.

The number was hiding but I answered anyways, “Hello?”

I heard that harsh voice, “Ignoring me again are you?”

“So Shadows, you have the courage to call me huh? I can’t wait till the cops find you and arrest you!”

He laughed, “Oh babe, they won’t catch me. I can make sure of that. But enough of that. This is about you. God I love the way you walk with such nerve. Did anyone ever tell you that you had a tight ass?”

I stopped and I looked around. It was still dark from the sun setting so early. I looked around me. I couldn’t see him. I almost wanted to see him so I knew I wasn’t going crazy. I mean, he could just be fucking with me.

“Where are you?”

“Around. Here and there. Why are you so interested hun? Desperate to see me?”

I picked up my speed a little, “Actually it’s the opposite. I want you to leave me alone. You’ve caused enough damage for me.”

“Oh babe, come on now. I’ve barely done anything.”

“You’re a sick fuck you know that? Then to top it off you send your little minions after me as well.”

“Ah. Gates? Did he stop by last night? I bet you didn’t let him in. I’m glad you didn’t. I’d rather it be the two of us honestly. I was never into threesomes.”

I shook my head, “You are morbid. I can not wait till you’re in prison.”

I could hear him smirk; “Now where is all this confidence coming from? Last time I checked you were scared of me.”

I unhooked the fence and let Charles out. I soon followed. I closed the hatch and spoke with such a mean vile tone, “I realized you were nothing but a punk. A sick little punk trying to ruin lives. I have no idea why you did what you did to Danny but I promise you that you won’t do it to me.”

I turned around and was faced with Shadows in front of me, “Really?”

I back up against the fence and any confidence I had was gone. There he was standing in front of me. He hung up his phone and I think I dropped mine. He was in a dingy Iron Maiden shirt and jeans. His hair was just gelled to no return.

He stepped forward and grabbed onto my now trashing arms. He pinned them against the metal fence and I still writhed under him. His hips connected with mine has he held me in place.

I could hear Charles tugging on Shadow’s pant leg as I spoke, “Let go of me!”

He continued to smile down at me, “Save the screaming for bedroom babe.”

I felt so disgusted right now, “You sick bastard.”

He chuckled again in such a dark way, “Still you insult me when you are like this? Impressive.”

I looked up at him with such hatred, “If you don’t let go of me I’m going to scream my fucking head off.”

He leaned down and I turned my head away from him. His lips found my neck and he placed some light kisses. I groaned when I felt his hips shift against my own. I could feel a budge and tired to keep my mind from going into the gutter.

He pulled away and hissed when Charles had made a successful chomp into Shadow’s leg. He had even let me go. I booked it down the street with Charles on my tail. If I had one.

I could hear Shadows’s laughter down the street and down to the corner I turned. I didn’t stop running till I was in my building. Charles was panting heavily when we made it into the elevator.

When we got to my floor I practically ran to my door. I notice something next to my door. It was my cell phone. I picked it up and let myself in. Charles went in and started to sniff around. I slammed my door shut and locked it.

He had been here. Shadows was here.

I followed Charles and he seemed happy to be home. He looked around the house and came back and sat at my feet. I jumped as my cell phone rang.

I answered without looking at the number, “Shadows! Leave me alone!”

“Um, I don’t know a Shadows but if I see one I’ll let them know.”

I looked at my phone confused, “Who the hell is this?”

The guy responded nicely, “It’s me Steven. The guy who hired you at the club you applied for.”

Well, I felt like a dumbass, “Oh! Yeah! Sorry. It’s been a long day. How are you?”

“Doing better then you I think. Well, I was going to offer you to come work tonight but if you’ve had a long day-”

I cut him off, “No, it’s ok. I’ll come in. What time?”

“Eight would be good.”

“Ok, no problem. I’ll see you then.”

“Alright. Night Ash.”

Now, I had a plan. Shadows would be at the club tonight. I know he would. I mean he’d stalked me ever since I’ve gone to the club. All I needed to do was tell the cops he would be there they could arrest him. I mean that is a good plan is it not?

Let’s just hope I can go through with it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading. Please comment and subscribe. I means a lot to me

Thanks to: xMy Heart Is A Fistx, Dance To This Beat, Daniele Marie, KnifeMistress and the amazing MusicMadness. She’s so badass I love it. :D