Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

13 Warning

Ash’s POV

As I got ready for my first night back as a bartender I called up Officer Morgan. I told him where I was going to be tonight as well as the fact that I knew Shadows wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to come harass me.

I was going simple tonight. I had some black jeans on and a David Bowie shirt. I grabbed a pair of my old converse that were good for running. I never wore them for as an EMT but now would be a good occasion.

Charles was nervous. He was like a protective father. He knew something was up and wanted to know all about it. He kept sniffing my pants trying to sense what I was up to. Not that I really minded. I was happy to know he cared that much.

I topped off his food and water. I walked him about an hour before and he was pretty tired. I figured he’d probably go to sleep till I got home. At least I was hoping. It had been a while since I worked a night so I was hoping he could cope.

As I left I made sure I locked the door and had my cell phone on me. I decided to take the stairs down because I could see all around before I descended. Which made me feel safer in a sense.

I had made it to the bar in record timing. I slipped into the bar and headed to the counter. Steven literally beamed when he saw me. He seemed stressed. I walked to the side of the counter where the opening for us to enter was. It was a tiny door about thigh high. I could step over it if I really wanted to.

I pushed it open and stepped in. I let it shut without it letting it bang. I turned to be faced with Steven in front of me. I jumped slightly because I wasn’t expecting him to be right there. Now it was a little creepy.

He smiled, “I’m glad you came early, we’ve been packed.”

He led me back to the center and starting showing me the different sections of liqueur. He started asking what I knew and even quizzed me a little. I was rather surprised that I remembered all that I did.

He showed me where the empty clean glasses were and where the dirty ones go. What to do if I broke one. Then we moved to discuss prices of beverages. He showed me where they had taped little sheets with the prices on them.

“So when you get the money just put it in this area over here.” Steven showed me a drawer under the counter. It already had some money in it, “At the end of the night we do the till so don’t worry too much about it being organized.”

After about a half an hour of work I started to loosen up. Talked to quite a few people and enjoyed the music. The environment was different from this side. I had view of the whole bar at my finger tips.

About another ten minutes past when the man I didn’t want to see made his way to the bar. I hadn’t noticed him till after I had severed a drink to the man next to him. I stood in front of Shadows with the counter separating us. I’m pretty sure I gave him the death glare.

I could hear his laugh over the music, “I thought you would be happy to see me.”

I nodded and spoke with a nice tone of vile, “Oh I am.”

His lip curled up into a smirk, “Really? Now I’m intrigued. Why are you so happy to see me with a look like that?”

I leaned over the counter, “You’ll have to wait and see.”

He seemed as confident as I was, “Won’t we?”

What were the odds of him knowing I had planned on getting him arrested tonight? He could assume. I wouldn’t put it past him. Or maybe he didn’t know and was planning something for me. That was something I didn’t think of.

What if Morgan comes and Shadows causes a reaction that could get someone hurt. What about Syn? Wasn’t he a friend of his? Would he try something? He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to do so but I couldn’t trust him.

“Hey! Can I get another beer here?”

I looked over to the guy two guys down from Shadows. I nodded and grabbed a cold one of the same brand he had and went over to him. He handed me a crisp bill and I opened the bottle for him. I slid it to him and he smiled.

I realized it was Officer Morgan and he talked quietly, “Is that him down there?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m afraid he is going to cause a commotion.”

He took a sip of the beer or at least pretended to, “Don’t do anything drastic. If he asks you to leave with him, go. I can snag him then. It will be easier then in here with a bunch of innocent people.”

I nodded and walked back over to where Shadows was. He looked at me and down to Officer Morgan. He looked back at me and shook his head.

“Is there something wrong?”

“He asks for beer rudely and you don’t even offer me a drink?”

“What do you want?”

“How about a shot of scotch?”

I grabbed a small shot class and grabbed the nearest bottle of scotch, “Ice?”

He shook his head no but watched me intently. I poured the liquid into the class and gave it to him. I put the bottle away and he pulled out some cash. He slipped it over to me and I took it from him. I placed it with the other money and did a mini round session to make sure everyone was topped off.

When I got to the end of the bar I saw Syn looking for something. His eyes landed on me and I almost jumped from the spot I was in. He rushed over from me and I felt an adrenaline rush kick in.

He reached over the counter to grab my arm but I moved out of the way, “Ash wait. I need to talk to you.”

“I’m not talking to you Syn.”

“You’re in danger. Please.”

I felt my blood boil, “I’m in danger huh? From who. Shadows or you? Or is it a team project. One does this while the other does a load of crap. I know you’re friends with him and I’m turning you in with him.”

“It’s not anything like that and if you don’t listen to me it’s going to cost your life.”

I leaned closer, “No Syn. It already cost a life. My best friend’s life.”

His eyes pleaded with me and I nearly gave in, “Look. I never wanted anyone to get hurt. You’ve got to trust me here.”

I leaned closer to him. “How do I know you’re not going to turn me over to Shadows the minute I listen to you? Hmm?”

“You don’t. But I haven’t hurt you in the past-”

I cut him off, “It was probably to gain my trust.”

He closed his eyes and sigh, “Ashley, please. For the sake of both of us I need you to trust me. I don’t want Shadows to hurt anyone else. I know him better then anyone.”

I didn’t care if he meant it, “Get out of here Syn and don’t let me catch you in my life again or I will have you arrested with Shadows.”

“Ashley. Please. I’m serious here. I need to get you out of here and some where safe. If Shadows gets to you I don’t know what he’ll do.”

I leaned over the counter, “I have cops waiting here to get him. I’m not going to screw this up.”

Syn got close to my face, “Do you think a bunch of cops is going to stop him? Huh?”

“It’s the best I’ve got. Now go. Leave me alone.”

Syn looked furious. He shook his head and turned away from me. He stormed off through the crowds and I knew that wasn’t going to be the last time I saw him tonight. Now, all I had to do was convince Shadows to talk me out of here to get the cops to get him.

A part of me wanted to listen to Syn even know. What if he was right? What if a handful of cops couldn’t stop him? I didn’t even know how many cops where here. It might be only two.

I should have listened to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
¯\(°_o)/¯ <---That is me right now. I am so lost in the world with crap I can't figure out what to do. lol

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