Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

2 Sea Water

Ash’s POV

“What can I get you sweetheart?”

I pulled out my wallet, “A shot of tequila please.”

He smiled, “ID please.”

I pulled out my ID and handed to him. He messed with it in his hands and looked at the date, at least I assume so. He handed it back to me and mumbled a thank you before going off to get me my drink. He returned with a shot glass and a bottle. He removed the lid and poured me a nice full shot. He closed the bottle and I gave him the money for it and he took the money.

“Thank you.”

“No problem sweetheart.”

He wondered off to help someone else and I grabbed the small glass. I drowned it quick and didn't squirm. Tequila was never strong to me in the slightest.

“Well, don’t you drown things quickly.”

I looked over to my right and there was this guy here. I rolled my eyes and thought to myself. Great, I always attract the weird ones. He wasn't a loss too much. He was a little older then my 24 self but he wasn't too old. Or at least that’s what it seemed. His eyes were a little high on his face but I did stand shorter then him. He’s nose was so straight he’d but a ruler to shame. His lips are thin too.

“And? You’re point? Something wrong with drinking like a man?”

“Not many men can take a shot of tequila like that.”

Yippee fucking Doo, I can drink like a man.

“Then you know losers.”

Syn’s POV

God, she is a bitch.

This brunette wasn't giving me the time of day!

Or night in this case….

“Syn, this place STILL FUCKING SUCKS!”

I look over to my side and see Zack, “What’s with the attitude Zacky? Not wanting to be here?”

“No shit Sherlock. This place is L-A-M-E! My grandma’s bingo is more fun this shit.”

The brunette spoke, “You can say that again”

I looked at her as Zacky wondered off, “You don’t like it either?”

“No, after club chaotic closed there haven’t been any good ones.”

“I miss that place. What happened to it?”

“The guy went bankrupt and had to close it.”

I could sense anger with that, “Really?”

“Yup, laid off all the workers and didn't tell them anything.”

“With the vile of the speech I would say you used to work there.”

She smiled slightly and gave a light laugh, “Yea. I did.”

Now at this whole point, music was blaring and our speech was elevated. I looked across the floor and could see Matt with the blond. He was smiling sweetly and flirting up a storm.

“So, what brings you here?”

It took me a second to realize she had asked me a question.

Food was the answer.

“Just curious of this place. My friends wanted to come and decided to see if it was any good.”

“It was that horrible you have to try to pick up girls to leave?”

I whipped my head around to look at her, “No, I’m not like that. You just looked as thrilled as I was. I wanted to see if you were suffering too.”

She nodded slightly, “Understandable. I want to leave but my best friend is somewhere.”

I shrug, “You can leave with out her.”

“She has my keys.”

My lips made and “o” shape and she nodded.

“What does she look like?”

“She’s blond, about my height. A little skinnier and wearing a blue Misfits tee shirt and jeans.”

I pointed over to Mat and the blond, “Her?”

She turned around and then back to me slightly, “Yea, thanks.”

She didn't look to happy.

She mumbled under her breath, “She’s always flirting! Always!”

That’s when she started walking over to them. I caught her hand and she looked back at me pissed and tried to pull her hand closer.

“What the hell is your problem?”

“I never caught your name.”

“Ashley, yours?”


She gave me a weird looks, “Sure. Nice to meet you. No excuse me.”

“Wait, let me go with you. He’s my friend.”


I released her arm and she started moving forward. I followed right on her tail. What the hell was I supposed to tell him? Don’t eat her this chick’s friend, because this chick is pretty cool? That wouldn't’t work in the slightest.

“What’s the name of your friend?”

“Danny or trouble magnet, whatever you prefer to call her.”

How about food?

Because this is what these girls are about to become.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all my readers and guys that commented. Means the world to me.
Sorry this didn’t come out faster. I had a really bad month. My life kind of was falling apart and I was trying to grab all the pieces before they ran away from me. But things are getting better.
I love you all! :) ♥
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