Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

3 River

Ash’s POV

I smiled at sweet as I could, “Hey Danny.”

She looked away from the guy to me, “Hey Ash…What’s up?”

“Can we go?”

She looked confused, “Why? We just got here…Who’s your friend?”

“Synyster, he calls himself. Come on can we just go?”

I watched that at the guy that she was flirting with. He looked at Synyster and had a glare hidden in that look. I could feel the rage from him. It didn’t feel human. Now, I won’t call myself psychic but I can pick up things from people.


He feels dead. Or at least around us there is death

I grabbed her arm and pulled. The man who she was flirting with grabbed the other arm, “Hey now, if she doesn’t want to go it doesn’t mean you can just drag her away now.”

I glared at him and Danny ripped her hand from me, “Exactly. Here…” She dug in her pocket for my keys and tossed them at me, “Just go. You can go live your hermit life. See if I give a fuck. I’m not going to let a sour grape ruin my night. Right Matt?”

He smiled down at her, “Mhm…”


Just fine.


I stormed past them and out of the club. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and there was Synyster. He was three feet away. I stopped and he stopped. I folded my arms and waited for him to say something.

I doubt anything was coming out so I spoke, “Look, I don’t run a charity nor do I take lost puppies home. What do you want?”

He smiled and looked at his feet and walked forward, “Look I’m not good at this…But I like you. Well, I think you’re cool so I was wondering if-“

“Look, I’m really not interested. Ok? I’m sure you’re a nice guy but…”

He was right in front of me and he looked at me. His mouth open ready to say something. I noticed something. His canines were way too pointy then the rest of his teeth. Something was abnormal about them. I didn’t know what but something was up with them.

He spoke softly, “But what?”

“I don’t….Just leave me alone.”

“Ok I will” He shrugged, “I tried.”

“Goodnight Synyster.”

“Goodnight Ashley.”

Syn’s POV

WHAT THE HELL DUDE? You’re SUPPOSED to kill her you dumbass.

I know I am supposed to.

Then why didn’t you?

Why the hell am I talking to myself?

I watched her get into her car and she looked up at me once more before she pulled away and headed down the street. I stared at the empty parking space and contemplated. I don’t know why I didn’t kill her. I wanted to but something stopped me.

I heard a scream behind me. I could make out Matt’s figure and the blond hair. I walked up to them and I saw his teeth in her neck. He had pretty much ripped her throat out. He was always a messy eater and didn’t care for the victim.

I watched her body lose color and go limp. He dropped her and turned to me. He was smiling with blood stained lips. He licked his lips and smirked.

I spoke softly, “Was she good?”

“Mmm you have no idea. Yours?”

“I lost interest.”

Matt’s smirk fell and he glared, “What?”

“I lost interest. Do you need a hearing aid or something?”

He walked up to me, “You let her go didn’t you?”

I stood still, “No.”

“Do I need to remind you of our rules?”


“Then why the hell would you disobey them?”

I rolled my eyes and looked away. I felt Matt’s hand grip my chin and force me to look at him. He shook his head and released my chin. He smacked me across the head, “You fucking dumbass.”

“Chill Shadows, just because I lost interest tonight doesn’t mean I’ve lost it completely. You know me, I love to drag things out.”

He laughed and shook his head. “You sly bitch! I thought you lost your head. I thought I was going to have to kill you.”

Ash’s POV

As I was driving home I had my radio on. It currently was blasting Good Charlotte. I was happy. I loved them. The bass was pounding so hard my windows where shaking. I sang along as it blared.

When I reached hope I parked and got out. I locked the doors and closed my door. I walked around to the curb and Synyster’s face managed to drift into my mind. I shook it from my thoughts and walked across the grass to my complex. Next thing I know I'm tackled to the ground.

“Help me please!”

I shoved the guy off of me and looked at him he was bleeding badly and from the neck. He looked like half of his throat was removed. I looked away and forced the bile down.

As an emergency technician I knew drill, “What happened?”

“This guy he bit me-“

I got on my knees as the guy collapsed completely to the ground. Too much blood loss. I ripped out my phone and dialed 911.

“Hello what is your emergency?”

“Hi, this is Ash Winters. I need and ambulance. I have a man here who has a serious injury.”

“Ok where is your location?”

“429 Long beach road. Please hurry. I’m an EMT and let me tell you this is the worse thing I have ever seen.”

“They’re on their way.”

“Thank you.”

I hung up and flipped the guy to his side. I ripped a part of his shirt and held it over the wound. I applied pressure. I could hear sirens. I don’t think they were going fast enough. I was losing this guy and fast. I watched a fire truck and an ambulance turn the corner. The group from the ambulance jumped out and my friend Sam was the first to reach me.

He looked at me, “What do we got here.”

“Sam, this guy is in bad shape. He has a serious neck wound and I’m losing him.”

“Let me see.”

I pulled away and all the guys except Sam looked away. It was bad. We didn’t dare put him on his back. It was too dangerous. We didn’t know if his wound went all the way through his throat. If that was the case we didn’t want him to choke on his own blood.

“Fuck, this is the worse I’d ever seen.”

I looked at Sam, “You’ve seen this before?”

“Almost every week we’ve had a few cases like this. You can leave Ash, we got this.”

I nodded and backed away, “Ok…I’ll…Go inside.”

I looked down the road and there was Synyster. He was standing looked confused and worried. I walked up to him.

“What you follow me home anyways?”

“What happened?”

“Some guy got his throat ripped out.”

He hissed, “Seriously?”

“Mhm. Why are you down here?”

“I live down here? Why else?”

“I’ve never seen you down here…”

“I’m not much to going out.”

I nodded and looked at my clothes. I had blood all over me. I was hoping this guy didn’t have AIDS/HIV or something. I pulled off my shirt and looked at my under shirt. It was soaked.

He spoke, “You should go get cleaned up.”


I looked up at him and noticed something. He had something red on his lips. I squinted but I couldn’t tell what it was. I turned around and took a couple of steps.

As I turned back around I spoke, “Hey, do you want to come in for a cup of-“

He was gone.

Just like that


Like death.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to: Tiny Authoress, yourXxfavoriteXxdrug, Fieldy!

A Special thanks to Milana for the AMAZING banner. I’m in love with it. It made me soo happy

Thanks to all those who commented and subscribed. It means the world to me so thank you!