Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

4 Awake

Synyster’s POV

Zacky and I were sitting in our living room watching tv. Nothing was on, just boring stuff. I mean, if you have 300 channels you’d think something would be on. Hell, grass growing was more interesting.

Zacky laughed, “Damn Syn. That chick was hot. I can see why you want to drag it out. I can’t believe Shadows is letting you. Mmm maybe get some before-”

I glared glared, “Shut up.”

Zacky held his hands up defensively, “What crawled up your ass and dead?”

I rolled my eyes and got off the couch. I hated this place. I hated a lot more then this place but I won’t admit it out loud. Don’t get me wrong. I loved these guys but enough is enough after a while.

“Not today ok?”

“You like her don’t you?”

I whipped around to face him, “What?”

He folded his arms, “I watched you stare at her.”

I pointed at him, “You’re nuts. No one can like someone in five minutes.”

He gave me an ‘Oh really?’ look, “Come on now…”

I pursed my lips and shook my head, “I’m going out…”

Zacky sat up, “Dude! It’s almost sunrise!”

“And?” I walked to the door and opened it, “I’ll be fine.”

Ash’s POV

Cold walls?

Bodies pressed into the wall. He was against her and into the wall. Fiery kisses with desperation. He was wearing a dancing smile on his lips. He kissed her cheek, jaw chin. He reclaimed the lips and a small moan escaped her.

His lips traveled lower.







“Danny!” I bolted up in my bad with a cold sweat.

I ripped the blankets off of me and I slide off my bed. I slipped over to my dresser where my phone was charging. I pulled the cord out and found her number quickly. I hit the little green button and brought it to my ear.

“Answer damn it!”

“Hey, this is Danny. I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave a message after the noise.”

I waited, “Hey Danny its Ash. Look, I'm sorry about last night. Call me ok? Just let me know your ok?”

I hit the end button and let my phone fall. I looked at the mirror in front of me and ran a hand through my hair. I was a mess. I could see the dark rings under my eyes. My eye looked like they have sunken in. I looked like the dead.

My mind flashbacked to the man last night.

All the blood.

Then my mind traveled to Synyster.

His eyes.

Those piercing eyes fogged my mind.

I need to see him again.


But, I want to.

He’s dangerous.

So is the next person

I spoke out loud, “I’ll swing by the club tonight after work- Shit! Work!”

I looked at my clock. I had an hour before I had to be at the hospital. Damn it! I took off my clothes and bolted to my shower. I turned on the water and slipped in. As soon as my hair was soaked the shampoo was in it. I brushed it around and rinsed it out. I raced to wash the rest of me.

After I had finished I turned off the water and reached for a towel. I wrapped it around myself. I grabbed the smaller for my hair. I dried my long locks as fast as I could and I dropped the towel. I ran back to my room with my arms clinging the towel.


I put on some underwear and a bra as quickly as I could. I found my blue scrubs and I put them on. Now I needed clothes for later. I grabbed some jeans and a Muse tee shirt. I grabbed my phone, wallet, and phone charger as I left my room.

I ran through the kitchen and grabbed a bagel and a package of poptarts. Somehow I manage to get outside. I hit the sidewalk and there stood a dry ring of blood. I gulped and walked past it. I placed my stuff on top of the car and open the passenger side door. In went the clothes, charger, phone, and wallet.

I closed the door and grabbed my food and keys. I walked around the front of my car and opened the door. I got in and took a bite out of my bagel. I placed the poptarts in the cup holder and put my seat belt on. I turned on my car and took another huge bite out of my bagel. I put the bagel near the pop tarts and I started on my journey to the hospital.

When I hit the hospital I found a parking spot quickly. I grabbed all my stuff and headed to the emergency room. I smiled at my coworkers and he walked up to open the door for the backroom. I thanked him and went to my little locker. I put in clothes. I forced my wallet into my back pocket. I let my charger and my phone stay in my hand with the poptarts.

I grabbed my name tag from me locker and put it on with one hand. I closed the locker and headed to the information desk near the back. I hooked my charger up and here came me friend Sarah.

“Morning. I didn’t think you’d show.”

I looked up at her as she handed me her phone. I hooked my charger to her phone and I place my own phone on silence. I put it in my pocket and she offered a hair band. I pulled up my hair and smiled, “Why wouldn’t I be here?”

“Sam told me about last night.”

My face must have fallen to an emotionless state, “Yea, it was horrible. But come on we only work three days a week.”

“True, but Mum is letting you off early.”

I laughed, “Really?”

She nodded, “Yup because of last night.”

I smiled, “That’s great. I’ll have to go thank him.”

Sarah giggled, “He’s at Starbucks.”

I stood up and walked out through the back door to the Starbucks. There stood Mum in line. He saw me and waved me over. I cut over to him and smiled. Mum. He was an amazing guy. He was in his 60’s. Just a little frost in his hair. We called him Mum because he was so strict on manners.

I offered my hand, “Hey Mum.”

“Ashley, I heard about last night. I’m proud. I’m sure you could use the afternoon off.”

“Thanks Mum. But I could use the money.”

He smiled, “Oh nonsense! You will be paid.”

“Are you sure? I’ll stay on call just in case.”

“It’s fine Ashley. I doubt we’ll need you.” I nodded and he acknowledged the front of the line, “Do you want anything?”

“Oh uh. No thank you.”

“You sure? You look like you could use some sugar.”

I smiled, “Well, I can get it.”

He rolled his eyes, “I’ll get you a grande strawberry and crème ok?”

I chuckled lightly, “Ok.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to: secrets-that-die

Is it just me or does a young Zacky Vengeance look like a tall Frank Iero?

Please comment and subscibe it means a lot to me.