Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

5 Dirty Dancing

Ash’s POV

I had a ten year old boy in front of me. He was telling me how he was playing games with his friends. He had climbed on a fence and fell off. He has a broken arm and need some sutures on his left leg. He was all excited rather then crying.

Tough sport.

I was tying the last knot in the suture before cutting it off. His arm had been dealt with and this was the last. His mother was glaring at him and telling him how he needs to behave.

I spoke under my breath, “He’s a growing boy, give him a break.”

She scolded me and took her kid out of the room. I grabbed my stuff and started to head to my locker. I put my name tag in the locker and grabbed my clothes from the inside.

Well, my plan to change and just go to the club has changed now. I had plenty of time to go home and shower. I acknowledged people while leaving and headed home.

By the time I got home I was tired as hell. I climbed into my bed and feel asleep. I was so tired and I could feel my eye lids fall. I was out for a few hours. When I woke up I was still tired as hell.

Maybe going tonight wouldn’t be the best idea.

I crawled out of my bed and headed into the shower. I took a shower and got into some decent clothes. I checked my phone and I still hadn’t heard from her. I didn’t worry too much. I managed to go downstairs and get some food.

Watch Synyster won’t even be there.

What kind of name is Synyster anyways?

I finally got the courage to leave my house and head to the club. I decided to walk this time. I didn’t mind. I liked to walk. My shoes were comfy anyways. By the time I got there it was dark. Stars where coming out and lighting up the sky.

I entered the club and headed to the bar again. The guy from last night was there and he smiled. I smiled back and he helped a costumer. After he slowly made his way to me. He grabbed a bottle of tequila and pointed to me. I shook my head.

He put it back and spoke, “What can I get hun?”

“Can I get a normal coke?”

He nodded and reached over to a fridge. He opened it and grabbed a bottle of coke. He brought back to me and opened it. I asked him how much it was and he told me it was free. I thanked him and sipped it slowly.

After awhile he returned and gave me a paper, “Here.”

I looked confused and took it from it. It was an application. I looked confused at him, “What is this for?”

He blushed lightly, “My name is Steven. I over heard you were one of the old workers at the other club and I figured you might want a job here. We need the help.”

I chuckled lightly, “Ok. Do you have a pen?”

He grabbed one from a nearby cup and gave it to me. I clicked it for the end to come out and I started to fill out the form. I took my time filling out what I needed into. I couldn’t remember my social security number to save my life. So I skipped it for now. I put the pen down for a second and took a sip of my soda.

A familiar voice ringed into my ears, “Back again? I thought you said it was lame.”

I jumped a little and some soda ran down my chin. I looked to the right and there was Synyster. I gulped lightly and shrugged. I grabbed the pen and moved the application closer to me as he sat on a stool next to me.

I gave a weak smile, “You wouldn’t believe me why I was here if I told you.”

His eyebrows furred, “Wanna try me?”

I giggled, “I didn’t know guys offered free trials.”

He smirked, “Oh shush. So tell me why you came back.”

I blushed lightly, “Uh…”

I looked away from him and looked for an answer. I didn’t have one. I could have mention Danny. I didn’t want to admit I had come back for him. Its not like I could have told him that I was obsessing him the whole day.

I turned back to him, “Why are you here?”

He shrugged, “I asked you first anyways.”

I started filling out the rest of the application, “Pain in the ass.”

I watched him look away, “Nah.” He looked at me shocked, “Oh you meant your ass. Well, in that case yes.”

I rolled my eyes and then I got excited, ‘Ah ha! 639! That’s the last numbers! Or is it 936?”

He looked at me confused, “What?”

“Social security number. I can never remember it.”

He nodded, “Same here.”

Steven came up, “All done?”

I nodded and handed the paper and the pen, “Thanks. I might end up not doing it cause I am an EMT up at the hospital.”

Steven shrugged, “It’s all good. I’ll let you know ok?”

I nodded and turned to Synyster. He spoke, “Application?”

“He offered. Money is money and I could use more of it.”

Wearing Me Down by the Dashboard Prophets started to play and I sang along softly. Synyster offered his hand to me. I looked confused and let him take my hand. He dragged me off my stool and to the dance floor.

You’ve got to be kidding me!

I tried to break free and I shook my head, “Look I don’t dance…”

He smiled and looked back at me, “I don’t either but we’ll look like fools together.”

I sighed and followed him on to the dance floor. I raised my hands above my head and I swayed lightly back and forth. Synyster’s body moved to be behind me and his hands found my hips. I could feel his chest pressed against my back. I gasped lightly as I felt his crotch brush me. It’s been awhile since I’ve been in this position.

I turned around to face him. He smiled down at me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. My chest brushing against his. Our lower regions moving against each other. God I need to get laid. I let a small moan out when his hips thrusted into my own. His tattooed arms held me to him. I could smell his cologne on his Disturbed shirt. I’m not going to lie everything about him attracting me and drawing me in. Our lips were so close as well. Yes, he was a good head taller then me but our lips could meet without any trouble

The song ended and I pulled away. I felt my cheeks heat up and I walked back to the bar. I grabbed my coke and took a sip. I looked at Steven and he had a look of jealously. I licked my lips and Synyster returned to sitting next to me.

He scratched the back of his head and then fixing the bandana keeping his hair away from his face, “Look, not to embarrass you anymore but I was wondering if I could get your number?”

“Sure. Only if I can have yours.”

I got my phone out and he grabbed it from me. He messed around with it and eventually gave it back. I looked for his name and couldn’t find it. He sensed my confusion and took it back. When he returned it I noticed he had added a nickname for one of the names. ‘Syn’ was on the name .

“Brian Haner Jr. huh?”

He half shrugged, “Yeah. I—Wait, what if your number?”

“Got a phone?”

He patted his jean pockets and looked confused. Later he glared and whispered, “Damn it Johnny.”

He pulled out a pen and gave it to me and then his hand. I grabbed his hand lightly and got a weird vibe from him. I felt anger from him. I felt loss and a lot of pain. I opened his hand and looked at his hand.

Long life line but it was branched early on.

I scribbled my number on the palm of his hand. I looked at his heart line, it was barely there. I also noticed his callused fingers. I pulled away and gave him his pen back. I licked my lips.

He looked happy, “Thanks.”

“Do you play an instrument?”

He looked taken of guard, “What?”

“Your fingers. They have calluses.”

Now he knew what I was meaning, “Yeah, I do. I mess around on my guitar a lot.”

I was surprised, “Well then you need to play for me sometime.”

He nodded, “For sure. I love to play.”

“I’ve always wanted to learn.”

“Maybe I will teach you some time.”

“I’d like that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry the story is going slow but it will get some action soon. :D

Please comment and subscirbe. :D It means a lot to me!