Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

6 Dead Of The Night

Syn’s POV

“Dude! I don’t…… Fucking……. Have…….. Your……Phone!”

I was shaking Johnny back and forth. He was off the ground and I shook him harder. His head was going back and forth at a violent speed. I glared and chucked him to the couch. He glared at me and fixed his shirt.

“Then where the hell is it?”

“I gave it to Vengeance!”

I kicked his leg as I headed out of the living room, “ZACK!”

I could hear his voice from his room upstairs, “What your royal pain in the ass?!”

“I want my fucking phone!”

“I didn’t know phones could fuck!”

“Damn it Vengeance! I want it now!”

I heard his door slam open and he started walking down the stairs. Each foot stomped down. He handed me my phone and I looked at my palm. I put her number in and saved it. I looked at Zacky and shook my head. He was smiling like an idiot.

“What did you do it?”

His smile grew, “Nothing…”

My eyes narrowed and turned away from him, “I’m sure…”

“You smell like her”

I turned back around and looked at his emotionless face, “What?”

“You smell like that chick you want to kill.”


He nodded, “It’s all over you. What the hell were you doing?”

“Nothing. “

He mocked me, “I’m sure.”
Ash’s POV

I was sitting in front of my TV with a bowl of popcorn. I was watching the news. Nothing too exciting. This is California so people getting killed was old news. Mostly gang shit anyways. A few new cases of people with ripped out throats.

“A young female adult found outside of the new punk club was identified as 23 year old Danielle Richards. She had serious lesions on her neck. She was last seen with an approximate 27 year old male. If you have any information please call your local police department.”

I started choking as her picture flash onto my screen. I felt tears burn the rim of my eyes. Danny’s picture. They were serious that she was dead. I put the popcorn down and I heard a knock at my door. I got off my couch and went to my door. I opened my door and there stood two cops.


“Ashley Winters?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“ My name is Morgan Becker and this is Phillip Porter. We’d like to ask you a few questions.”


“Danielle Richards. You were friends yes?”

I held back the tears and nodded, “Since we were kids.”

“Please…May we come in?”

I moved out of the way and they came in. I closed the door and I led them to my couch. They sat down on my couch and I offered drinks. They politely declined and I sat in my chair next to the couch.

Morgan spoke, “I know this is hard for you but do you know if she had any enemies?”

I started thinking, “Uh, only my ex boyfriend.”

Phillip looked at me with a serious look, “His name?”

“Troy Walker.”

Morgan wrote something down, “Why do you call him an enemy?”

“She punched him after he cheated on me.”

Morgan looked up at me, “Is he violent?”

“To men. He never laid a finger on me to hurt me.”

Phillip whispered, “There is more then one type of abuse.”

I nodded, “I know.”

Morgan smiled softly, “When was the last time you saw Danielle alive?”

“At the club…”

“The one she was found at? The punk one? I can’t remember the name at the moment…”

I nodded, “She was talking to this guy and I wanted to leave. She gave me my keys and told me to leave. She said she wanted to stay.”

“If you saw this man again you’d you be able to recognize him?”

I ran a hand through my hair, “I think so. I’m not completely sure.”

“Well, Phillip here is a sketch artist. If you feel up to it we’d like to see if you can remember.”

I nodded, “I can try.”

“Trying is a good step. Even if it’s just his clothes that you remember.”

“He was taller then me. He had gauges in his ears. Not huge ones but not small. He had a lip piercing as well. He didn’t have much hair. Like it had been shaved a couple of weeks ago. His forehead was very square and about to the middle of is cheeks is where it started to curve down. He had dimples when he smiled. His nose was straight but it tipped up very little. His lips were thin and not very full. He had a lot of tattoos and had huge biceps.”

“Did you happen to get a name?”

I dug through my mind, “Matt. His name was Matt.”

Phillip looked up from his sketch pad and looked at Morgan. Morgan had looked at Phillip. Phillip returned to his pad but flicked through some pages. He stopped and handed it to me.

I looked at the photo, “Yes, that’s him.”

Morgan looked scared and he licked his lips, “Thank you Miss Winters. We’ll be in touch.”

They both stood up as Phillip closed his tiny sketch book. I bolted up. “Woah wait. You know him?”

“Ma’am, I won’t lie. We have been on the run for him for a while. He is very dangerous. As well as the men he’s with. Please be careful if you do see him. Now excuse us.”

At that moment my phone rang….

I picked it off the table and answered it, “Hello?”

“Ash? It’s me Danny. I’m scared. It’s so dark…Ash help me!”

I dropped my phone and the cops looked at me. Next think I know I’m falling to the floor. Phillip caught me before I hit. He picked up the phone and listen to it. He looked shocked and I could hear it go to the dial tone.

He looked at Morgan, “Tell the station that she just got a call. It sounded like a recording or something of Danielle’s voice.”

I started crying, “Why would someone do that?’

“We don’t know. But we need to find her and this Matt.”

I looked at Morgan, “You mean she’s alive?”

He shook his head, “Her body was stolen this morning…”
♠ ♠ ♠
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I hope you like this. I'm going all mixed feelings on it. I hope to make it a little stronger as I go through it.

Thanks to my commenters :D

Thanks for reading
