Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

7 The Gift Of Giving

Ash’s POV

“Hey Syn. It’s Ashley. I know we just met and that I was really rude but I was wondering if you wanted to go out for coffee sometime. Um…anyways uh…Let me know if you’re interested. Yeah, that is so not happening.”

I glared at my phone while I lying on my back on my couch. I couldn’t call up a guy and ask him out for coffee. How lame is that? I was hoping he would call just so I could have someone to talk to. I needed that. I needed someone to talk to about Danny’s death.

Who the hell would steal a body?

If I ever found that fucker I would kill him. I’m sorry but it’s true. Who’s ever idea it was to steal a body would be a dead person themselves.

I flipped when my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen and almost cried. It was Danny’s mom. I almost couldn’t answer it. I contemplated for a few seconds before hitting the green icon.


“Ashley? This is Angie.”

“Hey Mrs. Winters. How are you holding up?”

I could hear her sadness it was so thick around her, “Rough but good. I wanted to know how you were.”

“A mess.” I giggled lightly, “I’m having a lot of trouble absorbing it. I figure she’s just going to walk through my door any minute and tell me it was a joke.”

“I wish that was true too. I called also wanted to ask if you’d like to go through Danielle’s stuff and wanted to take some of it. I took what I needed and if you’d like the rest I don’t mind. Even if you don’t want it will you please go through it?”

“Um...” Did I want to go through it? Could I? “Sure Mrs. Winters.”

“I’ll send Walter over later with the stuff in his car and you can look. What you don’t want is going to be donated.”


“He’ll be over in twenty minutes.”

I hung up before I could say good bye. I couldn’t. How could she let me go through Danny’s stuff like that? I understand not being able to use it but at the same time it’s her daughter’s things. Fuck! I was praying I could do it. Hell, trying to face her father was going to be interesting.

My phone rang again and I looked at it. I nearly fell out off my couch. It was Syn. He was calling me! I almost let out a girly squeal. I felt like a kid. It was kinda funny. Three days ago I didn’t want to talk to men and then Syn pops up. Now all I want is to talk to him.



“Yeah. This is her.”

“It’s me Syn. I saw the news. How are you holding up?”


He chuckled lightly, “Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for ice cream or something? You don’t have to but I figured you might want someone to talk to.”

I sat up, “Sure. When do you want to go?”

“Can you go out tonight? I’m on break right now.”

I nodded even though he couldn’t see it, “Sure. Does seven sound good?”

“Mhm. Can I meet you outside of the club?”

“Ok. Sounds good.”

“Great. I’ll see you then?”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

“No thank you. Bye.”


Dial tone. That’s what I heard. Was this a dream or did I get to go on a date with him? I frowned. I didn’t really know anything about him. I knew his name but he went by another. I found that weird. I shrugged and heard a knock at my door.

I got up and opened the door. I saw my landlord. He smiled and handed me a box. He said someone dropped it at his office and it was for me. I took it and thanked him quickly. I closed my door and went back to my couch. I sat down and looked at the box. It was a simple white box with a ribbon surrounding it. It was a decent sized box.

I slide the ribbon off. I placed it one the coffee table in front of me. I leaned forward and lifted the lid. I dropped the lid and stared in confusion and fear.

The box contained dead roses with a dried crusty red brown film on parts. I noticed a little card and I grabbed it slowly. I brought it to me and opened it slowly. It has a masculine font and a little illegible. The writing looked like it was rushed. Then I actually read it.

Her blood is beautiful. Almost like these roses. Though, she’s dead like them too. All dry and stiff. Smile beautiful, you’re next.
- M.S.

I grabbed my cell phone and called the local police station. When I go through I asked for Morgan Porter and was put through. His voice greeted me and calmed me. I told him what was going on and he told me to stay put. He was going to come over with a couple of people.

I was being targeted by this Matt guy. I felt scared. What the hell was I supposed to do now? I have Walter coming over and the cop coming. Not to mention I needed to get ready for tonight. This was a little too much to think about. How could I think about tonight?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to my readers and to the people who comment. It means a lot

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