Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

8 Basenji?

Ash’s POV

There was knock on my door and I quickly grabbed the card and put it in the box. I quickly put the lid on and got up. I went to my door and was welcomed by Walter and his smile. I leaned out my apartment and hugged him.

Walter was in his sixties and just starting to go grey. He stood a good four inches over me and there wasn’t much to him. He was very plain looking and nothing special though today he seemed so fragile.

“How are you?”

I pulled away and smiled, “Ok. How are you?”

He shrugged, “James is taking it better then we are.”

James was Danny’s older brother. They were so close. Almost like one person. They knew each other like they knew themselves. There wasn’t a secret hidden from them, they told each other everything. They are the only two people in this world that were that honest to each other.

I hadn’t even thought about James. He must be a wreck. He wasn’t one to show his feelings. I would have to call him later. I wanted to make sure he really was ok. I’m sure he is but to check would be safe.

“So, I brought some of her stuff over. It’s down in the car.”

I nodded and I stepped out into the hallway. I closed my door and we started down the hallway. It was a quiet talk all the way down. It wasn’t like we really had anything to talk about. When we got to his car he opened the trunk and there were only two boxes, a guitar case and her laptop case.

“Ashley I know this is a lot to ask but can you just take it? I would feel comfortable if this stuff just went to someone we knew.”

I nodded slowly, “Sure.”

I didn’t want any of it. I could donate it later myself anyways. I grabbed her guitar case and laptop case. I swung the straps on my shoulders and grabbed a box. He grabbed the other and put it on the ground. He closed the trunk and picked up the box. We slowly made our way back to my apartment and dropped the stuff off.

He eventually left and then a few minutes later a familiar face as at my door. I was Morgan Porter. He did have a few people with him. They came in and I kicked Danny’s stuff out of the way. I led them to the box and he pulled on some gloves.

“So what happened?”

“My landlord came up and said it someone dropped it off in his office. He came up here and gave it to me. I sat down and then opened it.”

Morgan lifted the lid slowly and placed it on the table. He pulled out the note and read it. He looked at his coworkers and then back to me. His face held many emotions that I couldn’t read. He looked back at the box and looked at the roses closely. He picked at the crusted material on the roses.

“There is blood on these. She’s definitely being targeted.”

He pulled away and took off his gloves. He looked at his coworkers and one came and looked at the items. They ended up packing them up in evidence bags and one was told to go question the landlord. Morgan looked at me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Should I be worried?”

“I won’t lie. Yes, you should be. I need you to be very careful. I can’t have you going out too late at night alone. I’m going to keep a cop on patrol here every night. I don’t want to risk it.”

“Who would do this? I’ve stayed away from all the gang violence here.”

“I know. I don’t think this is gang related. I don’t know what to tell you but I need you to be careful. If you see this Matt guy again I need you to tell me. Keep your windows and door locked.”

I nodded, “I do that already.”

“I’m sure you do. Here…” He pulled something out of his pocket, “This is my card. It has my number to my office on it. Do you have a pen?”

I reached over to the table to the side of my couch and grabbed a pen. I gave it to him and he scribbled on the back of the card. I didn’t know what it was but he returned the pen. I placed it back and he gave me the card. On the back it had another number.

He nodded to it, “It’s my cell number. If you need to call me about anything at anytime you can. I will always have it on me. On the front I put my hours I’m in the office so you can know if you need to come in.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Will you be ok by yourself?”

“Yeah. I will be.”

“So you do live alone?”

“Yes, well no. My sister is baby sitting my dog and bringing him back tomorrow.”

“What kind of dog is he?”

“A basenji.”


“It’s an African breed. They’re an average size dog. I got him because he can’t bark and doesn’t shed.”

He smiled and looked interested, “Doesn’t bark?”

“Yeah. I don’t know why but none of them can bark. They can kinda yodel but not bark.”

“Well, that’s interesting. I might have to look into that. Basenji you say?”

“Mhm. He’s great. He’s got this short tail that curls like a bun on his back. He is very hyper though. My sister has three kids so they can wear him down pretty well.”

“Well as long as you’re not alone. Well, I am going to go. Remember you can call me anytime. Even if its one in the morning.”

I stood up and he did, “Thank you so much.”

“My pleasure. I will come check on you every now and then just to make sure you’re ok.”


“Remember don’t stay out late. I suggest coming home around nine. Ten at the latest. Just to be safe.”

I nodded and got him to leave. I locked the door and looked at my apartment and then to Danny’s stuff. I couldn’t go through it now. I was being targeted? Why? Because I was her friend? What sick maniac is like that? Then my mind traveled to the thought of the show Criminal Minds. I used to watch it all the time.

Ok, time to clear my head. I need to get ready for tonight.

Synyster’s POV

“Shadows! How could you do that?”

He looked at me with a smirk, “What Gates? Was the blood on the roses too much? I though it was a nice touch.”

“She’s MINE to kill!”

“Well sorry for making it more interesting. You were the one that wanted to drag it out.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t want to involve the police!”

He chuckled, “You’re seriously afraid of the police? You’re a fucking vampire. Fuck the police.”

“Look,” I leaned over his desk, “Stay out of this.”

Matt rolled his eyes and folded his arms, “Mind you, I am the one in charge. So I make the rules. You just follow them. Clear?”

I pushed of his desk, “Crystal.”


“Where is the body anyways?”

“Vengeance is delivering it back to the police station tonight.”

“So she is dead dead?”

He nodded, “She’s deader then your jokes. She won’t wake.”

I turned and walked away, “Good.”

“Where are you going?”

“I have date.”

“Ohh with the brunette?”

I spoke sarcastically when I reached the door, “No, your mother. Her name is Ashley.”

“Ashley? It suits her.”

“Mhm” I left after that.

♠ ♠ ♠
If you want to know that a Basenji looks like. Click here

Thanks to my readers and guys who comment :D

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