Status: Active

Unwanted Clemency

9 Can't Get Enough

Ash’s POV

I fumbled my fingers as I waited. I was so afraid he wouldn’t show up. I looked down at myself. I was just in a pair of jeans and an old AC/DC shirt. I released my hands and shoved them into my pockets as I waited.


I turned to be greeted by a handsome Synyster Gates. He wasn’t in anything special either. He had a simple black dress shirt that the top two buttons undone exposing a somewhat tan chest. He had dark jeans on that had a hole in one of the knees. I could see a thick layer of eyeliner supporting those eyes.

I gained my composure, “Hey. How are you?”

He walked right up to me, “I’m good. How are you holding up?”

I shrugged, “I feel like I walked into movie. Just things keep happening. Sorry I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it.”

He shook his head slightly, “No no. Please, tell me. I don’t mind.”

We started heading down the street and I started telling him about the cops coming. I told him how they questioned me and knew the ‘Matt Shadows’ guy. I mentioned how they knew he was really dangerous and that there would be a cop patrolling my street to keep an eye on me. I mentioned the box with all the roses and blood. I explained the note and how the cops felt I was being targeted.

He hadn’t spoken till now, “Wow, are you sure it’s safe for you to be out?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I’m ok.”

We walked till we reached a local burger joint that made the best ice cream. He opened the door for me and I thanked him. I walked in and he followed me. I looked around and there was another couple at a table near the counter. Other then that it was quiet.

“How hungry are you?”

I looked at him, “What?”

“How hungry are you?”

“Oh, um…” I furred my eyebrows, “I’m not that hungry.”

“Look it’s not a problem if you’re hungry. I have connections here anyways.”

I held my hands up defensively in an innocent way, “Really. I’m fine.”

He didn’t look convinced and walked up to the counter. The girl there smiled and looked a little dazed. I didn’t pay too much attention but she looked so different then a few moments ago. She seemed to look so lost. Lost in attraction almost. I mean I know he’s hot but he doesn’t look like her type.

He looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back and he acknowledge to the seats. I walked over to the other side of the restaurant and found a somewhat dark area. I didn’t really want to be the center of attention. Now I had to choose between tables, booths, or the higher tables with stools. I rummaged around till I found the cleanest one. Sadly, it was with the stools but it worked.

I pulled one of the stools and jumped up. Granted, I was short but there were higher then they needed to be. I pulled out my phone and checked for anything. I noticed I had a text message. I looked at it and I noticed there wasn’t any information about it. Usually my phone told me the number it came from when I received it but not this time. I opened it and there was a message that I didn’t need to see.

You look great in that AC/DC shirt. Aww you don’t like me so you’re going for another guy? That simply won’t do.

“You ok?”

I looked up at Synyster. He placed the tray on the table and sat on the stool. I closed my phone and put it away, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

I looked at the food and rolled my eyes lightly. He bought an order of fries and two shakes. He moved the Oreo one over to me. I wondered how he knew it was my favorite. I took it from him and used the spoon to scoop a good spoonful into my mouth.

“Mmm thank you.”

He nodded and took a spoonful of his own, “So anything else going wrong?”

“Well, at the hospital-I am an EMT and we’ve been getting a lot of cases with patients with ripped out necks. I guess that’s how you can explain it. Sorry that probably killed your appetite.”

“No no. I don’t mind stuff like that. It doesn’t bug me. Well, it does but-“

I giggled lightly to cute him off, “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

I took a fry and ate it. He did the same and I just looked at him. He seemed normal enough. Though, I knew I shouldn’t judge a cover of a book. I ate a few more fries like he did and I know I was staring but I couldn’t help it. It was that attraction feeling again.

“Is something wrong?”

I came out of my dazed state, “What?”

He smiled, “Is something wrong?”

“Um…I don’t know anything about you.”

“I don’t know much about you.”

“You up to twenty questions?”

He nodded, “Sure.”

I pondered for a bit, “Favorite color.”

His face lit up, “Purple with out a doubt in my mind.”

I smirk and took a sip from my melting shake, “Same here. It’s so bad ass.”

“Hell yeah! Um, were you born here or somewhere else?”

“I was born in Sacramento but I moved to Huntington with I was like four.”

He nodded, “Born raised here. I love it to much.”

I nodded, “Yeah I like it. It’s not as violent as other places.”

“Indeed. Are you in college?”

“Yes and no. I work at the hospital and get some tuition reimbursement and I’m have a bachelors degree in chemistry and later planning to move on to psychology. It kind of fascinates me. It’s kind of hard to find time for school because I'm an emergency technician and a registered nurse.”

“Sounds interesting. I was at the Musicians Institute in Hollywood doing music, obviously.”

“Did you like it?”

He stirred the straw around, “Yeah. It was fun. Was that your question?”

I shook my head, “Oh no. Um, day or night and why?”

“Night. Because I fit in with the things that go bump in the night.”

I laughed lightly and nodded, “Understandable.”

“When were you born?”

“May first nineteen eighty three.”

“I was in July. July seventh nineteen eighty one.”

“Ah, a cancer?”

He nodded, “And you are a Taurus?”

I smirked, “Up. Though, I unlike Taurus don’t plan on seducing all the girls I see.”

He laughed, “What?”

I went off on the story behind Taurus and he just seemed to sit and listen. I didn’t mind too much and I think he got a kick out of it. We continued to talk and I loved it. I really felt like I was getting to know him.

“Mmm Yeah the Godfather is great but the third kills it all.”

He almost hugged me, “Thank you! Someone else sees that!”

We paused as one of the workers stood next to us, “Excuse me?”

Synyster smiled at her, “Yes?”

She placed a little box on the table between us, “A man just dropped this off. He said it was for you.”

She had pointed at me and then I grabbed it. She left and I opened it. It was holding a anklet. It was Danny’s. She never took it off. It was covered in blood and there was something written on the lid.

I am heartbroken that you didn’t text me back. All I want is your love and death. Is that too much to ask for?

I dropped the box and got off the stool. I ran out of the building and onto the street. I looked and saw a couple looking shocked at me. I looked down the road and then the other.

“What the hell do you want from me Matt Shadows!”

I huffed and Synyster came out of the restaurant. I turned to him and he looked so angry yet concerned. He walked me back in and we sat back down. I grabbed out my phone and found my wallet. I found Morgan’s cell number and I called it.


“Um, Morgan Becker?”

“Yes, who is this?”

“This is me, Ashley Winters.”

I hear some shuffled noises, “What’s wrong?”

“There is more,” I swallowed hard, “He’s getting close to me.”

“Ok. Where are you?”

“I’m at a restaurant. It’s near where club Chaotic closed. Like right across it.”

“I know where that is. Don’t move. I’m coming to get you.”

I hung up and Synyster looked so concern. I heard a phone ring and I realized it was his. He pulled it out and started talking. He walked away and he seemed to get a little frustrated. I couldn’t hear what he was saying but I didn’t want to know. I was shaking so bad.

“I need to go.”

I looked up at him after he had hung up, “What?”

He walked up to me, “I am so sorry but this is a family emergency.”

I tired to clear my thoughts, “Um ok. What do I owe you . I wanted to pay for half of this.”

“Don’t worry I got it for free. Can I call you later? We can talk about this then.”

I nodded and with that he left. I never felt so alone. I waited till Morgan came and he started talking to me and I mentioned my phone. He looked at everything and I told him of my day. He talked to the other people in the restaurant among other things.

This was going to be a long night.

♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, it’s a long one. Hope you don’t mind. Its going to get a little intense soon.
As you may notice my vampires are a little different this time around. I'm going to try to create a different type of vampire in a sense. Who knows? We’ll just see how it goes.

Thanks to all my lovely people who subscribed and left comments. It means sooo much and I feel so special when I get them.

Please subscribe and comment if you haven’t already. It really means a lot to me.

Gah! I am sooo upset that I don’t have the money to get a copy of Nightmare. I want to hear new music sooo bad from A7x. I hear its really good. :( Oh well. “FoREVer”