Status: *Teresa writes the story, so I'll update each week if she writes a chapter

Lies and Betrayals


Now what? I have no idea where I am and I'm all alone! This have got to be the worst Karma anyone can have. When I say anyone, I mean me!

I thought I was getting somewhere, but I just find out that I just walked in a circle! I aways see the same things and if I know where Andrew is, I would just picture that place and i'll be there, but no! D'ablo decided to---Wait up!

"If he forced Andrew to go with him then that would mean he's in his lair. I wouldn't call it a lair though! I would call it HELL," I said to myself. Yes, I'm talking to myself! Don't blame me because I don't have anyone to talk to! I left my best friend in the human world! She would never forgive me!

No worries Noel! The time here and there are different. It seems like you're gone for a hundred years, but here, you're only gone for a minute...maybe ten." my mom's voice rang in my head. Finally I don't have to talk to myself anymore. I can talk to mom...kind of...if that's even possible since she keeps disappearing!

Thank god you're here...kinda! I really need to talk to someone! It sounds like I'm going crazy! Anyway, what's up? Is my besty worrying about me?" I thought.

No always! Gah! I hate this! And talking to myself didn't make me feel any better either!

I started to walk towards the north. Grass was growing every second and it's almost up to my knees! I continued to walk trying to ignore the itchy grass. I bent down about ten times just to scratch whatever is making my knees and legs itch. When I reached the very end, I saw two trees, one on the right side and the other on the left. They bent to the side to make an arch that leads to a cave.

I hesitated for a moment before entering. I felt like I was a princess or something...okay I am a princess, but anyway. I entered the dark cave. I thought of light and the torches started to light up. I didn't even know there were torches.

Drops of water were dripping from the ceiling of the cave making a drip drip drip sound. I walked further into the cave and I reached two openings. One leads to the right and the other to the left. How should I know where to go? What if there's something in there that can and will eat me or something?

"Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's." was written on the wall on right and left side of the cave. I read the quote over and over until I decided to follow my instincts. I barely follow it because I have someone that can help me with my decisions, but for now, I trusted my gut. I decided to enter the opening that leads to the right.