Since When Did Romeo Get a Hot Emo Brother?

Zoe Grey is the typical emo 16 year old with best friend Victoria (Tori) who's the typical prep. But don't let the duo fool you. There's two brothers Justin and Cody, they're both madly in love with Zoe but Justin refuses to admit it until she has fallen head over heals for Cody. Between the two guys there is a family feud. Tori is being attacked at night and her boy friend is 2 hours too far away to help. What decision will Zoe make? Who will have to settle for loneliness? And will Tori be left alone or taken away?

Landon Layne, she's Brendan's best friend, she's never even considered talking to Zoe as a person, until shes intrusted with Zoe's darkest secrets and decides she must save her. Did she find out in time to save Zoe? Probably just slightly too late. She's sixteen but you wouldn't know it, she hangs out with the older people, the ones shes always fit in with. Her boyfriend, Justin, is just as madly in love with Zoe as she is with swimming. Neither will admit it, ever. It's just as complicated, she shouldn't stay with him but she does. After this truth will she see what monster is just below Romeo's bad-ass surface?