Status: Updated: 17 February 2012

Seize The Day

Most Like You'll Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine

On one of the warmest days in Southern California, Kat is in Ralph's supermarket grocery, shopping with her best friend April. She is pushing the buggy while April's daughter Gigi is seated in the front of it, mindlessly babbling as a half-listening Kat agrees with everything she says.

"Does she do this all the time?" Kat asked, referring to the toddler's neverending jabbering.

"Unfortunately," April responded with a sigh. She turns to her chatterbox daughter. "Honey, let's play the quiet game. If you can stay quiet until we leave, you can have ice cream later."

"Okay mommy. I be quiet." Gigi takes her fingers and zips her lips, giving the 'key' to her mother. She preoccupies herself with the book she brought in, trying to read, but mostly looking at the pictures.

"Works every time."

Kat shakes her head. They continue their trek through the store with Gigi keeping herself preoccupied with a book and April forcing Kat to get organic food. As they are walking to the checkout lanes, Kat remembers her ice cream. "I forgot the Ben & Jerry's. I will meet you in line."

"Lane three!" April yells to Kat's retreating figure.

Kat walks to the back of the store, to the frozen section of the supermarket. She looks at the different flavors of ice cream by the two men that have never disappointed her; Kat grabs a pint of 'half baked.' She turns around and runs into a hard chest. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

Recognizing the raspy voice, she slowly looks up at the father of her unborn child. Looking into his dreamy hazel eyes, she remembers the night they met five months ago.


Kat is at the opening of a lounge in Los Angeles with April and her husband Charlie, the lawyer of the actor that owns the night spot. The lounge has dark wood walls with black wall lights that are providing the dim lighting, a fully stocked bar being manned by six 'mixologists', a DJ booth in the corner playing the latest music and black suede armless couches, as well as tall square tables with equally tall chairs, arranged meticulously.

Kat, April, and Charlie are seated in the VIP section in the corner; the women are drinking apple martinis and Charlie a draft beer.

"There are so many gorgeous men here tonight. Where are they during the day?" said Kat.

"I know."

Charlie clears his throat. April turns to him, rolling her eyes. "I was just agreeing with her. Relax." She resumes her conversation with Kat. "Where were we?"

"Good looking men."

"Oh yeah. Don't look, but there's a guy checking you out from the bar."

"If I don't look, how will I see him?"

April rolls her eyes for the second time that night. "You know what I mean. Don't make it obvious."

Kat glances at the bar, spotting the gentleman looking at her. He is standing at just over six feet tall, his skin has a bit of a tan from the California sun, his dark curly hair is pushed back, and he has a silver hoop for a lip piercing. He is wearing a blue plaid shirt that matches perfectly with the dark denim jeans he is wearing. When the stranger smiles at her, she smiles back and waves.

"I'll back right back." Kat gets up, not waiting for a response. She makes her way to the bar, keeping eye contact with him. When she is near, she discovers his eyes are pure hazel, much lighter than her honey orbs. Kat is the first to speak. "Hi, I'm Kat."

"Matt." His deep, raspy voice sends shivers through Kat's body. "Are you okay?"

"Uhh...yeah, I'm fine." She feels the heat rising in her cheeks. "So, are you from California?"

"Yeah, Huntington Beach. You?"

"I'm from Toronto."

"What brought you to California?"

"My career. I'm a fashion stylist. LA is a big fashion capitol, so I had to start here."

"Have you styled anyone famous?"

"Yeah, for like photoshoots and appearances. What pays your bills?"

"I'm in a band. Avenged Sevenfold."

"Your song is Bat Country, right?"

He nods. "That's us."

For two hours, Matt and Kat talk as if they are the only ones in the room of over two hundred people.

"Do you want to get out of here?" asks Matt.

She looks around for April and Charlie, to find them gone, before responding. "Sure, my place is not too far from here."

He helps Kat out of her chair. "Lead the way."


"Kat." She snaps back into reality. "Huh...oh, Matt. I have to go."

"Wait." Kat tries walking past him, but he grabs her wrist and pulls her back. "Are you pregnant?" He gestures to her round belly.

"Yes." She snatches her wrist out of his grasp.

"Is it mine?"

Before Kat can answer him, a petite blonde walks up to Matt's side. "Hey sweetheart. Who is this?"

"This is Kat, an old friend. Kat, this is my wife Val."

"Nice to meet you Val," says Kat with a weak smile.

"It's nice to meet you too. How far along are you?"

"A little over five months." She glances over at Matt, noticing his face paled. "Well I have to get going, but it was nice to meet you Val and it was nice seeing you again Matt. See you around."

She turns and walk away, meeting April in the line of the checkout lanes.

"Are you okay?" asks her friend, concerned. "Do you need to sit down?"

"Yeah, I need to sit down."

April digs in her purse, taking out her car keys and handing them to Kat. "Go to the car. I'll take care of this."

"Thanks." The pregnant woman takes the three-year old out of the buggy and carries her to the car on her hip. Kat is silent for the entire ride to her house. April and Kat are putting her groceries away when she finally speaks up. "I saw the baby's father."

"What? When?" asks April, leaning against the counter.

Kat pushes the hair out of her face, then folds her arms over her belly. "At the store...with his wife."

"Oh my god honey." She hugs her best friend. " I'm so sorry." She pulls back from Kat. "Did you say anything about the baby?"

"He knows it's his, but why does it matter? He's not going to ruin his marriage for it." Her eyes become wet with a few tears escaping and falling down her cheeks.

"It's going to be okay." April wipes Kat's tears away. "Do you want me to stay? Because I don't mind."

"No. Go home. I'll call you later." Kat walks April and Gigi to the door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?"

"Yes, I'm sure." They hug each other and Kat gives Gigi a kiss on the cheek. She closes the door behind them. Kat is left alone in her home with her thoughts.
♠ ♠ ♠
The first chapter down. Hope you enjoyed it!
Second to come next week.