Status: sleepwalking...

Sleepwalking Past Hope

Spinning in Circles Part 2

I watched Ville’s knee bounce nervously. I sat on the couch wide-eyed and stuffed with questions. Ville sat back on the couch and took a deep breath. He looked over at me, his eyes were emerald green and filled with fear. I smiled, with that smile I poured every ounce of compassion I owned into a single expression. I didn’t want him to be scared.

“Emma,” He began but paused for a moment, he drew his lips into a straight line and his stare became blank. I nodded, hoping to nudge him in the right direction; spilling his guts.

He sighed once again, this time he squirmed in his seat before finally growing frustrated and slamming his hands against his knees. He laughed a subtle laugh, not the harsh choking one he usually gave. I was kind of disappointed.

He turned so that he was facing me, “Emma, you have to promise that you won’t get mad, or scared, or anything else…”

My heart began racing once again, it had basically ran a marathon by now.

“Listen, if my parents arranged for us to get married; I’m not angry.”

I was trying to be the hero, you know, go down without a fight.

He laughed, this time it was that harsh, raucous noise I missed. I smiled, though I didn’t understand why he was laughing.

“No, if it were that I wouldn’t…” He paused and shook his head, “Never mind. It’s ‘worse’ than arranged marriage.”

Worse than arranged marriage? Cancer? He was far to healthy to be sick like that. Was there someone else? My heart began to race at the thought but relaxed soon after. No, he’s not.

“I’m confused.” I said after my rampant excuses had failed to find a logical excuse.

“I’m a vampire.” He whispered, I could barely hear him. The phrase was pungent, it stung me like salt poured into a fresh cut. I nearly fainted.

“You’re a what?” I asked, my eyes were stretched far enough for the eyeballs to fall out of the sockets and go rolling across the floor.

His expression became pained, “Please don’t make me say it again.”

Now, don’t take me for a fool but, I was always taught there were no such things as vampires. Here I was sitting beside one. I wanted to tell myself that he was one of those people who sharpened their canine teeth and drank kool-aid and pretended it was blood but I knew he was far to genuine for that.

“Uh, okay?” I replied.

He looked taken back, “Okay? Is that what you have to say? I tell you that I’m a blood sucking, monster and you say ‘Okay’?”

I smiled, “What do you want me to say? ‘Get away from me?’ Because that would be lying, I don’t want you to.”

His face became solemn, he looked down at his hands and back up at me. He seemed as if he were contemplating, he bit his bottom lip and I caught a glimpse of the fang. It barely dipped over his bottom lip, no wonder I had never noticed, if you didn’t know you’d assume they were natural…in a way they were.

We sat in silence, both of us trying to take in the previous conversation.

“Can I ask a question?” I asked as I folded my legs under me and rested my elbows on my legs.

Ville smiled, “Anything.”

“Do you want to kill me?” I asked, my voice slightly quivered. I didn’t ask if he would kill me because I was scared of the answer.

Ville’s hand drifted to my cheek, his fingertips brushed against it with featherlike strokes. He laid his palm flat against my skin, his thumb stroked my face back and forth. I was in the grip of a killer, yet I wasn’t scared. Not an ounce of fear flowed through my veins.

“I’d never do that…I couldn’t ever do that.” He whispered.

I smiled, “You didn’t answer my question.”

He removed his hand from my face and sighed in defeat. He stared at his hands. I inched closer to him as he thought. I was intrigued by him, the way he moved, smelled…everything. I raised my hand, and worked my way closer to his cheek. He looked up and stared at me, his eyes locked straight on mine. My fingertips touched his skin, I jumped slightly. He didn’t feel anything like I had expected. Tiny jolts of electricity ran through my fingers, up my arm and through the rest of my body. His skin was cold yet very fleshlike. I had expected the complete opposite, for he looked completely normal.

He smiled, “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt warmth.”

I cocked my head and laid my palm flat against his cheek, as he had just done mine. Ville closed his eyes and his smile was nothing short of euphoric.

“Yes, I do want to kill you…but I won’t.” He whispered, his eyes still closed as I continued touching his face.
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I was nervous about posting this because I wasn't exactly sure how good it was and it's like one of the most important parts. So I hope you like it! Thanks for all the comments and subscriptions!

<33 jess.