Status: sleepwalking...

Sleepwalking Past Hope

Wrapped in Smoke

The thought of battle was behind me. Danger, far away, but ever close at hand. The feeling was a sickening one. But with David in the midst of recoup, we were safe…for now. We had fought off the enemy, but they were not weak. They would come again, and we would need her. I would need her.

I could feel her toss and turn in her sleep that night. Seeing the visions in her head was a total mind fuck. I couldn’t walk or think straight. Experiencing her every emotion had confined me to one room the entire night; trying to block out all the colors and mismatched shapes that tried desperately to look like disfigured furniture and people. All shades of pink, and green, hazy purple what turned to grey.

This was something new. Something I hadn’t been able to do before. It scared me, but in a way was intriguing. My mind was strained and confused, aching for normalcy with every second…but I wanted more of her.

Images of her naked body fused to mine floated through my vision. Her milky skin against my pale façade was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, even if it wasn’t an actuality. The most erotic echoes in my head, crying out for more of whatever I would give her. The next minute I saw her like one of us…pale and placid at my side, steadily holding my hand with a firm admiration.

“No, this is wrong”, I thought to myself.

How could it be that she already thinks these thoughts…dreams these dreams of me- however sweet and sinful they may be.

As I lay, in heated debate with myself on the floor, I was to absorbed in the images to hear the door open, and a lithe blonde enter my domain.

“You’re bound to her now, it’s already begun.” I heard a voice from behind say.
I turned to him, distress clearly written in my eyes.

“What are you doing, the door was locked”? I nearly shouted.

“No it wasn’t.”

“I swore it was closed and locked…I’m the only one with the key to it. Its always locked, I…”

I left it wide open. Was I that far gone?

“Regarding your indisposed state, I wouldn’t worry about it. No one’s going to look through your precious notebooks”, he teased mockingly.

“Asshole”, I managed to mutter from the ground, trying to pull myself up. He chuckled to himself, and walked over to help me up. I shrugged off his hand.

“What the hell do you mean ‘it’s begun’? Is it something important or is my brain decaying faster than my body?”

That remark made him flinch, but he proceeded to confuse me.

“Ville, you of all people should know.”, he said, a patronizing glint in his eye. I glared at him from my crouched position against my writing desk. He knew I wasn’t fucking around and I needed answers before my head exploded all over his pale face in the form of scrambled eggs.

“The tie between Lord and Siren is forming. She’s deeply infatuated already; I wouldn’t be surprised.”


It took a second for my heart to finally sink down into my gut. It throbbed with disappointment. In hundreds of years, the word ‘infatuation’ never leads to anything as wonderful as love. They would get their kicks and leave…or try to leave.

I didn’t want that to be Emma. I didn’t want to have to toss her aside like the others. There was a deep wanting in my heart. My stomach ached in pleasure at the things I had seen, I wanted more from her than just her flesh. I wanted to know her. Know every detail there is to know about her… mind, body, and soul.

My eyes became determined as I leaned against the desk, thinking of how I can stop the inevitable from happening. I would stop my impending doom if it took what little life I had left. Even if the future was like smoke…slipping through my hands.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will forever be in debt to the people who still read this. Im sorry its been too long of a while, but im back from my stint of non-inspiration. The fantasy train is up and running folks.