Status: sleepwalking...

Sleepwalking Past Hope

In Venere Veritas

After being persuaded, poked and prodded by five overexcited men for an hour and a half, I found myself face to face with the most intimidating exchange I’d faced yet. I was trying not to take things so seriously.

“Come on, it won’t be that bad. Plus, all that burning you feel, after you feed it will go away.” Ville said, his hand rested reassured on the small of my back.

He didn’t understand. After sixty years at being a vampire he was desensitized to it.

“Yeah, we made it easier for you.” Linde said then pushed the door open. There was a woman laying on the bed. She lay on her side, warm winter coat still on as were her hiking boots. She lay unconscious on her side.

“What? Did you drug her?” I asked as I hid behind Ville; I was scared.

“Yeah, she’ll wake up in the morning asleep in her bed thinking an animal attacked her. Don’t worry.” Ville replied in a soft concerned tone.

I should have been some sort of angry but there I was trapped in his sick sort of safe house, knowing that he would never sacrifice for me what I did for him. I gave up the one thing that I prided myself in; mercy. I was my father’s daughter. Mercy was in my list of capabilities. I had been taught ruthlessness since I was a child. My father’s company is a good breeding ground for malice.

Stuck inside that sweet second glance, I waved goodbye to all humanity and drove my new formed fangs into that innocent woman’s neck. How can I recover from this? The poor girl never even saw it coming, thankfully they had drugged her. I thought about starving myself, I thought about alternative blood sources…but they would never taste as good as this. The blood of a deer, never mind how satisfying the hunt, would never suffice nor compare.

With my appetite, thankfully, satisfied I stepped away from the girl and left the boys to their business. Linde quietly exited the room behind me.

Just as the tears begged to be released from my eyes Linde spoke, “The first time I fed I hated myself afterwards. It gets easier, you know.”

I smiled kindly, “I never wanted this.”

Linde let out a chuckle, “No one ever does.”
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I hope you like it loves.