Status: sleepwalking...

Sleepwalking Past Hope

And Love Said, "No."

I had just arrived home, back from watching over Emma. I was sure Linde had already read what I was thinking and knew what to do. Replacing my clothes, I walked down the stairs, and was greeted by the lean, blonde creature.

“That last one helped. She’s in better spirits now”, He said from his place on the couch.

The living room was a marvelous place to behold. Vedrana- Mige’s mate- had helped with the design, but most of this place was my own creation. Sweeping curtains created a soothing aura, warmth emanating from the soft brown walls. The couch in the corner of the room, plush and inviting, was the hardest to find, but having unlimited hours, as we do, allots time for bargain hunting.

“Thanks mate…” I said.

He really had no idea how much he was helping me by projecting these dreams. Any other way and it would take months for the thought of me to creep back into her subconscious. And I, not knowing much about her, certainly won’t help the situation. You would think I would know her inside and out, having known her when we were once young, innocence just dripping from our lips. But this time was different. This time, she was different. But no matter who she was on the outside, her heart would surely never change. Or so I chose to believe.

“…you know what this means for me?” I said to Linde.

His face once blank from emotion, softly crept into a smile. He knew what I needed, and how I was going to get it.

“I know we need her for the clan, and you need her…well, frankly, to survive, but I’m telling you; take it slow. The last thing she needs is a bombardment of superhuman powers.” He said, legs crossed over the coffee table in front of him.

Though he rarely spoke his mind, when he did, his opinion was greatly valued. Taking his advice would more or less make things a lot smoother, but my patience was waning. The loneliness was eating me away from the inside. My nights, becoming progressively longer, sighing was all I seemed to do, and writing was becoming all but impossible. All the words would come out the same. One universal moan of agony shot to the heavens- “Kill me, please.”

-But no. I’m already dead. Oh, the irony…

I sat across from him, watching the warning on his face. I couldn’t help but feel guilty, knowing I was about to go against his wishes. But no matter, it’s not like he’s in charge of my every move…

“Tonight, I’m uh…I’m going to the diner.” I said, my knees bobbing nervously up and down. I put my hands on top of them, in an attempt to ease my mood, but to no avail.

Rolling his eyes, he started in his seat. Walking across to the hall, he approached his room, his head shaking back and forth, a patronizing glare in his eyes. Opening his door, he looked back to me.

“Patience is a virtue my friend…remember that.”

“Good thing I’m not religious.”


On the inside, I was more or less screaming every curse word in protest. My heart was also about beating out of my chest. But other than that, I was as cool as a cucumber.

She was sitting with her head buried in a book, which wasn’t unusual. But tonight, there was something off about her. She wasn’t quite right. She looked the same to me…smelt the same, her scent licking at my nostrils when she first came in. It was sweet, almost sickeningly so, but I liked it.


Tonight she felt different. Perhaps something happened to her. Maybe that thing will have ruined my plans to make conversation. Maybe she won’t decide to be civil, and she’ll simply ignore me all together. Or maybe she’ll just flip me the bird and tell me to go to hell, I being the creep lurking in the corner, trying to get her attention.

Well, whatever it was, it wasn’t going to get the better of me, because now its looking more like there’s something wrong with me. I was going to talk to her tonight if it was the last thing I ever did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dreadfully sorry its been so long, but I move around a lot, and my computer can't always come with =/
Other than my apologies, I hope you will take this chapter as acceptable .
rate so we look credible! hahaha jk
comments make myself and jessica happy =)