Status: sleepwalking...

Sleepwalking Past Hope

Only You Can Save Me Now

I know you're watching us. Ever so closely, but you won't break through, I assure you. No matter where or when you decide to strike, you'll be pinned, and no one will see to your mercy. The clans this side of the North will see to your demise, for they are loyal to me alone, and I give them great cause to trust in me; I'd never doubt their virtue. Knowing what you're capable of, I have ordered anyone to attack on site, and its what will happen if you choose to attend the yearly ball.

I intend to protect my clan and guests to whatever extent necessary, and your threats are taken in all seriousness.


Putting the pen down, I worried about what would happen next. The ever impending doom looming over my head, the nerve grinding pressure to protect my clan- my only family. Then a funny thought came to mind. The only solution to our end is her.

Only she can save us now.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for the ridiculous wait, but its summer now and we have a plethora of stories for you all.
