Status: sleepwalking...

Sleepwalking Past Hope

The Retort

Dear Friend,
I'm so happy to see you so flustered. Concerned- as you should be- I'm sure you've made all precautions necessary, and are expecting nothing but the grandest entrance from my brothers and I. But alas, I see no reason for such hostility, you of all men should know I'm a peaceful being. I want nothing more from you that what is rightfully mine. With your power waning, and my years of experience surpassing yours, its only fair to step down as you've been asked. The people may throw their lives away to please you, what with your charm and persuasive presence, but your leadership skills are lacking my friend.

All too comfortable in your high chair, you have forgotten one crucial element to your "perfect" clan. The Siren is missing is she not? As I recall, you've never had one by your side. Although rumor might be true, I don't see a woman in your near future. And seeing as the fame is slowly fading, where will you be without a dame to balance your rule?

Weak as you are, the time will come where all that is left will be dust. And I will be the one to tread softly on the ashes.

- D. Linhart