This Isn't Fair Anymore

Chapter 5

Daniel’s POV:

I’m taking short glances of her every now and then.

She looks beautiful everytime I see her.

She seems to be trying to avoid my gaze. She just keeps looking away from me.

Is it because she found out that Hayley and I are together now?


But even if I have a new girlfriend, she must know that I still care for her--- that I still love her.

I love her.

Jonnie’s POV:

We went back up to our classrooms and I, still averting my eyes from falling into his gaze.

How could he? After all that we’ve been through… I thought he still loves me.

He said he wouldn’t let me fall and that he’d stand up for me…forever.

But it seems like forever has reached its ending.

I’ll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven…