Status: To let you the readers know, this story is based on the true story, so it's going to take a lot of things to remember in the past. But some of the things in this story isn't true. The names won't be recognized because there are no real names. It takes awhile to update. Thanks!



It was not my first time to arrive in United States of America, but it was my latest record to arrive Washington, District of Columbia. Besides, I abhorred being on the airplane under a circumstances since the age of five. The pressures in my body had ached me when I was on the airplane with my older sister every time it flied up in the sky and landed on the ground. The amplifier announced to every passengers including me and my sister that I couldn’t understand at least I ignored the voice and followed her behind her back while I held my double bags. I grabbed her hand fearfully until we finally walked into the hallway in the airport. I never enjoyed an enormous crowd around me. Too many people with unfamiliar faces. I wasn’t used to these strange people, so my sister and I were finally finished with a security. We were looking for our parents behind the fences while we were out to find. Someone shouted with some names I couldn’t hear enough, until I found my long-curly brown-haired in highlight mother in her old-fashioned white skinny pants ran toward us with her opened arms. Her lips were in good spirits across her face. She picked me up in her arms and crushed us in a long-warmed embrace that I actually missed in three months. I squeezed my eyes and spoke in my nine-years-old voice, “Mamá.” As a final point, I saw my spirited father behind all of us. It was the day I couldn’t ever imagine to forget.

The cold breeze hit my skin to shiver in the dark evening outside in the parking lot near the unknown car. I smiled uncaringly at least I had my family back in reunion once again. My mother handled me a white sweater to put me on before she knew not to let me get sick. My family talked with no stop in a sound of welcoming laughter. I smiled far and wide all over on my face. An unfamiliar woman spoke to me in Spanish that I couldn’t understand with low volume and handled me two gifts. I cuddled a yellow, stuffed rabbit with a smile among my new top tank with a red heart.

On the ride in the car passed away from the trees in southern I-95 on the highway, my eyes didn’t ever lock up to watch the road and looked around my family and couple people in the front seats. My parents, Nevada, and I were seating in the back seats chatting, laughing, and smiling. The night never stopped until we finally arrived in the unfamiliar town. The lights in the night town were beautiful to me I hadn’t ever seen in the long time. The stores were passed by until we arrived in Gordon Road and then turned on the new street with the huge houses I hadn’t ever seen before. It was the first time in my life with everything.

We were dropped off the driveway in front of the huge house with my widen eyes in a young voice saying, “¿Es nuestra casa?” We entered the house from the front, double doors carrying our bags. My parents leaded us to go downstairs in the basement with the long stair in an unfamiliar scent everywhere in this place. I wasn’t used to the scent yet. I was very shocked to see the huge laundry room until we arrived to see the huge room with many seats. It was amazing to see the entire house until I found out that there was a room in basement for all of us to sleep together on the king-sized bed. It perfectly fit for us to sleep. The bed was on the walls in the corner with few nightstands. Ay dios mio, I was so far shocked to stare the big closet with the sliders. It was the night I couldn’t ever forget. Maybe, never.
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The next update will be probably longer than this chapter, because this is a beginning. This was the night I couldn't ever forget. This chapter was the based on the event. I will type the long part in a general about how I grew up and had hard time to deal with everything. Thank you for reading. Please comments and it means a lot to me.

Translation from Spanish to English
Mamá.” - Mama
¿Es nuestra casa?” - Is it our house?
Ay Dios mio - Oh my God