Status: Active

The Pain of Love: Let's Celebrate the Drama


"Je ne peux pas croire que vous avez fait que!" (I can not believe you guys did that) Ravyn laughed as she closed the door behind her. It was a little after one in the morning. The boys just stared at her then directed their attention back to the tv. "J'espère que tu sais Gary va me donner l'enfer à propos de cette chose ensemble ..." (I hope you know Gary is going to give me hell about this whole thing...) The boys laughed slightly and kept their attention on the tv. She sighed and finally turned her attention to the tv. Tokio Hotel was on it. She sat next to Bill and watched intently. She noticed when Tom graced the screen she would get butterflies in her stomach.

"They gave us this DVD. It's actually quite interesting..." Tom nodded from the recliner.

"They are wicked funny. They said they are gunna be here for another 3 weeks. They're recording their new album. Said that they'll hang with us." Bill nodded sleepily next to her. Ravyn leaned over and kissed his forehead.

"Why don't you guys go to bed?" She asked as she stood and stretched.

"Woah you just spoke in English for once...why?" Tom asked as he followed her lead.

"Practice I guess." She shrugged with a smile. Bill stood next to her and smiled wide.

"You don't need practice...You speak English with your customers and coworkers. So why are you now?" He eyed her suspiciously.She laughed nervously anda tint of pink stained her pale cheeks.

"No reason. Now get your asses into your bedroom!" She laughed as they smiled wide. They knew what was up even without her saying anything. Nonchalantly they made their way to their room.

"Oh RayRay do you have to work all three tomorrow?" Billy asked before going in his room.

"No I don't. Just Highliner." She smiled, finally she was having a half day. Bill smiled wide and closed their door. Sighing Ravyn walked into her room. She knew they had been in there. The boys told her at the diner. She also knew after they left the diner they had come back here until about midnight. She smiled as she looked around her room. It wasn't much but it was hers. Something caught her eye on her pillow. She walked over and saw a fake black rose with a note. She picked up the note and held the rose in her other hand. She opened the small letter and smiled to herself.


Please excuse my writing. I can speak English but it is hard to write in. I hope that guy didn't bother you too much. I hope he didn't come back after we left. I also hope you don't mind I snuck into your room to leave you this. I picked this up when your brothers asked to go to Wal*Mart. Can I just say that store is amazing? It has everything. Anyway what I wanted to say is I hope you would like to go on a real date with me. I think you are really cool and Billy boy says you are a lot of fun to hang out with. So will you go to the movies and dinner with me if you don't have to work tomorrow night? Please send me a text...or call.


Ps. I got a fake rose because I know it will never die. :)

Ravyn couldn't help but smile. She had gotten everyones' numbers before they left. Just in case. She flipped open her phone and found his number.

I'd love to go with you. <3 Ravyn

She walked to her closet and pulled out some bed clothes as well as a towel. She placed them on her bed as she went to her dresser drawers to get her intimates. She looked up quickly and noticed a picture taped to her tv. Cocking her head to the side she plucked it from theblack screen. She smiled as her eyes scanned it. It was her brothers and the Kaulitz twins. She smiled wider and put it in the molding on her vanity. Right underneath the picture of her and her brothers. She went to grab her things and head to the bedroom when her cell phone went off. Quickly she slid it open and read the message.

Awsome. I'll pick you up at 530. :) <3 Tom

She smiled. She went to set the phone on its charger when it sang to her once again. She opened it and laughed at the new text message.

Oops I meant awesome...

She shook her head and went to take a shower.


"3:15 Finally!" Ravyn shouted as she and her coworkers walked out of the building. She was walking with with people all older than her. She was the youngest to work at Highliner. They all laughed as they made their way to their cars.

"Jeez excited much? I take it you have plans tonight?" An older woman eyed her.

"I have the rest of the day off." Ravyn's accent was heavy. "But my brothers' have some friends coming over and I actually have a date tonight..." A pale pink came to her cheeks.

"What a date? And its not with me? Come on girl..." An older black male laughed.

"I'm sorry Pat. And Brenda you wouldn't believe who my date is with!" She exclaimed.

"Well let it out. Who is it?" The grey haired woman laughed.

"Tom Kaulitz!"

"You mean the guy who everyone thinks your brother Tom looks like?"

"Yes! Him! We met him and his band two days ago. Remember I told you?" Brenda nodded as they stopped at Ravyn's car. "Well they started hanging out with my brothers. And last night they came into the diner and scared Gary away. I got home and Tom left a note on my pillow asking me out to dinner and a movie tonight!" Ravyn said eagerly.

"Just don't get too excited honey. You just met him. And you told me the rumors about him..." Brenda said with a concerned look. Since Ravyn had started and got close to Brenda, she treated her like a daughter.

"I will be Brenda." Ravyn gave her a hug and unlocked her car. She drove home listening to Tokio Hotel on her iPod. She arrived home a half hour later. She locked the car and made her way to the apartment. She got to the door and heard very loud music. She rolled her eyes and opened the door. Her brothers and Tokio Hotel were in the living room watching a horror movie, with the volume all the way up, the lights off and the curtains closed. Ravyn knew they had no idea she was there. She crept up behind Billy Boy. She waited until it was a silent part. Once it was quiet she grabbed his shoulders and shouted boo. He screamed and jumped causing the others to react the same way. She flicked the lights on and laughed hysterically.

"RAVYN WHAT THE FUCK?!" Billy Boy screamed clutching his chest. "YOU DAMN NEAR GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" The others glared at her as well, which only caused her to laugh louder.

"Oh calm down you are fine." She said after a while. "Get back to your movie. And please turn it down." Ravyn gave a small smile. When she got several in return she turned on her heel and walked into the kitchen. She laughed when she heard them rewind to the part before she scared them. She grabbed a soda and something to eat and made her way to her room. She closed the door behind her and sat at her vanity. She took her long blonde red and black hair down from the messy bun it was in and brushed it out. She sat her drink and snack on the table next to her bed. She grabbed the picture frame that was on the table and looked at it. She traced her mother's face and smiled. She sighed and put it back. She turned on her TV and flipped through the channels. Finally she landed on MTV and watched true life. Just as she went to take a bite from her snack there was a knock on the door.

"Entrez!" (Come in!) She called from her bed. Slowly the door opened revealing a smiling Tom Kaulitz. His smile caused her to smiled. He walked in and closed the door behind him. She patted the bed next to her. He sat and looked at the TV. "Get bored with the movie?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Ja. Not very scary...Thought I would come and see what you were doing. Maybe give you some company." His eyes scanned the room. His smile widened when he saw the picture of him, Bill and the boys. He stood and walked over to it. "So you got this? I was afraid you wouldn't find it." He smiled sheepishly. "We all have copies. Thanks to Billy Boy."

"Oui. I love it." She smiled. She grew shy and bit her lip. When he was near she got butterflies. "So you want to watch TV with me? Or are you guys watching another movie?" Tom shook his head and took his spot next to her on the bed.

"Nein I'm all yours until someone notices I'm gone." He smiled causing her cheeks to grow rosier. Both turned their attention back to the TV. After about 15 minutes Tom spoke again. "So what movie would you like to see? And where would you like to go eat?"

"Oh erm...I'm up for any movie really. And as long as there is something vegeterian on the menu I am good." Her french accent was like music to his ears.

"You are vegeterian? Me too! Uhm well 2012 is playing..."

"Oh I want to see that! And I know a great vegeterian place right next to the theater." She smiled. His accent made her melt everytime he spoke. Tom smiled.

"Awesome. It was fate for this to happen..." He meant to say more to himself than out loud. Immediately he blushed and turned away. Ravyn bit her lip and giggled.

"Oui I think so too..." She turned her attention back to the TV.


"Les gars, je pars. Je serai bientôt à la maison. S'il vous plaît ne pas rester debout toute la nuit ..." (Guys I'm leaving. I will be home soon. Please don't stay up all night...) The boys just grumbled and continued to stare at the screen. Ravyn sighed. "Bill...Bil...BILL!" Finally the lead singer looked her way. "I'm trusting you and the others...please..."

"Don't worry Ravyn. We have everything under control. Go have fun with my brother!" Ravyn laughed and turned towards Tom. She linked her arm with his and exited the apartment. As they got to his car a slight drizzle came about. Tom opened her door and helped her in. After he closed the door he ran around and hopped in. After a quick drive they made it to the restaurant.He helped her out again and they walked in. Immediately they were seated. They laughed throughout dinner. They decided to walk to the theater since it was next door. Tom only got stopped twice for pictures and autographs. He was signing an autograph when they were in the front of the line.

"Two for 2012 please..." She said with a smile. She was handed the tickets as she handed the boy her money.

"Hey I was suppose to pay for those..." Tom pouted.

"You were busy. Besides you paid for dinner." Ravyn replied with a simple smile. Tom rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. Ravyn moved into his line of vision, making him look at her. He gave her a half smile. "Don't worry about it ok?" Her eyes smiled but her tone seem to plead with him. He nodded and laced his fingers with hers and walked into the theater. He bought the drinks and snacks and she picked the seats.


They walked into the apartment and saw bodies scattered across the living room furniture. Softly they giggled to each other. Ravyn peeked into her brothers' room and saw them tucked up tight. She motioned Tom to follow her. Once in her room she smiled.

"Looks like you're staying here tonight. I'll go in and get you some of TomTom's pjs if you would like. Unless you are like him and you sleep in your boxers?"
"Ja...I don't like wearing clothes to bed..." He winked at her. She laughed and shook her head. She grabbed some pjs and went into the bathroom. When she came out she put her clothes in the hamper and went to the living room. She covered everyone with blankets and turned out the lights. When she walked into her room she stifled a laugh. Tom was under her comforter all snuggled up to her pillow. She went to say something when she heard soft snores coming from him. She bit her lip and decided not to wake him. She would explain in the morning. She climbed in the other side and turned out the light. As she got comfortable, Tom rolled over and wrapped his arm around her waist. Sighing softly she fell asleep quickly. Dreaming happy dreams of her and Tom.