Status: Active

The Pain of Love: Let's Celebrate the Drama


"Les gars pourquoi vous êtes assis là? Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît aller nettoyer votre chambre comme je l'ai demandé?" (Guys why are you just sitting there? Could you please go clean your room like I asked?) Ravyn demanded as she ran around the small apartment. Her best friend was coming to stay with them for a little bit and she seemed to think their apartment wasn't spotless like it was.

"Ray calm down! She won't be going in our room anyway..." Tom interjected. Bill walked out of the bathroom and sighed. "What's up little bro?"

"Oh please I'm just as tall as you. And I'm only 10 minutes younger."

"10 minutes is a long time." Tom got a smug look on his face.

"Shut up Tom."

"Boys! Assez! Je n'ai pas le temps ni l'énergie pour vous écouter le combat de deux toute la journée!" (Boys! Enough! I don't have time or the energy to listen to you two fight all day!) Ravyn said exasperated. She gave them a pleading and they only nodded.

"So what's up Bill? Why did you sigh?" Tom asked as they made their way to their room.

"The guys are leaving next week...Do you think they'll forget us?" Bill sighed as he sat on his perfectly made bed. Tom sat on his messy one and pulled out his acoustic guitar. His mother had gotten it for him when Ravyn began to teach him how to play. He strummed a few chords and looked at his brother.

"No I don't think they will. But you can't expect them to always call or anything. They are really busy. I don't want you getting your hopes up." Bill shrugged and pulled out a notebook.

"I know they're busy. I just wonder if every once in a while they'll call or text. Maybe even email."

"We don't have emails. We don't have a computer remember?"

"Yeah but I use the ones in the library." Tom nodded and continued to play. "So can you play any of Tokio's songs yet?" Bill let out a soft giggle and looked at the playful smirk on his brothers face.

"Actually...yeah I can." Tom let out his own chuckle. "I think I might play it for the project in music."

"I can't believe we go back to school in two weeks." Bill sat back against his pillows and propped his knees up. "Oh! Idea! Why don't you play and I'll sing! Wouldn't that be a hoot?"

"Let's do it!"

"Les gars!" (Boys!) Ravyn called about an hour later. Both of them groaned and got up. They walked out into the living room and saw a young woman. "Les garçons, c'est Ripley. Vous n'avez probablement pas me souvenir d'elle. Mais elle est ma meilleure amie de la France." (Boys, this is Ripley. You probably don't remember her. But she is my very best friend from France.) The twins smiled and shook her hand.

"I do speak English. Not well but I do." Ripley smiled warmly.

"How long are you staying with us?" Tom asked as he played with his lip ring, earning a glare from his sister.

"About two weeks. I am on vacation."

"You know with us you can speak French. We do speak it." Bill laughed. Ripley blushed a bit a nodded. There was loud chatter coming from outside the door. Both boys perked up upon hearing the German.

"Qui parle si fort en dehors de votre porte?" (Who is talking so loud outside your door?)

"Only our bestest friends in the whole world!" Bill opened the door to see Tom and Georg arguing about something. They still couldn't understand German but slowly they were learning. Ripley pulled Ravyn aside and looked at her seriously.

"Pourquoi est-dehors de Tokio Hôtel permanent? Les connaissez-vous?" (Why is Tokio Hotel standing outside? Do you know them?) Ravyn nodded and explained everything to her while the guys were talking. "Heureux..." (Lucky...)

"Hey guys...this is my best friend Ripley. Ripley this is Bill, Georg, Gustav and..."

"I'm Tom...Ravyn's boyfriend." Ravyn's mouth dropped as she looked up at him.

"Quoi..." Was all she could manage.

"Ja...I really like and I guess this is my way of asking you out. I mean we've been 'dating' for two weeks now...So what do you say?" His German accent made her weak in her knees. A smile crept to her lips as she nodded. He pulled her into a hug. Bill walked over and shook Ripley's hand. He had never seen anyone quite as beautiful as her. Her bright stop sign red hair caught him off guard. Her spider bites glistening in the light. He heard a soft chuckle as he looked at his brother. Tom was raising his eyebrows while he had his arm around Ravyn's waist. Bill blushed and let go of her hand.

"Bonjour Bill. I am a big fan. You have an amazing voice." Her voice shocked him more. If he was corny he would say it was like angels singing.

"Thank you. That's is good to hear." He smiled and looked at his feet. Never had he been so shy with a girl. 'Du magst sie. Weißt du nicht.' (You like her. Don't you?) Came Tom's voice in his head. He simply looked at him with a small smile and a slight nod. For the rest of the day they just hung out and had fun. By 10 at night the boys were getting excited.

"In two hours we turn 16!" Billy boy said excitedly.

"Yeah in two hours we'll be 22." Tom replied coolly as he sat next to Ravyn on the floor. More or less she was on his lap with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

"Do you guys want to wait til the morning to open gifts? Or open at midnight?"

"MIDNIGHT!" All four boys said. The group laughed. They continued to watch tv until midnight rolled around. Ravyn stood and walked to her room to get their gifts. When she came back she saw a pile in front of her brothers. A smile came to her lips as a tear welled up in her eye.

"Ravyn are you ok?" Tom asked. He was about to stand but she nodded.

"I'm just glad for once they can have more than one present..." Her brothers stood and wrapped her into a hug.

"Ray the amount doesn't matter to us. Its you." The tear made its way down her cheek.

"Ok sit. You can't open my gifts yet though." They went through what the guys had bought them, thanking them as they opened each. "Ok this is for you Bill and this is for you Tom." She handed the guys their gifts. Bill opened his first. He gasped as he pulled out the custom made jacket she had made.

"Did you make this?"

"Of course. I make everything. I didn't have a lot of money. So I made you something. I'm sorry if it isn't designer or nothing." She said sheepishly.

"Ray I love it! Thank you!" He hugged her tightly. He looked at Tom and smiled. 'Halten sie. Sie ist gut für Sie. Für Ihren willen nicht diese bis Schraube.' (Keep her. She is good for you. For your sake don't screw this up.) Tom replied with a knowing nod. Ravyn pulled away and looked at Tom.

"Go yours." She said as she bit her lip. He opened his gift and smiled. She made him a baggy shirt. It was his favorite color and had random inside jokes written all over it. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her lips softly.

"Ich liebe es. Danke." (I love it. Thank you.) He said genuinely. She smiled and placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Ok boys. Your turn..." She handed the gifts to them. Tom Tom opened his first. His mouth dropped as he saw the very expensive cap he wanted.

"Ravyn..." He couldn't come up with anything else. Billy boy opened his and soon had the same expression. He pulled out the most amazing jacket he had ever seen.

"Ray these must have cost a fortune..."

"Well I couldn't buy you a car. So this was the next best thing I could save up for." They hugged her. After about a half hour later they were sitting around talking.

"So Tom what's the best present you've ever gotten?" The younger version of him asked.

"Honestly. The best present I had ever gotten was born ten minutes after me." He placed his arm around his brothers shoulders and pulled him into him.

"Really Tomi?" Bill looked at him misty eyed.

"Really Billa." The group smiled.

"What about you little me?"

"Honestly I was going to say the same thing." Ravyn wiped a tear away.

"Well it is almost two in the morning. I am going to head to bed. I have to be at the diner by seven. Goodnight everyone." She hugged everyone and went to her room. She could hear the guys saying good bye. She smiled to herself and went to lay down. There was a slight knock on her door. She opened it expecting to see Ripley but found Tom instead.

"Can I stay the night? Please?" She laughed and nodded. He came into her room and looked down at her. "So...what does Mon Amour mean?" He asked trying to use the best French accent he could muster.

"It means my love." His eyes glistened with love as he kissed her softly.

"Then let's get to bed...Mein Liebe."
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No they are NOT going to have sex! Dirty minded people :P