Status: Getting there. pop in and tell us how we're doing :) Have a good new year!

Give Me a Kiss and I Will Surrender

I Dont Give A Damn About You; No Nothing Can Change My Mind

As soon as Saffiee left I stuck my iPod in the docking station and turned it up as loud as possible, papa roach scars blasted throughout the apartment I went over to my bag and bought out my leaving present from the gang, a small plastic re-sealable bag and inside it was a small Clingfilm package or lovely goodness.
I was sat on the sofa rolling a small zoot. When I heard a throat clearing. I turned sharply keeping the rollup behind my back… and there stood Zacky Vengeance my mouth dropped open but yet I still managed to hide it behind my back. “Where’s Josh?” he asked his face looking pretty evil if you ask me.
“Josh?” I asked raising an eyebrow
“Don’t try to lie to me, I know he’s here” he yelled
“You must be pretty stupid because we moved in this morning.” I could’ve been nicer but his tone of voice annoyed me to much, arrogant and cocky. I gave up trying to hide it and brought it up to my lips to seal it before placing it between them and getting my lighter out of my front pocket. He raised an eyebrow noticing what it was.
“Do you know where he might have gone” he spoke softer this time.
“nope.” I lit it and took a deep breath. He caught my eyes and held them there for a moment “you can leave now” pissed that my first encounter with this man was pretty bad.
He stepped closer to me “and why would I want to do that.” He smirked
“Because you have no business here, and quite frankly you’re a prick.” His eyes darkened at this and he stepped even closer until he stood right in front of me he grabbed my hand and took the zoot from it before inhaling, he placed it between my lips and raised his eye brows daring me to speak… I gladly accepted. “leave now” he started laughing at me still smirking, I rolled my eyes and turned round to switch the iPod off. He grabbed my wrist and spun me back round
“What if I don’t leave…” he said slowly as if thinking something through
“Then I will have to force you to” at this he smiled even more at this before letting go of me, he walked over to the sofa and sat down, god he was really annoying me. I walked off to the kitchen and ran my hand along the carving knife selection, which one was more suitable to scare an arrogant rock star off?
I heard chuckling from behind me “your going to stab me?” I bit the inside of my cheek to stop me saying something completely stupid. I turned round slowly trying to stop my self from hitting him… a sharp crack sounded across the kitchen, I took a deep breath realising my hand was by his cheek and he was looking real angry right now.
“shit” I dropped my hand before sprinting into the living room and grabbing my mobile and stuffing it in my jean pocket. He ran behind me grabbing my waist and bundling me to the floor I turned and kicked him in the gut hoping he would let go, he didn’t. I wasn’t sure whether being tackled to the floor by an angry famous person is good or bad yet, but im going to go for bad as he seemed to be reaching into his pocket for something. He had a knife… a big sharp looking knife, I froze I obviously wasn’t going to kick him now.
“Not so cocky now huh?” he smiled and I started realising there must be a bigger picture to this, Zacky vengeance wouldn’t be after just anyone nor would he be carrying a knife the size of my head and I had just royally pissed him off, ‘great’ I thought to myself. His other hand went into his trouser pocket and bought out a phone. I groaned this was possibly the worst ‘first day a school’ I had ever had in my eighteen years. “Yeah shadz, Josh has skipped country, but I found something even better” he smiled looking down at me, even though I was in pure danger, I smiled at the red mark and the slight bruising around his eye, I was proud of myself. “Yeah… same apartment, bring the guys, there’s another one” he smiled as my face dropped,
“You even dare! She’s too rich to handle this shit” I tried to act as menacing as I could considering he was sitting on me so my arms were pinned and I had a fairly huge knife above my throat.
“Yeah that was her. - The other one? - Nah. – Probably not. – bye.” He hung up and put his phone back before smiling at me “Welcome to your new life” he spun the handle on the knife around before slamming in into my temple, the last thing I saw was him getting off me before I passed out.

I woke up with the biggest headache in the history of headaches. I tried to move but my hands were tied in front of me, it suddenly hit me, a bunch of crazy famous men were about to kidnap me and my room mate on the first day of us evening begin here. I saw Zacky pacing the room smoking and yelling on the phone to someone. The door suddenly burst open and Saffiee jumped through it “SURPRISE!” she yelled throwing a wrapped cheeseburger at my face, before realising I was tied up on the floor.
“cheers” I rolled my eyes. She saw Zacky and her eyes widened at his wicked grin, “Run!” I yelled but as she turned round a huge chest stood in her way… M. Shadows.
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sorry for the wait.
bit rushed due to writing this in my multimedia lesson :P
Comments / contrustive criticism welcomed :)

Amiee changed the title: 3AM by Busted