Status: Getting there. pop in and tell us how we're doing :) Have a good new year!

Give Me a Kiss and I Will Surrender

So Many Bright Lights To Cast A Shadow, But Can I Speak?

“SURPRIZE!” I screamed as I ran threw the door and threw Hayley’s burger at her face.
“Cheers.” She replied sarcastically as I realized the situation she was in, she had cable ties wrapped around her wrists and feet. The guy I smacked into earlier stood with a phone in his hand and a knife at his feet by the window. His evil smile mocked me as Hayley looked up at me and shouted, “RUN!”
I turned around and legged it to the door, before I could make my full escape I went smack in to the body of a well muscled man. Before I knew it I passed out on the floor and woke up in the same situation as Hayley. Feet and hands bound and sat on the front room floor.
“So Hayley, what sort of trouble did you bring here?” She turned and faced me, her eyes filled with worry.
“Oh yeah, because this is all trouble I bought with me. We’re just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“Oi, fag face,” he lifted his head and stood up off the windowsill. I chucked in my head letting my shoulders move with it. He walked over and crouched at my side his face serious.
“What could you possibly want now?” he whispered in my face. Hayley sighed. I guess now she would be able to see what im really like.
“I need to pee. Can you let me out of these?” I lifted my hands up and showed off the cable ties, he smiled and shook his head. It made my mind turned to mush. He was a looker. Once he walked off and sat back on the windowsill his big friend came and stood in front of him and started to talk. I turned to Hayley and whispered at her.
“He’s pretty nice, seems to like us.” I laughed.
She looked at me and sighed. She eyed up her bag which was on the sofa behind me.
“Oh, Escape mission?” I questioned quietly. She nodded once and I shuffled towards the sofa, slowly I made it so I could just reach her bag with my teeth and I pulled it down into the space between us. She and I worked together to open her bag and she pulled out her keys and I looked at her, confused.
“Hayley? Are you mad, how are a set of keys gonna…” she cut me off by holding up a hippo shaped bottle opener. My face obviously showed I was still confused because in a very hushed voice Hayley spoke.
“The teeth are sharp enough to cut through cable ties. Sounds weird but ive tried.” She laughed silently at the memory and began to cut through the cable ties around my wrists. Once my hands were free I started on hers. Then as soon as both our hands were free I pulled the cable ties off my ankles and ran straight into the bathroom. I heard fag face and his friend start shouting.
“How in hell did she get out?” Fag face screamed.
“I don’t know you obviously didn’t tie them tight enough!” A new voice spoke. It was different from the other, calm and collected. It was defiantly male, and he spoke with a faint lisp. He sounded stoned or very drunk, yet his voice had the sound of intellect and importance.
“No, No! They were defiantly tight enough.” Hayley’s voice sounded over the chaos. I chuckled to myself. All had gone quite quiet as I did up my jeans and belt, washed my hands, and walked out bracing my self for ultimate chaos. The scene that played out before me was stunning. Hayley more tightly bound on the floor in front of the sofa talking to a man who sat relaxed, feet on my sofa. Fag face and his friend were no where to be seen. Ultimate peace. Until they walked with two new faces. I sunk to the floor as fag face pulled even more cable ties from his back pocket. I was bound and next to Hayley in less then ten minutes as they had a little trouble trying to move me from the spot I had decided to sit in and the spot they wanted me in. I growled at him as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and asked the man sat on the sofa to untie Hayley’s ankle ties. She laughed as they allowed her to walk out of our apartment and had to carry me. They threw me onto the mattress in the back of their van and Hayley climbed in and sat next to me as the guy who sat on my sofa re tied her ankles and climbed in next to us.
“Oh hey, Hayley’s told me your name’s Saffiee? Im the Rev.” He was the intellectual drunk sounding man. “The short guy is Jonny; Fedora man is Syn and The guy driving is M.…” I sighed and spoke quietly at the same time he did, not quite listening to what he called him.
“And fag face is called…”
“Zacky.” He finished my sentence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title from; Famous Last Words, by My Chemical Romance..

Constructive Criticism ?