Status: Getting there. pop in and tell us how we're doing :) Have a good new year!

Give Me a Kiss and I Will Surrender

Back In the Day I Used To Roll With Like 30 Mates

“She tried to escape. Yeah!” The rev hung up his phone and with disappointed eyes he turned away and kicked the door open. Grabbing Hayley with one arm he got out of the van and I tried to shuffle forward too but he pulled a small gun from his trouser pocket and commanded me not to move. I looked at Hayley, mouthed ‘good luck’ and lent back onto the van’s floor. I heard the lock turn in the door and I knew I was alone. Darkness came from all angles; it even rolled in through the windows. I could tell we were near no street lights but it was a pit stop so it must have had a shop or café. I pulled my hands over my feet as I started on my escape, from the cable ties at least. Once my hands were in front of my face I used my teeth to cut through them, and then began to work on the ones around my ankles. I almost had them off when I heard the keys move in the lock. I panicked, but then thought that maybe it was just Hayley and the rev and carried on. I heard laughter on the other side of the door, it wasn’t the same crazed maniac laugh that belonged to the rev, it was a soft chuckle, it sounded menacing. I snapped through the cable tie just as the door opened and Fag face’s face appeared and leant into the back of the van and whispered to me.
“Get out the van slowly, don’t looked shocked.” It took a minute for me to gather myself up but I stepped out of the van and felt his hand clamp around my femur. I sighed and he walked me off towards the café. “Why try and escape? Didn’t you see what happened to your little friend?” towards the end he trailed off as if he didn’t really care much for my answer.
“Look faggot. I have human rights, I deserve to have some freedom, and I do not class cable ties around my hands as freedom. I wasn’t going to escape!” He laughed. He stopped moving and shoved me into the wall which stood in front of us. He swung for my head but I ducked, I blocked his kick at me and I swung at him, fake stomach. Then SMACK right in his face. That’s bound to be a broken nose. I kicked him right in the ribs and while he lay in agony on the floor I twisted his hand around so far he cried out in pain.
“Now listen fag face, its obvious you’ve taken us away from our apartment, and im guessing your not going to take us back or let us go… so me and Hayley don’t want them cable ties around our wrists anymore. Understand?” I questioned twisting it around that little bit further. He nodded and I let go. “Right, up you get im hungry.” I said turning around and walking into the café. I walked up to the counter and picked up a menu and started to read through it when I heard the door open and close and male footsteps walk up behind me.
“Never let that happen again.” Fag face spoke quietly over my shoulder to me before walking into the toilets. Once he had cleaned up, he came out
and sat on the chair next to mine and I laughed in my head but scowled at him, a small smile on my face made him see I was mocking him. He gave me a menacing smile before turning and signaling the waitress to come over. She was young, most likely 19, chin length purple spiky hair framed her petit but pretty face, a single line of eyeliner framed her green eyes. She smiled at the faggot next to me, her eyes taking in his face. Blergh! He ordered two cokes and some meals. Two beef burgers and chips. As soon as the waitress bought them over, we moved off the counter and to a table. We talked a lot while eating, mainly about each other. I learnt a lot about him through this meal. Even after we’d finished eating we still sat there talking, we ordered a couple of coffee’s to keep us here, I learnt why he was so aggressive and why he did what he did. It was in those few moments of quiet that I wondered where Hayley was, and he was either thinking the same thing, or he could read my mind because he turned and looked out the window and spoke.
“Aha! Look they finally caught her!” There Hayley was walking with Synyster and a van towards us. I laughed as I saw Hayley being held tightly. The van sped off and parked and it looked like Syn shouted across the car park to the guys in the van, finishing a conversation. I laughed as I saw them go back over to the van open the doors and find the van unlocked and empty. Syn pulled his phone and dialed a number, spoke for a minute before hanging up. I laughed as Fag faces phone rung shortly after. He chuckled looked at me and nodded out the window pulling a finger up to his lips and began to mumble into the phone.
“Yeah, Syn.. Calm down. She was fucking hungry man. I aint gonna make her starve. Im not a dick. … yeah alright ill bring her back.”
He stood up and turned to the door before looking back at me.
“Well I didn’t bring any money…” I said as he gave me a pull-your-wallet-out kind of look. He sighed before pulling his wallet out and laying a twenty on the table. I rose and followed him out. Once we got back to the van, I saw how Syn had tied Hayley up again, I laughed as I looked at her im-so-getting-bored-of-these-cable-ties look.
“Oi, Faggot.” I spoke just loud enough for the guys to hear us. They all turned to see me sitting free on the edge of the van. Syn and M. looked most shocked. Syn punched Fag’s arm before having a hissy fit at him.
“I thought I told you to tie her up? Well why isn’t she?” After he had explained the story he turned to me and spoke softly.
“What’s up?” I looked over and Hayley and he pulled a knife out of his pocket. Everyone’s face turned from calm to horrified as he walked over to her, we just laughed. He cut the ties on her arms and legs and pushed me into the back of the van before shutting and locking the doors. Hayley looked at me and asked
“What the hell is going on between you two?” her eyes accusing and her tone angered. I looked shocked that she could think such a thing, we may not have known each other long, but im not going to fall for my capture, no matter how gorgeous he is.
“Hayley? How could you think such a thing? He was going to take me for some food when he saw my ties broken and he thought I was going to escape so I had a few words with him. Told him that its obvious they wont let us go but I don’t want the cable ties and I wont try escape as long as they treat us like humans not animals. Maybe even friends eventually.” I laughed and she looked at me, her expression changing... again!
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Title from N-Dubs - Strong Again