‹ Prequel: My Safe Haven

10 Things

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I stared at the doctor with a blank stare. Did I just hear him right? Did he just say that I have Stomach Cancer? No he must have me mistaken with someone else. I mean I’m healthy. There is no way that I could have cancer, right?


“Did you just say that I have cancer?” I asked and the doctor cleared his throat.

“I mean I only came in because my abdomen is swollen, and you tell me that I have Stomach Cancer?” I asked starting to tear up.

“Ms. Simons-James, when we did you Endoscopy last week and took some tissue samples we did a biopsy. We sent it off to the lab, and they confirmed that the cells in the tissue, is cancerous. From how many we found I want to give you eight months max.” Dr. Hines said and I shook my head.

“This isn’t fair!!” I yelled and finally broke down.

“I understand but we need to do a chest x-ray as soon as possible.” he said and I nodded.

“Can we do it tomorrow, this way I can at least tell my family?” I asked and he nodded and handed me a few tissues and ushered me out of the examination room. I wiped the tears out from under my eyes as i got into my car. i grabbed out a piece of paper, and began to write.


1. Break a record
2. Skip School.
3. Go bungee jumping
4. Learn to play guitar
5. Go Skinny Dipping
6. Conquer My Fear
7. Loose My Virginity
8. Fall In Love
9. Make All The Cupcakes In My Cupcake Book =]
10. Kiss Ethan Bentley James.

I sighed an looked over my list. I was determined to do all of these before I die. I set down the piece of paper, and started the car. I was going to go see Riley, and then I go tell my parents.

<><><><> Riley’s House <><><><>

“Riley open up your damn door right now!” I yelled and heard a laughed and the door opened.

“What’s wrong chica?” she asked me and I wiped the tears away that had escaped my eyes.

“I have c-c-cancer.” I said ad the color drained from her face.

“This is a joke right, where are the cameras?” she asked me and looked around.

“Lee it isn’t a joke. I have caner, and I have a list, and I’ll be damned if I don’t finish this list before I die.” I said and wiped the tears out from under her eyes, and hugged her.

“How long?”

“Eight months.” I whispered and she started crying even more.

“How many on the list?” she asked.

“Ten.” I said and she nodded

“What are we crying for, we have a list to finish!” she yelled. I laughed and we got into my car.

“Have you told your parents yet?” she asked and I shook my head.

“That is what we are going to go do now.” I said and blared the music to clear my mind. I pulled into my drive way and cut my engine.

“Well here goes nothing.” I said and got out and walked into the house.

“MOM! DAD! ARE YOU HERE?” I yelled and all I heard was silence.

“Maybe there at Steph’s house?” Riley suggested and I groaned.

“Great now I have to tell Aunt Steph at the same time.” I said and Riley patted my shoulder.

“It’s okay, I’ll be right there net to you. If you can’t tell them, then I’ll do it for you.” Riley said, and then cursed.

“What is it?” I asked her and she looked at me with sorrow in her eyes.

“I have to go home. Mom’s went out drinking again and she just sent me a drunken text. I’m sorry Iris, I really am.” she said and I nodded.

“I understand. But we start that list soon!” I yelled and she laughed as she walked out the door. I walked out the door and through the sliding back doors of Aunt Steph’s house. I heard laughing coming from the living room, and followed the noise to find my mom, dad Aunt Steph, Uncle Alan, and an annoyed looking Ethan. I cleared my throat and my mom gasped when she saw that I had been crying.

“Honey what’s wrong?” she asked and Ethan snorted.

“She probably got boo-boo and wanted her mommy to kiss it better.” he said and I grunted.

“Shut up freak.” I said and he flipped me off when our parents weren’t looking.

“I think you guys should all sit down for this one.” I said and my mom gasped again.

“You’re not pregnant are you?” she asked and I shook my head and giggled.

“No mom, I’m not pregnant.” I said and she sighed in relief.

“I-I-I-I have… I have cancer.” I said and the room went silent.

“This is a joke right?” my Uncle Alan asked and I shook my head.

“Why does every one think that it’s a joke? Cancer isn’t a topic to joke about.” I said and looked my mom and dad. They were both white as ghost and where staring at the floor. I looked at Ethan and he looked right back at me with so many emotions in his eyes I couldn’t pin point an of them. I excused myself out the door I can in through and walked over to he hammock that connected their yard to ours. A few minutes later the hammock shift behind me and an arm wrap around my waist.

I turned around and buried my face in the chest of my capture. They let me cry and ruin their favorite Misfits shirt. I fell asleep to my capture rubbing my back. Right before I fell asleep I heard the sweet voice of my capture whisper that he was sorry. That sweet voice belonged to my enemy. Ethan Bentley Willows. And right now, I was okay with that.
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sorry it took me so long to get this out. i hope you liked it!!!! now you shall go comment, for i will update faster!