‹ Prequel: My Safe Haven

10 Things

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Beep…..Beep….Beep. I opened my eyes and looked around. My mom was asleep in the chair and my dad, Wyatt asleep in the chair next to her. I hit the nurses button, and a male nurse came through the door.

“Well look who finally woke up.” he said and checked my vitals and recorded things down into my chart.

“How long have I been out?” I asked and cleared my throat because of how raspy I sounded.

“Two weeks.” he said and my eyes bulged out.

“Aw man. My rents are going to be pissed.” I said and rubbed my eyes. A few minutes later my mom woke up and looked at me.

“You’re awake.” she said and nudged her husband.


“She’s awake.”

“Hey honey.” he said and came over and brushed my hair out of my face. I flinched back and he gave me a weird look.

“What’s wrong?” he asked and I shook my head.

“You’re not my dad.” I said and he had a look of fear in his eyes.

“What are you talking about of course I’m your dad.” he said and laughed lightly.

“I mean you’re not my biological father are you.” I said and he shook his head, and then looked at my mom. We all were quiet for about ten minutes before I finally spoke up.

“I’ll take the silence as a yes.” I said. I wiped the tear out from under my eyes. I grabbed a tissue and wiped my nose.

“Ca-ca-can I meet him?” I asked and I heard my mom suck in a big whiff of air.

“Hun, he’s kind of behind bars.” she said and I nodded.

“Oh. Okay.” Wyatt cleared his throat and I looked at him. He looked kind of pained and I suddenly felt bad.

“I’ll still think of you as my dad, because in my eyes you are.” I said and he immediately broke out in grin.

“Good.” he said and came over and gave me a hug.

“I love you daddy.” I whispered and hugged him back. He pulled back after a few minutes with a look on his face telling me that I was in trouble.

“What the hell were you thinking drinking a whole bottle of Jack Daniels.” he said in a raised tone and I looked at my mom.

“I wasn’t thinking. I got into a huge fight with Riley and Ethan, and we all said some hurtful things, and we’re not friends anymore. And to top it off I had a doctors appointment and it really hit me that I have cancer because I have to go in five days for several weeks for external radiation.” I said and grabbed another tissue.

“I’m sure it can’t be that bad. What did you guys say to each other?” my mom asked me.

<><><><> FLASH BACK <><><><>

“Frankly Iris, it was none of your business. We didn’t tell you because we knew this was how you were going to react. You think that every thing has to revolve around you! Well here‘s a big fucking news flash, it doesn‘t, so why don’t you grow the fuck up, and mind your own fucking business!” Ethan yelled.

“Just leave me the hell alone. Both of you.” I said and grabbed my chips from her and began to eat them.

“What crawled up your ass and died.” she said and walked over to Ethan.

“She knows about us.” Ethan said in a hushed whisper.

“Ohhhhh…” Riley said and turned to me with an evil look on her face.

“So that’s it. You’re just a jealous little bitch.” she said with a sneer and I was taken back.

“No I’m not jealous, I’m hurt. I’m hurt that neither of my two best friends would tell me that they were in a relationship, let alone in a relationship with each other.” I said and threw the chips to the floor.

“Oh get over yourself sweetie.” she said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

“I’ll get over myself, when you learn to be a best friend.” I said and walked into the kitchen. I heard her laugh as I took my parent’s hidden stash of Jack Daniels out and grabbed a shot glass. I poured a full shot glass and downed it only to down another one right after.

“Now now Iris, alcohol is never the answer.” Ethan said took the bottle from me.

“Give it back.” I said calmly. So calmly that I think it struck a nerve in both of them as to how they were acting.


“God! I’d rather die, than be friends with you guys any more!” I yelled at them and threw my now empty shot glass at their intertwined hands.

“I guess you got your wish then, because you are dying!” Riley exclaimed and I looked at her stunned.

<><><><> END OF FLASHBACK <><><><>

“Wait till Steph hears about this.” my mom said to my dad, and I shook my head.

“No! She doesn’t need to know. We aren’t going to make up, and we’re not going to be friends.” I said and she nodded.

“I promise mom, dad, it will never happen again.” I said and they both reached over and hugged me.

“We know.” she said and got up and walked out of the room.

“Where is she going?” I asked my dad and he shrugged.

“Probably to see when you are getting released.” he said and I nodded. They kept me there for the rest of the day, and released me the next morning at nine o’clock.

<><><><> At School <><><><>

I walked into the office and asked to use the phone. It rang three times before my mom picked up.


“Hey momma. I have to stay after for Geometry to make up for when I was out.” I said.

“Okay, just make sure you’re home before dinner.” she said and then hung up. I hung up the phone. I turned around and walked back out into the hall way. Okay so I had lied to my mom. I had detention because I had skipped school and had gotten caught. I begged them not to tell and they said they wouldn’t as long as I stayed after school for the rest of the week to serve detention. I walked into Mrs. Caps room and took a seat in the back the class. A few minutes later I heard the door open and I looked up. I was pleasantly surprised that I was no the only one serving detention today. He came to the back of the class and sat down next to me.

“What are you in for?” I asked and he looked up.

“I punched a teacher. You?”

“Skipped school but got caught.” I said and he laughed.

“I think this will be the start of a beautiful friendship. I’m Zacky.”

“Iris.” I said and shook his hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
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suggestions in the comments are always welcome.
