‹ Prequel: My Safe Haven

10 Things

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I walked back to my house and snuck in through the back door. I minute I closed the door, the lights flicked on, and I knew I was busted.

“Where have you been young lady?” Riley asked me.

“Over to Aunt Steph’s house sharing the love of home made cupcakes?” I said but t was more like a question.

“Well at least let me know what you are going to be a while or else I wouldn’t have made us breakfast.” she said and took our now cold breakfast out of the microwave.

“Ri, I’m sorry E and I started talking and were eating cupcakes and he told me his side of why he told everyone I was a rape baby.” I said and she nodded and came over and gave me a hug. She knew it was a sore subject for me still, and people would still tease me about it in school.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked me, but I shook my head.

“No but there is something else I want to talk to you about.” I said and sat down.

“What is it Hun?” she asked and grabbed my hand.

“I went to the doctors yesterday, and he basically gave me two options. They could either remove my womb to help prevent the spreading of the cancer, or I could do chemo and radiation to try and get rid of the cancer, and I just don’t know which one I should choose.”

“Well, have you talked to your parents about it yet?” she asked me and I shook my head no.

“You’re the only one I have told.” I said and wiped away a stray tear.

“I feel honored.” she said with a laugh trying to lighten the mood.

“I mean I really want to have kids someday, but I don’t want the cancer to spread. I don’t want to have to go through chemo where I’m always tired and my hair falls out and everything. Do you think just having the surgery would be easier?” I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

“Hun I haven’t gone through this before, and cancer doesn’t run in my family, so I don’t know. If I were you, I would talk to my parents, and loved ones before I make my choice, but remember it is YOUR choice not THEIRS and you should do what you feel is best for you and your body and life.” she said and stood up and pulled me into a hug.

“Thank you babe. You’re the best friend I could ever ask for.” I said and she laughed.

“You’re welcome, now what number are we going to knock off that list today?” she asked and I smiled.

“How about number five?” I asked and she nodded.

“Sounds good to me, but no peaking.” she said and we both laughed.

“I won’t, and besides, it’ll be dark because we’re doing this at night.” I said and she nodded. We retreated upstairs and laid down on my queen size bed, and went to sleep.
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short i know but it's something right? i gonna start doing a ? of the chapter from now on.

today's question is:

What should Iris do: Chemo and radiation or removal of the womb?