Status: Comments Appreciated!

And I'm Too Good for You? Ha! ... Right


I can't believe Seleste! Of all people! Her getting drunk. I was going to give her a serious talk when she's awake.

"Are you alright Rylee?" Bob asked me, putting two fingers under my chin.
I just stared into his blue eyes and shook my head.
"You mad?"
"Yeah, I can't believe Seleste!" My face was growing hot.

"It's fine. She'll snap out of it when she wakes up," he sounded so right... Well, he was right. *insert sarcastic laugh here*
"Can we go outside? It's too hot in here," I pouted, using the cool night as an excuse to talk to Bob alone.

"Yeah. It is pretty hot in here," he removed his fingers from my chin and stood up.
I pushed myself off the couch, and followed beside Bob through the back door.
Once outside, I shivered.
"You cold?" Bob looked at me from the corner of his eye.
"Just a little," I smiled weakly.
Bob smiled back, and grabbed my hand in his. I shivered again, but not from the cold. Bob's hand was really warm as he laced his fingers with mine.
"This party is just a little too boring for my liking," I said as Bob and I walked around the backyard.
"Yeah. I have to agree with you. Do you want to leave?" he looked down at me.
"Sure. I'll call Gee later and tell him we left," I looked back up at him.
"Okay, let's go to my house. It's close," he said as he lead me to the fence on the side of the house.
When we arrived at Bob's house, he unlocked the door with his key, and let me inside first.
"Holy! It's warm in here!" I released Bob's hand and jumped on the couch.
Bob laughed at me and sat on the chair next to the couch.
"What do we do now? I'm bored," I whined and laughed as I looked at Bob.
He shrugged, "I don't know? Whatever you want to do."