Status: Comments Appreciated!

And I'm Too Good for You? Ha! ... Right


Crap... Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh on Seleste. I sighed out loud to myself.

I walked into the hallway bathroom and shut the door behind me. I opened the cabinet above the toilet and lifted up my wristband basket, picking my my razor blade.

"I've missed you," I whispered to it, shutting the cabinet and sitting on the edge of the bath tub.
Before I could take the blade to my wrist, Bob walked through the door, causing the blade to jump out of my hand and cut my upper arm.

"Fuck!" I yelled, falling into the tub, grabbing my bleeding arm.

"Rylee! What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Bob yelled running towards me.
"I wasn't thinking," I muttered, awkwardly trying to sit up.
Bob reached down and took my uninjured arm firmly in his hand and pulled my up to him.
He took my arm in his hand and examined my wound.

"It's not too bad, just let me clean it for you," he dropped my arm and moved me to the sink. "Sit on the counter."

I was scared to disobey him, so I sat down on the counter. I watched him as he grabbed a clean rag from the cabinet and got it wet in with tap water.

I held my arm up for him to clean. When he was done, there was a big gash in my arm.
"I think I need stiches Bob," I mentioned looking at the gash.
"I think you need to stay the hell away from razor blades," he gave me a hard look.
"I'm sorry Bob!" I stared into his blue eyes.

Bob stepped towards me and took my face in his hands, staring at me in the eyes as well.
"Rylee, promise me you won't do this again. If you ever feel the need to, you know where I live and you have my number. Call me," he closed the space between our faces and placed his mouth on mine.
The passion in his kiss took me by surprise. I felt my hands go up to his. A few seconds later, I thought my head was going to explode. Bob probably read my mind and slowly pulled away, he wanted his lips to stay, but they didn't.
I couldn't find an answer for Bob's promise. But I think he found his promise in the kiss.
"Will you keep that in mind?" he placed his forehead on mine.
I still couldn't find my words, so I nodded my head once.

Bob placed one more short kiss on my lips, then stared into my eyes again.
Seleste was staring at Bob and I through the open door.
"Are you okay Rylee?" her eyes were puffy from crying.
"Yeah. The question is; are you?" I looked at her, worried.
She nodded, then shook her head, then nodded again. She was really confused.
I looked at Bob again, "I'll call you later, I really need to talk to Seleste."
He nodded, and whispered in my ear, "I love you."

Then we let go of me and walked out of the bathroom.
I stared at the bathroom door, open-mouthed shocked.
"What did he say?" Seleste looked at me weirdly.
"He-he-he said," I cut myself off. I couldn't let her know. I mean, it would be weird to tell my best friend that I love a guy I barely even know. But telling her he loves me too would cause her to freak out!
But the question I have for myself is: do I really love him? Or am I just saying it to make myself happy?