Status: Comments Appreciated!

And I'm Too Good for You? Ha! ... Right


"Then tell me, Seleste! Just tell me what the fuck happened, so I can help you!" I yelled urgently. Tears streaming down my cheeks, afraid for the girl that should be my sister.

"I can't!" She yelled back crying uncontrolably. I pulled her into my chest so that we could cry out our tears together. I pet her hair and she gripped my tank top.

Once she finally quieted down I pulled her away by her shoulders. "Now what's going on, Seleste? You know you can tell me absolutely anything," I said still gripping her shoulders.

She searched my eyes frantically for a moment with her blood shot ones before finally whispering hoarsely, " Do you remember my best friend who died a few years back?" I nodded an affirmative remembering how Jordan had died in a horrible car crash and that Seleste was depressed for months over it. "Well, I loved him. He was my first love and I... and I..."

"And you what Seleste? And you what?" I said crawling into the bed with her. I wrapped my arms around my sister to comfort her. She put her head on my shoulder once we were both comftorable.

"And I didn't tell him," she choked out tears falling silently. "He was my first love, ever, and I never told him. I had so many chances to tell him and I didn't. I just... didn't. I shoved him into a box in the back of my mind and the back of my closet until last night. I feel so guilty for making out with Frank after only knowing him for a few days! I knew Jordan for years and never kissed him, made out with him, or told him how I felt! But I made out with Frank! I, I just can't believe that I betrayed Jordan so easily! And then all of the things I worked so hard so forget and put in that box in the back of my mind came springing forward."

"Seleste, you can't feel that way! He died when you were in seventh grade. Seventh grade, Seleste! You were such a different person then! You don't have to feel guilty for kissing Frank. You have changed so much since then, you've become more free, gotten so much smarter, and you learned to live for the minute, to a small degree," I chuckled making her sniffle and chuckle lightly. "The point is; Jordan would love for you to be happy. He wouldn't want you wallowing over something that made you happy! But he wouldn't want you to forget him either. Live life to the fullest, but learned from what happened with Jordan; tell someone when you love them. And make sure you keep telling them," I said kissing the top of her head.

"I love you, Rylee. You are the best, best friend, no, sister anyone could ask for. You know me so well," she stopped to take a ragged breath and to wipe a few tears away, "and, from now on, I will never go without a day where I don't tell you that."

It meant so much to hears those words coming from her. I can remember hearing some kind of crumbling noise, I invisioned the thick concrete walls around Seleste turning to dust around her, revealing a strong girl, beautiful girl ready to face the world. I turned to hear with happy tears filling my eyes and said, "I love you too, Seleste."
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Just wrote this on a spark of inspiration. I hope you guys like it!