Status: Comments Appreciated!

And I'm Too Good for You? Ha! ... Right


I sat talking with Gerard the whole class period. Turns out that his brother's name is Mikey. Both are in the same un-named band with their friend's Ray, Bob, and Frank. Mikey and Frank are sopmores like me. Ray and Bob are juniors like Rylee. And Gerard is the old (senior) man of the group.

Just then the bell rang, so I gethered my stuff in my bag and fell in step with Gerard.

"So, Seleste, I've spent a whole class period talking about myself. Let's hear about you." He smiled

"What do you want to know?" I laughed.

"Let's start with why you came to Belleville?"

"My dad got a job offer."

"Okay, When's your birthday?"

"December 17th, 1979" I smiled thinking of last year's party, but immediatly stopped. You live here now Seleste. Live in the now.

"Favorite color?"

I smiled. "Pink and black obviously." I said pointing to my jacket.

"Pink?! You seem more like a red or blue person!" He said shocked.

I laughed. "Next question."


"Next question."

He sighed defeated. "Fine. Virgin?" He smiled evily.

"You'll never know." I laughed.

"Oh c'mon!"


"Grrrrrrrrrr! Here we are. One more question?"

"Shoot." I said nervous.

"Are you a smoker or a drinker?"

"Smoker, definetly not. Drinker....sometimes, but I never get completely drunk. I know my limit."

"Okay you can go on in. I'll tell my brother about you out here."

"Okay see you, Way."

"See you, Plemmons," he said as I walked into Mrs. Kells US History class. Again I took a seat at the back of the classroom. Only this time I intoduced myself to the teacher first.

As I sat down I saw a tall, lanky boy with longish brown hair, black thick rimmed glasses, bright brown eyes, and a searching face. He looked as if he was looking for someone as he scanned the classroom.

And my heart stopped when his eyes settled on me and a smile crept up. He walked towards me.

And in the dreamiest voice I've EVER heard he said, "I'm Mikey. You must be Seleste."

"YOU'RE Mikey?" I said in disbelief.

"What something wrong?" He laughed sitting down next to me.

"No, it's just you're not exactly how Gerard described you. I think his exact words were 'dorky, annoying little brother Mikey'," I laughed. For some reason I didn't feel at all nervous around him.

"Well I don't know about annoying, but I am a bit of a dork."

"We all have a little dork in us," I laughed. I went through the next two classes with Mikey. Turns out their friend Frank goes to a private school.

When lunchtime came around I told Mikey I'd meet up with him once I found Rylee. I ran into her right outside the cafeteria.

"Hey Ry. How's your first day going?" I asked completely happy.

"It's going okay I guess." She coughed then said quiuckly "And got sent to the principal's office first period."

"Awww Rylee! I told you not to make fun of his name!"

"But I didn't! He called me Staffer instead of Stauffer, so I called him a dumbass."

I took a deep breath to bring me back to my new happy place with Mikey. "Fine just please try not to get in anymore trouble? Please?"

"Okay okay!"

"Good let's go eat lunch. And by the way I met the rockers!" I laughed as we walked into the cafeteria to get our food then outside to meet up with Mikey and his gang.
♠ ♠ ♠
It has been forever since we've written this! Just to let you know Rylee and I have written up to chapter thirteen on quizilla. I will be writing 14 and 15 once I find some inspiration, but today I will be transferring what we have written here.