Status: Comments Appreciated!

And I'm Too Good for You? Ha! ... Right


Frank went back to his private school after lunch. Then I went to my English class and the rest of school day was a blur. After school I waited outside the gates with Iron Maiden blasting through the headphones of my casette player.

I was wondering when Rylee was gonna come out when Gerard pulled up in his car with Mikey in the passenger seat.

"Hey Seleste, need a ride home?" Gerard asked rolling his window down.

I thought about it quickly. "I can't. I've gotta wait for Ry."

"Actually I saw them ditching outside one of my classrooms." Mikey said.

"I... guess I can go then." I said hesitantly.

"Great!!" Mikey said as I got in the backseat. I luaghed at his excitement, but on the inside I was worried as hell. Whenever Rylee ditched she went home and drank. And if anyone in my family found her smashed she'd get kicked out.

"Hey, we've got band practice today. Do you mind if we pick up Frank before we drop you off?" Gerard asked.

"Uh, yeah, it's fine," I said quickly.

"Something wrong?" Mikey asked me as we drove through the streets of Belleville.

"No everything's fine." I said casting a small smile, lying through my teeth. I stared out of the window on the way to pick up Frank.

Frank got in as we pulled up to a gas station close to his school.

"Hey Frankford." Gerard said.

"'Sup Frankie." Mikey said.

"Hi Frank," I said quietly.

"What's the matter Seleste?" Frank asked after he said 'Hi' to Gerard and Mikey.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I said again casting another small smile.

"Okay." He said looking like he didn't buy it. "You coming to watch us practice?"

"Nah, not today, maybe another time." It didn't take long for Gerard to get me home. Turns out Rylee and I live only a few blocks from the guys.

After Gerard rounded the block I ran into the house. I looked all on the first floor to no avail. I ran up the stairs and into her room.

I was relieved, yet shocked at what I found. Instead of finding Rylee alone and drunk, I found her sitting on the bed just barely drunk (yet drunk enough to be ditsy and clumsy), and Bob passed out next to her.

"Rylee, Bob?! What happened?!" I said shocked.

Rylee laughed a lazy laughed, "What do you mean what happened?" She slurred and pressed a bottle to her lips only to find it was empty. "Hey! Who drank all the booze?"

"Rylee," I whined, "what if Maddie had found you? Or what if Katie was home from college?"

She spluttered, "Haha I don't know!" She looked around slowly, "Ha! What happened to him?!" She said laughing hysterically.

What am I going to do? I thought frantically.