Status: Comments Appreciated!

And I'm Too Good for You? Ha! ... Right


When I was all done with Seleste's make up, I put on black eyeliner, but made it thicker to bring out her green hazel eyes, I also put on red eyeshadow to go with her shirt, some foundation, and some clear lip gloss on her lips to make them look shiny.

I have to say,I did a good job with her make up... Now it's time to do her hair.

"Hair time!" I said happily, as I turned on the curling iron.
"Can I look at my make up?" Seleste whined, reaching for a hand-held mirror.
"No!" I yelled, grabbing the mirror from Seleste's right hand.
"Why not Rylee?!" she protested, glaring up at me.
"I don't want you to see, until I've done your hair."
"Do you have to curl my hair?" she pouted.
"Not all of it will be curled, just some parts. Okay?"
"Fine, but hurry up okay."
"I will," I turned atound and grabbed the curler.
"Good," she unfolded her arms and sat straight up in the sit as I started curling the ends of her light brown hair.
When I was done curling Seleste's hair, I let her look at herself in the big mirror.

"Woah," she touched the curly parts of her hair, "I like it."
"I hoped you would," I smiled at her in the mirror.
"Now it's my turn to get ready, so get out!" I said playfully, pushing Seleste away from the mirror and out of our bathroom.
"But...but...but-" she studdered
"No buts, out of the room." I laughed, pushing her out of the room.

(Seleste's outfit [img][/img] )

I grabbed a bunch of clothing articles: [img][/img]

When I was done grabbing those items, I ran back into the bathroom. I curled my hair, did my make up, and got dressed.

I walked out of my room, and found Seleste standing there, smiling like an idiot.

"Hi?" I smiled at her awkwardly.
"Hiya!" she smiled back at me.
"You look like an idiot," I laughed at her.
"I'm kind of suppose to because Gerard told me to."
"What!? They guys are here?!" Iexclaimed, and pushed Seleste out of the way, so I could see for myself.

When I reached the bottom of the stair case, I looked up and saw all the guys standing infront of the door, smiling at me. I was out of breath, but I smiled back and waved like a dork.

"Excited to see us?" Ray asked.
"You bet!" I ran and tackled him into a hug, knocking us the both of usto the ground.
"Damn Rylee! You should join the football team next year," Mikey commented.
"I think I will Mike. Thanks for the smartass comment," I smiled up at him, and got off of Ray.
"Hey guys," Seleste said from the stairs.
They all said hey, and we walked out of the house, to Gerard and Ray's trucks. Seleste, Mikey and Frank rode with Gerard while Bob and I rode with Ray.