Status: One Shot - Complete :)

Extra Curricular Activities

Chapter 1 of 1

Relaxing in her dormitory bed, Aly couldn't help but giggle as she overheard the phone conversation her room mate Amy was having with her older brother. From what she could gather Amy's brother was on his way to visit her on their mother's instructions and neither of them were too happy about it.

"Urgh, this sucks, I wish my mother would just trust me.'' Amy yelled after hanging up the phone and throwing it down onto her bed.

"Well you did get called into the Deans office last week.'' Aly replied with a smile as she put down the book she was reading. Amy glared back at her roommate. "You know that wasn't my fault, and he apologised once Sara had admitted it was her.'' she defended crossing her arms over her chest.

”And what about how you got Sara to admit it was her?'' she replied.

"What? I just used the Sanders charm.'' she answered with a shrug of her shoulders and a mischievous grin.

Aly laughed, ''So what time is he getting here?''

"He'll be here in about an hour, so the first thing I've got to do is tidy my room.'' she said with a pout.

Aly rolled her eyes, and smiled. "Okay, I'll help for the price of a few beers.''

A large smile appeared on Amy's face as she leapt off the bed. "Aly I love you!" she exclaimed hugging her friend.

Stepping out of his car, Matt Sanders looked up at the large building in front of him and sighed. There were a million and one places he'd rather be, but his mom had hassled him to check up on his little sister with the pretence of a casual social visit. Of course Amy had known straight away exactly whose idea it was for Matt to visit, but there wasn't anything either of them could do without both of them incurring the wrath of their mother.

Slowly he made his way over to the building he'd visited only once before, not long after she had started college. That had been an actual social visit and had ended up with him suffering from one of the worst hang over’s he'd ever had.

He found her room and knocked loudly at the door.

"Come in'' came the cheerful reply so he opened the door and took a step inside.

"Listen Aim, you and I both know why I'm here and I don't like it no more than you do but neither of us want to have to deal with mom if we kick up a fuss and just get on with it.'' he said before anyone else had the chance to talk.

"I was hoping you'd say something like that.'' Amy said getting off her bed. "Hi by the way.'' she added as she walked over to hug him.

"Oh yeah, hey.'' he replied wrapping his large tattooed arms around the smaller figure of his sister.

"This is my room mate Aly, she moved in after Tara moved out.'' she said gesturing towards Aly.

"Nice to meet you I'm Matt.'' he replied with a dimpled smile.

"Oh um, hi, Aly.'' she said quietly feeling herself blush, suddenly aware that she had been staring at him, with saliva gathering in her mouth at the presence of the Adonis of a man in her room.

"So what happened to Tara? I thought you two were friends?'' he said turning his attention to his sister.

As Amy explained to her brother why Tara had moved out and she had moved in, Aly busied herself in an attempt to distract herself from staring at Matt more. In her opinion the photo that Amy kept on her night stand of her family didn’t do him any justice. He was tall and muscular with tattoos covering his arms. He had a thin layer of freshly re-grown hair on his head and a pair of hazel green eyes that she could spend a year gazing into and not get bored. And to top it off, when he smiled a set of the most irresistible dimples appeared. He was mouth-watering.

“So now you’re stuck with my crazy ass sister huh?” Matt asked pulling Aly from her thoughts.

“Hey? Oh yeah, but she’s really not that bad...”she began with a smile as she saw Amy glare at her.

“I just have the same talent as my older brother for getting into trouble.” Amy continued quickly poking out her tongue at Matt.

“Hey, I’m not that bad!” he protested loudly.

“Anymore! Come on Matt, it would actually be hypocritical of you to go back and tell mom if I’d been up to no good, and besides how many times did I cover for you when we were kids?”

“Okay, you have a point. I’ll tell mom that you’re studying hard, keeping out of trouble, go to church every week.” Matt replied with a smile.

“Wow, calm down, don’t go overboard, lets keep it believable.” Amy replied.

“Okay, so anyway, I’ve got some time to kill what’s the plan?” he said sitting down in one of the desk chairs.

“Are you sure you want to stay? Do you remember the hang over you had the last time?” Amy asked.

“Are you trying to put me off staying? Yes I remember that night and the headache but that’s not going to happen again.” he replied. Amy pouted slightly before quickly turning it into a smile.

“Okay, there’s a party later that Aly and I were planning on going to I guess you could tag along.” She replied.

“Gee, thanks I promise I won’t crap your style.” Matt replied with sarcasm dripping from the words causing Aly to laugh. Amy poked her tongue out childishly before sitting back down on her bed.


“Wow, this is kinda a nice ego boost.” Matt said as he walked with Amy linked on his right arm and Aly on his left.

“Like you need one bro. Oh and by the way, no ‘big brother’ act tonight. There are going to be guys her and I will be talking to them end of.” She replied warningly.

“You have so much faith in me don’t you?” he asked mockingly.

“Oh come off it Matthew, how many guys have you scared off?” she countered with raised eyebrows.

“Okay, fair point. But can I still have fun with the creeps that you’re not interested in?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Okay fine, I’ll give you the signal if anyone bother’s me.” she replied with a roll of her eyes. A satisfactory smile spread across his face.

“I’ll do the same for you too if you want.” He said turning a dimpled smile at Aly.

“Thanks.” She replied shyly feeling herself redden.

“She’s quite the popular girl isn’t she?” Matt asked as he walked up to Aly a little while later.

“Yeah, everyone loves her.” she replied with a smile. “I wish I could be more like her sometimes.”

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being the quiet one, sometimes they end up being the most fun.” He replied with another breathtaking smile that caused Aly’s cheeks to yet again redden.

“You ready for another beer?” he asked gently swinging his empty bottle in front of her.

“Um, actually yeah.” She replied before following him into the kitchen where an abundance of alcohol was set out all over the work tops.

“Okay, so now that’s she’s busy elsewhere, how much trouble has she really been in?” Matt asked as he handed her a cold bottle of beer.

Aly sighed and took a long drink before answering. “Not as much as she’ll have you believe. She actually does study a lot and don’t tell her I told you this but she’s actually top five of her class.” She replied llowering her voice.

“Wow, really? She always was the smart one, and she really does get the ‘getting into trouble’ streak from me. I was always I fights in high school.” He replied with a reminiscent smile.

“You look oddly proud of that fact.” Matt shook his head his smile remaining.

“Not necessarily proud. I was actually remembering this one time when god knows how many kids were all fighting at school and all because of this one guy, Cam, who just stood back and watched.” He replied.

“That was nice of him.” Aly said taking another sip of her beer.

“Actually a lot of the trouble I got into involved Cam in one way or another.” He replied. “But anyway, that’s enough about me and my family, what about you? What course are you studying?”

“Photography and English, specifically Creative Writing.” She replied with a proud smile.

“Cool. So when you say creative writing do you mean writing stories and stuff?” he asked.

The pair talked for a long while about anything and everything, not really noticing anything else that was going on around them. They found themselves sat outside on one of the benches neither of them bothered that they had long come to the end of their beers.

“…there are so many different areas of specialities within photography that you can end up doing anything, but I want to try promotional stuff and publicity.” Matt nodded, listening intently to every word she was saying.

“You could travel the world with it too.” he replied.

“Yeah, that’s another upside.” She said with a smile. it was then she noticed that the cool spring air had created a light breeze that sent a small chill down her back.

“Cold?” Matt asked.

“Just a bit.” Matt moved himself closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

“I don’t know how much I’ll warm you up.” he stated as he gently pulled her into his large muscular chest. She giggled uncontrollably as she instantly felt her cheeks flush.

Her arms instinctively slid around his waist as she allowed her head to fall softly onto his chest.

“Better?” he asked in a murmur.

“Much thanks.” She said raising her head to look into his eyes. Those perfect hazel eyes that were staring back at her.

Their lips met in a soft kiss, Aly closing her eyes with a soft moan. Gently Matt reached his hand across placing it gently on her cheek, bringing her slightly closer to him. His tongue traced over her lower lip begging for access. She gave in easily, their tongues entwining in an increasing urgency.

She slipped backwards, lying down on the bench with Matt on top of her, his lips leaving hers and working their way down her neck as her hands slipped around the back of his head.

She felt his large hand slip under her top, her stomach flipping at the feeling of his finger tips on her bare skin. “Matt, wait…” she began breathlessly.

His head suddenly lifted, his eyes meeting hers once again. “This is a little uncomfortable, maybe we should go back to mine?” she suggested nervously biting her lower lip.

With only a nod he stood up, offering her his hand to help her up. he kept hold of her hand, lacing their fingers together as they walked quietly and quickly back to her dormitory.

Aly’s hand shook slightly as she fumbled with her key, distracted by the father light kisses Matt was placing on her bare shoulders as he stood behind her, his hands gripping her hips lightly.

Once on the other side of the door the keys fell to the floor as Matt turned her in his arms his lips quickly finding hers again. She moaned again, louder as he unzipped her top. They moved quickly towards her bed, both of them removing the other one’s clothes until Matt was lowering her onto the duvet with only their underwear remaining.

He climbed on top of her placing light kisses over her flat stomach, her back arching to meet his lips as moans escaped past her lips.

A small gasp left her mouth as she felt his index fingers slip under the material of her panties beside her hips. Slowly he began to pull the material away from her with kisses and teasing bites scattering her thighs. With her panties discarded to the floor Matt worked his way slowly back up her legs, slowing more as he approached the top of her thighs. His large hands slipped under her ass, lifting her slightly as his tongue flickered against her moist opening.

“Fuck.” She muttered her eyes rolling within her skull as her eyelids closed over them, her hands finding her bed sheets, twisting them as he sucked and licked her entrance and clit.

Too soon she could feel a familiar warmth wash over her body as she felt her walls tighten, holes almost appearing in her bed sheets as she gripped them tighter.

With a loud moan Aly came, her juices spilling over Matt who quickly ran his tongue over her, licking her clean, making her twitch and moan more. He then kissed his way back up her torso, his tongue slipping into her mouth allowing her to taste herself.

Matt adjusted himself between her legs and slowly guided himself into her, growling as she gripped his broad shoulders, her nails digging into his skin as she felt herself stretch for him. He began slowly at first, allowing her to adjust to him. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he began to thrust into her quicker, moans and groans filling the room.

“Fuck Matt, I’m close” she muttered as again she felt herself tighten around him, spurring him on so that his thrusts became frantic, pounding into her until she let out a scream of pleasure, spilling over him once more, the sensation causing him to pulsate within her with a growl.

He bowed his head into her neck, his slowing shallow breaths hot against her skin. “Fuck me that was amazing.” He murmured quietly earning a muttered reply.

He collapsed on the bed next to her, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her closer to him. “I think I’m going to have to visit my sister more often.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Aly, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write this for you, but I hope it was worth the wait :)
