Status: In Progress


Chapter One

** Jude **

Skin met the rogue silk covers willingly and lustfully.

Her hands delicately trailed along the back of his auburn hair, caressing it while her fingers danced and twisted through it. He felt a surge of energy pass through his system, making its way to his personal and visible areas. He grunted with satisfaction as he felt her multiple fingers graze through his hair, playing with it absentmindedly.

He mirrored her actions, only more elaborately, as his own rough fingers made their way to the back of her head. He grabbed her luminescent hair and squeezed it, exotically taking in its scent and captivating soft surface. His other hand deliberately trailed its way down the side of her torso, and finally, reaching her pronounced bottom. It was here, when his mind’s sexual adrenaline began coming to life, slowly taking over.

He growled against her lips, feeling them part open in shock at the disgruntled noise that erupted from his mouth.

“That’s it…” he groaned, grabbing her leg and guiding it to his waist. “That’s it sunshine...”

He felt her moan against his slightly parted mouth. He took back the hand that was once spreading greedily through her hair, and placed it securely around her waist. His conscience was screaming at him to hurry, to go further, but it was his body that remained responsive. The atmosphere in the room was exceedingly humid, not that either person had noticed. Her bed was silky, unbelievably smooth, and he detested it. It allowed his body to slip and slide often, refusing to let it take control and remain concrete.

Her skin reflected the surface feeling of the comforter, but this physical trait, didn’t seem to bother him as much. If anything, it made his hunger for her more elaborate, more alive. Her body moved slowly and sensitively under his, rubbing dexterously along his torso and legs.

Do it! Do it now!

Without further delay, he placed both his hands under her back, and vigorously pulled her against him. As if his mind completely had taken over, he pulled himself harshly into her, feeling her entire body move from the pressure. The oxytocin in his central nervous system seemed to explode with life. He pressed his nude body flatly against hers, and continued repeatedly slamming himself through her. At first, she seemed stunned, almost panic-stricken by his sudden superior actions, but as she adjusted to his rough movement, pleasure slowly began seeping through her.

“Yes,” she whispered against the cape of his perspired neck. “Oh Jude…”

He suddenly felt a prick of severe pain along his back. She had scratched him, mildly cut through his skin, and she didn’t even seem to notice. This insignificant action was all he needed to grow irritated. He growled callously above her, his dark eyes intensely studying her. Her eyes were closed in a blissful Utopia, not noticing his malicious stare.

“Oh, you just did it…,” he whispered through his teeth. “You hit the line, sunshine.”

At his sudden words, her eyes opened. As she took in his facial expression, a look of worry passed through her once pleasured features.

“W-What?” she asked, breathlessly.

“You scratched me!” he roared. “Stupid bitch, you are. Stupid bitch!”

Jude felt her body slowly freeze, ceasing movement against his completely. She placed her hands against his rising and falling chest, sensitively pushing his force off of her.

“I…didn’t mean to,” she said, her voice deep with confusion and fear.

“Like hell you did,” he growled, removing her hands from his chest and pinning them down sharply to each side. “No one hurts me. Understand?”

Her mouth remained unresponsive and agape. She seemed at loss for words, most-likely taken aback at his sudden and relentless change of nature. When she didn’t respond for a few seconds, he dug his nails into her arms.

She yelped.

“I asked you a question!”

Tears began surfacing around her icy irises. “I-I’m sorry…”

“That’s not an answer, sunshine.” He began growing more intolerant.

She closed her eyes tightly, allowing a few translucent tears to escape. “I understand.”

Jude’s harsh glare remained fixed on her helpless expression, and suddenly, he broke out into a grin. “That’s it! That’s the answer I was yearning for. Now…get up.”

He ripped himself out of her and leapt off the bed. Noticing she lay trembling and unmoving, Jude sighed deeply. Immediately, he slammed his hands onto the mattress.

“I said get up! Move!”

She sat up slowly, and curled her knees to her torso in a fetal position. It seemed at this moment, she was self-conscious of the fact that her body remained naked.

“I’m going to show you what happens…,” he breathed, drawing close to her tear-stained face, “to those who mess with my pride.”

** Silvia **

A deafening laugh erupted from her mouth before she could prevent it. She had to prevent herself from falling loosely onto the concrete floor beneath her. Her dark curls bounced actively around her now hunched-over shoulders. Tears rolled enthusiastically down her pallid cheek.

“Silvia,” he said monotonously. “This isn’t amusing.”

At his offended and ego-shattered voice, her laugh became more intricate and she finally found herself losing oxygen levels.

“Y-You…l-look…like a complete…t-tool!” she said, finding it extremely difficult to enunciate her words.

The sight in front of Silvia forced her to forget about any pessimistic thoughts, and made her explode with incredible humour. Her boyfriend stood miserably in front of her, his eyes annoyed yet slightly amused by her electric laughter. He stood tall and strong, yet his clothes didn’t seem to match his fitting appearance. His light-wash jeans were a dangerously short length, and his once white t-shirt, now appeared Tickle-Me-Pink, and five sizes too small for his athletic figure.

“I’ve noticed,” he said, his voice dropping an octave.

“You’ve either experienced a miraculous growth-spurt over night,” she said, hints of a giggle following her words. “Or, you have a sudden interest in children’s wear.”

“You’re a cruel woman,” he stated, crossing his arms. “These were the only clothes which weren’t stained from Football practice. And apparently, I can’t do laundry correctly.”

Silvia laughed at his depressed state, but approached him, placing her arms comfortingly on his shoulders. “I must say, the look suits you Evan.”

He frowned even deeper. Eventually, her good humour seemed to latch onto his gloomy mood, and he felt himself smile. “Any look suits me, my dear.”

“A little egotistical, are we Evan?” she said, her eyes reflecting enjoyment.

“You adore it,” he said.

“I may adore that confident attitude of yours,” she said, “but those clothes, I could do without.”

She smiled at him, and swiftly began walking away. Like a magnetic or frictional attachment, he followed her.

“In an insulting mood today, my lady?” Evan said, latching his arm around her shoulders.

She didn’t respond to his rhetorical question, but merely winked at him and turned her attention to the school in front of her. “I’m relieved it’s Friday.”

“I thought you liked school?” Evan said, in a mockingly shocked manner, his minty eyes slowly dilating. “What has the world come to, I dare say!”

Silvia chuckled at his sarcastic manner. “Surely an apocalypse. It’s not that I’m facing a dilemma with school this week, but I’m extremely excited for the weekend.”

Evan looked down at her. “Why so?”

“My parents are taking work off for once, and they’re planning on taking me out.”

“Where to?”

“Not sure,” Silvia said, shrugging her shoulders passively. “But I’m relieved they’re taking off work for once.”

Evan nodded and smiled at her. “I guess that means no gathering for us this weekend?”

Silvia snorted. “Gathering? Is that what you call it, darling?”

“Do not insult my formal vocabulary!” he exclaimed, feigning anger.

Silvia laughed. “No gathering for us this weekend, then. Truly sorry.”

“Yes, because you seem so emotionally wounded,” he replied sarcastically once again.

Silvia smiled sheepishly and placed her lips against his cheek. “You know it, darling.”

He stopped her suddenly and turned her gently towards him. Placing one of his hands on her face, he dipped his lips onto hers lightly. Silvia wasn’t shocked by his sudden movement; it was common for Evan to show her his love at random intervals throughout the day.

She placed her arms gracefully around his shoulders, standing on the soles of her feet so their faces were at good height. Their lips moved in innocent rhythm, taking in each other’s care and affection.

He pulled his lips away, though his face generally stayed close to hers. “I must say my lady, we have excellent chemistry.”

Silvia’s heart stammered and she pulled away swiftly. “Oh no!”

Evan looked at her, bewilderment and a hint of hurt lying in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“I forgot my chemistry textbook on my kitchen table!”

Evan chuckled. “Fear not my love! You can easily share with me.”

Silvia looked at him with a grateful expression. “Thank you, but I had very vital notes in that book. Notes regarding the test we have today. Shoot!”

“I find your inability to properly swear, amusing.”

“I have to go get it. I’ll simply go home and retrieve it,” Silvia said, finality in her voice. “The bell doesn’t ring for another 15 minutes anyway.”

“You’re fortunate that you live a block away,” Evan stated. “Want me to accompany you?”

Silvia adored his intricate way of speaking, how he used past formal words and phrases. Another one of his attributes that forced her to care deeply for him. “No thank you, good sir. It will only take a few moments.”

Evan mocked a frown, sadness painted onto his face. “Well, fine.”

She smiled and quickly kissed his smooth cheek, which had evidence of slowly-growing hair. “Until then, my love!”

She turned and began walking in the direction of her house, focused on retrieving the book fast enough so she wouldn’t be late for her first period class. She absolutely abhorred the idea of walking in late for Law. Her teacher would continually remind her of how ‘responsibility causes an orderly society.’

Law was one of her most favourite subjects. The detail it went into about the historical creation of government in Europe, and all the ancient and brutal punishments that followed a broken law. The thoughts of some made her mentally shiver.

She turned onto her isolated private street, named Berwick Drive. The suburban area in which she lived in welcomed her graciously. Bright green and freshly-cut lawns illuminated the entire street. The two-door garages which were placed in front of every house seemed to stare at her as she walked silently. She adored her minuscule town of Hamilton, which resided in large Canada.

She began fumbling in her school bag for her house keys, not paying attention to any approaching sounds. It was then, that a hand grabbed her by the arm.

Silvia shrieked. Her bag fell helplessly onto the concrete sidewalk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you enjoyed it, lovelies.
Chapter two will be up shortly.
Comments and criticsm are welcome.