Status: My first story Yay!

Twisted Triangle

Twisted Triangle Chapter 1

Terra sat up in her bed feeling wet, she looked down and saw her gray tank top was sticking to her, and she was covered in sweat. She put her hand on her brow and sank back into her bed.

She had the dream again. The one she always has. The one she can’t seem to forget. She turned her head to side to look at her bed side table. In bright red lights the numbers 3:00 were showing. She knew she wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep, so she pulled back the covers and stepped onto the cold wooden floors of her room. She gently padded across the room and to her door. Stepping into the hallway, careful not to wake her mother; even though she was pretty sure her mother wouldn’t care if she was passed out in front of her door.
As she passed her fathers old office she got that pit of the stomach feeling she always got when she thought of her father. Terra had realized that shortly after her father’s death her problems started.


He had been attacked about 3 months ago. He had been missing for three days and terra and her mom had started to worry. They had called the police, and since their house was planted on the north side of the woods the police had decided to look there first.
They had organized a search party, so while her mother and the others set off into the woods she stayed home. The woods behind her house had always scared her. When ever she looked at the almost dead, tired, old wood she got an eerie feeling of sadness and loneliness. They always seemed so sad, as if they were longing for the sun to touch them and fill their bare branches with colorful leaves.
Even though she knew her father could be out there dying in those woods she couldn’t get over the almost mist like voice telling her to stay in the house safe away from danger.
The police had come back just around 1:00, so the sun was beginning to set. As she watched the groups emerge from the woods her hope fell. She watched the silent group come out of the woods each taking their turn to say something to my mother, who had tears running down her face. On everyone wore a grave expression. The last to come out were to police officers caring a black tarp like bag. I didn’t need anyone to tell me what it contained.
Terra busted though the door almost ripping it off it hinges. She couldn’t stop her own tears as she slowly made her way towards her mother, who gently put a comforting arm around her daughter. With slight wistfulness Terra imagined her father walk through the woods unharmed and grabbing her in a tight hug. Though as she watched the police unzip the bag she knew her father wasn’t coming back and was long gone, she knew with a strange certainty she didn’t have a father anymore.
When the police had finished the investigation it was ruled out as a wolf attack. There was no other way to explain the long gashes that ran up and down his arms and torso. No other explanation besides wolf attack…right?

I had to stop thinking like that; there is nothing inhuman livings in the forest, the police were right it was an animal attack nothing more.
Though realizing I was still froze in the doorway of my father’s office staring absentmindedly at the photo of me and my parents. Thinking about how so much change was brought with my father’s death, shortly after the funeral my mother’s alcohol dependency began. When my father had been living my mother would never be seen with a drink. I knew that with loss came change, though I hoped this change wouldn’t stay.
Shaking my head of the thoughts about my father’s death and my mother’s alcohol problems, I made my way down the steps and into the living room. Sitting down on the soft green couch, I allowed myself to think about the dream. It was actually a memory I had tried to burry because thinking about it pulled at my heart. The memory was of the last time I saw James, the last few minutes I had of him before he was pulled away from me.

James, if someone had asked me about him 2yrs. ago I wouldn’t have been able to hold back my smile though at this very moment if you asked me about him I wouldn’t be able to hold back my tears.
James had been my best friend since I was 5. We had met through our grandfathers who were both apart of the consuls that controlled the woods that surrounded the small town of Trent. I always remembered that with the other kids around the community he had an unspoken leadership. When they would tease me about how different my appearance was then theirs; my blue green eyes and dark hair held defiant contrast to their brown or gray eyes and light color hair, James would tell them to stop and almost immediately they would fall silent.
He would always be my best friend the person I could trust. The only on I would cry to and not feel at all embarrassed. James’ every feature was friendly; his soft gold but almost hazel eyes were caring. His hair was as wild as he was, the color was what people said had to be dyed from a bottle. The most of it was black though there were bright streaks of red, brown and white. Normally this combination would be strange though on anyone else, but it worked on James. Everything worked for James. He was always so calm and laughing. The only time I had seen fear or anger in his eyes was the last day I say him about to years ago.

(Ok so this is going to be written in James and Terra’s point of view so you know how they both felt)
It was a little over a weak after James 16th birthday and Terra’s 15th. They were going to see there grandfathers. On the way they were laughing and smiling as always.

Terra’s P.O.V

As we drove into the gravel driveway of my grandfather’s house I couldn’t wait, every time I saw him I felt as though I had no problems. I cast a sidelong glance at James and was surprised by what I saw. As soon as he had sniffed the air he stiffened. The his golden brown eyes held anger but at the same time worry and regret. At first I had no Idea whether to run out of the car or to try to comfort him. So instead I bluntly said,
“What’s wrong? As soon as we drove in you got this look on your face I’d never seen before.”

James’ P.O.V

I looked into Terra’s blue green eyes and wondering how she always knew when my mood changed. For a moment I just stared at her noting how much she changed over the years.
When I usually thought of Terra I remembered the chubby faced little girl with mud on her cloths. Though now as I gazed down at her I realized how much older she had gotten. Her jet black hair was shining and cascaded down her shoulders like a veil.
All her features pulled together to form a natural beauty. I realized that I still hadn't answered her question yet. I was frozen in place; I couldn't move I wanted to stay frozen in this moment forever. Just here with my best friend who I hoped could one day be more. If I answered her question I would be making what was happening real. I knew what was waiting but I had to see, to know how I felt before we were torn apart.
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My first chapter in my first story on mibba! Junping up and down as I type. =)