Status: My first story Yay!

Twisted Triangle

Twisted Triangle Chapter 2

James had begun to slowly inch towards me. I had an idea of what he was about to do, I had thought about it happening before. Though I had always thought he didn’t feel that way about me. My thoughts came to a halt when I felt James’s blissfully warm lips touch mine. The kiss started off hesitant, though it became more passionate. It was wild and full of love, the kiss was almost overwhelming though I didn’t want it to stop.

James’s P.O.V

I knew that I was taking a chance by kissing Terra. I had always wondered what it would feel like to kiss her though never took the chance.
Over the past month I had started to feel things towards her I never felt in my life. Every time I looked into those sea green eyes and saw sadness I felt as though someone had punched me. I couldn’t stand to see her when she had such unhappiness.
Sometimes it was hard for me not to reach out and grab her hand in an effort to comfort her. Though the kiss was more intense than any touch we shared. It was full of passion and fire. When compared to other kisses they were boring and bland. I wanted to do so much more than share 1 long kiss but I knew what had to happen, so I made the best of it.
Putting my hand on the small of her back I felt her body arch into mine in response. Her gentle hands were tangled in my hair, when I finally pulled away. My brain was buzzing with what this meant; I would have to tell her the truth, feeling like a coward I realized I couldn’t tell her not now not after this. I needed time I didn’t have. I did the only thing I could without breaking my heart or hers I pulled her to me and breathed in her scent.
Terra had a unique scent of honey sickle and the first fall leaves. I knew her scent was impossible to forgot, though keeping her close for these few extra minutes was the only thing that mattered. Especially if what I smelled when we drove into the graveled driveway was right we wouldn’t be together for 2 years.

Terra’s P.O.V

My body was pressed against James’ and I could hear him taking in my scent. I had always wondered why he did that, all he would be able to smell was my shampoo. Letting my mind wondered I questioned the sudden act of affection. Yes, I and James had always been close though never in a romantic way. So, why now? Though, I pushed those thoughts aside. To my displeasure James’ had begun to let go, we slowly got out of the car both seeming lost in our own thoughts.
There was a slight uncomfortable silence between us. I glanced at James and for the 2nd time today his facial expression confused me. He looked unsure almost frightened. We had reached the porch and I was searching for a reason; Was it the kiss? I hadn’t kissed many guys before, though I don’t think my kissing was bad enough to make his face go pale.
Pushing away that crazy thought I focused on seeing my grandfather. I hadn’t seen my grandfather in awhile. Yes, the kiss had been distracting but I had to focus. My grandfather had always had away of knowing when something was wrong with me. And with this certain topic I didn’t want to share.
So as we made our way up the steps my face gave away none of the emotions that were swirling inside my head. Pushing open the double door we made our way into the dimly lit foyer of my grandfather’s house. I had grown up in this house playing on its tired wood floors. In this house with its earth toned decorations and few wolf carved statues I had always felt safe and welcomed. Though as we made our way toward my grandfather’s office I felt unsafe and the mist like voice that had told me not to go in the woods the day of my father’s death came back for the first time.
With distinct words it whispered “Don’t do through the door it may change you life” Though for the first time their was another voice that seemed to be arguing with the mist like voice. Though this voice was male and sharper almost, the tone of the voice should have scared her though, Terra felt drawn to the sharper voice who said, “Yes, it may change your life though it will bring you towards what you’re meant to become” The mist like voice didn’t give in “Though the one you love most will be taken from you” The sharper voice responded “In time you will be brought back together, Terra, please listen”
That was the last she heard, snapping back into reality she realized James was tightly holding her hand and taking light breaths and big sniffs. Terra had no idea why he was sniffing the air or the strange feeling that was washing over her.
The only reasonable answer was insanity. She was hearing two voices arguing about thing she had no idea about. Arguing about her future, how could she explain this and keep some part of her sanity? Suddenly there was a crash that came from behind the 2 great Oak doors of her grandfather’s office.
James P.O.V.

There was a crash and a growl that came from behind Terra's grandfathers office doors. I knew what was going to come next. I had known since that day my parent sat me down and told me what I really was.

They had told me about how me and Terra's family were the mostpowerfulof our kind. They told me about the 2yr process males in our family had to undergo from the age 16 to 18 in order to control our powers. I hadimmediatelydisagreedwith the 2yr part.

Though my parent told me because the power our family held had atendencyto overpower us which meant the younger ones could hurt the people they were close to without proper training.

Though to top of the pile of bad new I had gotten since I found out about my family was; Terra had no idea about any of this, even though it involved her greatly, she wouldn't know till around her 17th birthday.

I a couple minutesearlierI had made the decision it was probably better that way, even though the better side of me was screaming how wrong it was.

The only thing I was dreading even more was thecertaintythat as soon as we walked through those doors the clock started on those 2 years.

Terra's P.O.V

I had pushed open the oak doors to my grandfatheroffice tosee what thenoisewas. My grandfather was facing Jame's grandfather along with a man I at first didn't reconize.

My grandfather looked distressed and sad, Jame's grandfather waseyingme with a grave look, and the man was looking at me as if to remember where we had met before.

After aawkwardsilence the man said " James, I'm so sorry but times up." I looked up at the manrealizingit was Jame's father. Menor James had seen him for ten years, no wonder we didn'trecognizeeach other.

When Jame's father leftJame's was heartbroken. He had cried for nights.

Though now I turned to look at Jame's, hopping for an explanation, his eyes were glistening anthelook in them told me hehadnochoice.

As I watched stunned, Jame's father and grandfather made their way over toward a silent James. Hegently pushed him through the door whispering something I couldn't hear. I was froze in place, my best friend had kissed me then left without a word ofexplanation or a simple goodbye.

When I heard a car door slam I was yanked out of mytrance, I made my way toward the front door.

Though my grandfathergrabbedmy arm and said, " You must let him go Terra, I'm so sorry but you- "

I didn't stay toheartherest, right now I didn't need any wise words I neededanswers. I reached the door and ripped it open only to be greeted by the lightpoundingofrain.

I shut the door and turned around only to come face to face with my grandfather (I had no idea how he got their so fast though I was way to upset to ask.)

"What was that?!" I yelled feeling the warm tears start to slide down my face.

Though mygrandfather'sanswer held no comfort " I so sorry, little wolf, but Jame's has to tell you when the time is right."

I pulled away from him giving him a hard stare as if to say ,"can't you see how much i'm breaking inside?". Moving past him I grabbed the keys to his old pickup, opened the door and ran towards the truck.

As I started up the truck and backed out of the driveway I payed noattentionto my grandfather telling me to come back. I didn't care if I was under the legal age limit for driving I needed to get out now.

I drove around aimlessly trying to forget everything, though I knew their was no way offorgettingsome memories can't beforgotten.I had lost my best friend and knew I wasn't getting him back anytime soon.

That'swhenI heard the noise. Snapping out of my thoughts I looked out the window to see of truck full of obviouslydrunkteenagers heading my way.

I tried to dodge the car put the steering wheel was stuck.

The next thing I knew I was waking up in a hospital bed. The policehadcome around a few times to tell me I was in an accident with a group of drunken teenagers, duh i already knew that. Some help they were they couldn't ask the questions that were important.

Only half listening to my consequences of underage driving I let my thought drift towards James. With a sudden urge I wish I was still unconscious then I wouldn't feel the pain that was threating to explode in side me.
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WHOO-HOO! finally got the next chapter. Yeah I know its kinda boring right now though it will get better. And sorry bout all the flashbacks it was an easy way to give back round info.Heres a song fot the chapter
