Left You To Die

Ich weiß.

beep beep beep

I rolled over and searched for the snooze button on my alarm clock that read 5:30 am, which was rather difficult since my hand was completely numb and I couldn't feel the buttons under my fingers. After a minute of not finding the button I gave up and just unplug the damn clock.

"What now?" I yelled while throwing my hands in victory towards the clock that now fell silent. I guess that it helped with packing that I had to unplug it today. I would be leaving in five hours for the airport, since the plane for Berlin takes off at noon, 

"Sophie? What are you doing in there?" my mom groaned, probably because I had awoken her. 

"Nothing." I said opening my bedroom door, to see my sleepy mother standing outside the door, "Mom, go back to bed."

"I was planning on it." she responded after turning around and walking back to her room. This was a routine pretty much, I'd wake up then a few hours later mother wakes up. That sounds irresponsible and it kind of was. But it's not that she's a bad parent, she just hasn't really picked herself up after dad died.

Last time I saw my dad, he was at the airport leaving for America to visit Pappy, his dad. But mom didn't want us to go. She said that it wasn't a good time to travel since I had school. So he went alone. Two days later we got a call from Pap saying that Dad was shot. They still dont know who did it but it broke Mom's heart. She keeps to herself now. And I'm surprised she's even going to Germany, she doesn't usually let Grandmama and I get our way.

I walked into the living room, where Grandmama was sitting in the recliner, "Is your mother getting up soon?" she asked probably because she heard me and Mom talking. 

"Who knows? But knowing her she'll probably sleep for a few more hours." I answered. 

"She is in pain still. Robert was the love of her life." she defended my Mom. 

"I know. But he was my dad and I'm still in pain but I don't mope around all day. It's like she isn't even here most the time."

"Ich weiß." she agreed, "Just let her grieve at her own pace." I just nodded an gave her a hug. 

"Have you had breakfast, yet?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen. 

"No." Grandmama answered. 

"Do you want anything?" I offered. 

"I'll come make it." she said then got up from her seat and headed towards the kitchen. 


"What did you have for breakfast?" Mom asked as she walked in the kitchen where Grandmama and I sat at the island. 

"Cereal." I answered while looking down at my bowl which held the left over pinkish milk from my cereal, "Do you want my milk?" I asked Mom, she is always the one who drinks the milk for me since I find milk disgusting. 

"Sure." she replied as I handed her my bowl. I looked at my cell phone that was laying by my hand on the island, it read 8:42. My face dropped and Grandmama noticed it. 

"Are you still fretting about this?" she asked. 

"Ofcourse I am." I answered. 

"You will be fine. Now stop complaining. I'm tired of here about this." my mom declared. 

"Well I'm tired of you acting like your the child. Why don't you stop moping around like a sick puppy?" I was getting angrier with every word I spat out. 

"What is your problem?" she asked shocked. 

"You." I yelled then walked out of my front door.                          
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Do you like this story? Because if you don't then I don't want to keep writing it. I mean I have a plot for it and I like it. But I don't want to be writing a story for myself.
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